Sunday, May 11, 2014

Day 4, Eugene-47 miles

Leaving Mike and Brandy Schuyler for Eugene this morning was tough. I was walking away from two experienced adventure cyclists and I didn't get but a taste of the information that was available to me from them. However brief our time together, I did take away some valuable insight and gained from having the opportunity to meet two very fine people.

Mike helped me spray down the bike in his driveway. It took a beating in the rain and wind soaked days before and grunge was everywhere. I was given directions out of town and rolled on out to my next destination, a flat, short 45 ride to Eugene. My legs were not very pleased with my decision to go long the day previous and they made it clear early on the today would be an active recovery day(read slow!)

I followed a beautiful flowing river for a good portion of the morning. It seemed a little strange because I was going south and the river was flowing north. Picture that Sac town folk! I kept the ponies in the stable(translation....I did not utilyze my large muscle groups to drive the pedals...more on that as the trip progresses..) for the entire ride because the ensuing days would present some challenges that would require the use of the aforementioned ponies.

I stopped in a small hamlet called Harrisburg for my daily dosage of lunch fat. I settled on what looked like the only diner in town and from the looks of the crowd inside I was probably right. Everyone knew each other judging from the conversation flow and I must have looked like a Gong reject when I walked in and sat down. Another stacked burger and fries found their way into my belly and it was great!
I just have the one.....

A couple next to me asked where I was headed. After I told them my route, the male half quipped, "well then you better leave your nuclear weapons here!" There was some chortles around the nearby booths and I laughed without the slightest idea of what he was talking about. I soon found out.

After lunch was a relatively easy 20 miles into Coburg and then a quick jaunt in Eugene to find a hotel for the night. A couple miles outside of Coburg I inadvertently cycled right into a metric century fund raiser ride that was going the same direction. About twenty jersey wearing cyclists surrounded me and we engaged in a few minutes of casual info exchange. One of them told me the best way to Enter Eugene to find lodging and his advice was spot on for my needs.

I located one of Tom Bodette's establishments and booked a cell, I mean room. Mr. Bodette leaves the light on for a good reason in this part of Eugene. I found a tap house close by and caressed a couple of Heffies while annihilating a plate full of meatloaf and mashed potatoes. My legs were still whining about overuse, so I called it an early night and drifted off to the sounds of car engines, drunk homey's and woman who have no inside voice.

Tomorrow I begin my trek into the Cascades and, weather permitting, my first night of camping. Today's weather was great and the forecast looks even better. Ciao.

looked like the only

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