Had a few cocktails with some buddies the other night and enjoyed a series of spirited conversations about the usual guy stuff. After we all agreed yet again that there is just no figuring out woman, we realized that we needed to address an issue of serious concern for all of us during this challenging time; a topic of interest and discussion currently dominating water cooler gatherings, coffee house chatter and the blogosphere. How can we legally donate more money to the Obama Presidential Campaign?
Before I could even throw out my cool bake sale idea, my poetry reading buddy Fletcher leaned across the table and said, “Guys! Where have you been? Didn’t you watch network news last night? The Obama re-election campaign has launched the coolest fund raising effort yet! It’s called, “the Obama Event Registry!”
Yes indeed friends, you heard correctly. It is real and it is pathetic, even for the emperor. The Obama Event Registry shamelessly asks that couples who are getting married forego gifts and money and donate it all instead to help the president get re-elected! They also want your anniversary and birthday money to! This would be hysterical if it weren’t so sad and so true. You can now request that your wedding, birthday or anniversary party guests register with Obama 2012 and ask for a donation to his campaign fund in lieu of a gift. Progressive nirvana here I come! Newly married young couples can now give all their money to the president instead of wasting it on creating a savings account, a down payment on a house or paying off the wedding expenses. It’s the president’s audacity of self love. But let’s be fair for a moment and look at it from his perspective.
There are only so many movie stars in Hollywood and he has basically drained that well.
Most of his aggrieved unemployed constituents that will be bussed to the polls this November are penniless and if they did have any money to give him they would most likely spend it on meth or crack first.
Romney is now raising more money then the emperor, which is a clear sign that his big money donors have lost faith in his abilities to further their special interests.
His war on woman only garnered support from those who are government dependant Fluke impersonators. The majority of educated, self made, hard working woman with money wouldn’t give him a nickel. They didn’t like being treated like they were disabled and helpless without his love and care.
His big union buddies are starting to wonder if they are investing their PAC funds wisely now, especially after the whoopin they took recently in Wisconsin .
It looks like an act of desperation by the emperor…………and pretty cheesy.
By now most of you have seen the video of Karen Klein, the 68 year old grandmother and bus monitor who was bullied beyond belief by a bunch of 12 and 13 year old pukes. It made my stomach turn.
These little sons of bitches tormented a sweet unassuming humble lady, bringing her to tears as she sat there on the school bus and tolerated unforgivable and disgusting verbal cruelty and it took a video of the actual incident going viral to bring this hideous situation to the school districts attention! If these scumbag miscreants had sadistically berated a black lady, Al Sharpton would have chartered a space shuttle and shot himself into the situation, screaming racism, Jim Crow laws and slavery. If Karen Klein had been a lesbian activist, you bet Gloria Allred would have pulled a muscle running over to “represent” Miss Klein and her interests. Alas, Karen Klein is white and hetero, so I guess we don’t need to mobilize the occupy movement or the New Black Panther Party, or the California legislature for a march, a riot or a new law, or all three.
The part of this episode that infuriates me to no end is why Miss Klein didn’t at some point stand up, walk over to one of the little skinny shit bags and beat the living crap out of him. I guarantee that would have put an end to it immediately. Getting your ass kicked by an old lady is hard to explain to your buddies. Its frustrating because we all know had Miss Klein taken some initiative and meted out some corporal ass kickin corrective action, one of the little punks would have called mommy and daddy, who would have called an attorney, who would have called Gloria Allred so she could represent the “poor innocent Skittles eating kids” interests. The cowardly school district would have folded like a cheap tent, fired Miss Klein and then offered to better “train” future school bus monitors. Its gut wrenching to watch how our culture works anymore.
And who was driving the bus? Why didn’t he pull over and open a can of behavior adjustment? Who just sits there and lets this kind of thing happen without acting? Someone who wants to keep his job I assume. He most certainly knew that these little kids were protected by liberal school policies which makes then impervious to discipline. Nobody wants to risk losing their job because they know they will getzero support from their administration and face potential civil suits from the jackals that prey on situations like this. What you end up with is 12 year old feral hogs and the self righteous parents who spawned them.
What makes a group of 12 years olds behave like this? They called her “Fat B-tch” several times and said they would like to urinate and defecate on her. They said they wanted to stab her! They physically hit her several times!
Maybe we need special classrooms for kids who do such things. I know some former Marine drill sergeants who would be willing to spend some quality time with these cute little pieces of garbage. Do you think the emperor called her to see if she was doing ok? I mean considering he called Sandra fluke to see how she was doing after getting called a mean name by Rush Limbaugh.
This has to stop sometime. Our educational system is in ruins thanks in large part to liberal policies, lawyers and weak union controlled administrations. We all have a story about a frustrating experiences dealing with unresponsive school administrators. For all intents and purposes it may be to late already. How can we possibly get back to basics and turn this downward free fall around when we allow a 68 year old lady to be tortured by pre pubescent predators?
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