The emperor attended a fundraiser at the home of Hollywood actor George Clooney a few days ago and left with a tidy 15 million dollars in campaign funds. The Hollywood elite are loyal subjects of the emperor and were honored to have the opportunity to pay $40,000 for a plate of food and a chance to hear the emperor speak. The emperor is a phony Messiah and Hollywood loves phonies because Hollywood by definition is phony. Everything about the place and everything it produces is made up. This explains why most of the movies that come out of that pit full of stunted high school hold backs are liberal indoctrinating promo pieces of occupy leavings.
So you can imagine how shocked I have been recently after watching two new movie releases that seem to provide frighteningly similar parallels to our emperor’s current Orwellian agenda to create a dystopian world and how really bad things can get when tyranny and oppressive government control are the order of the day. Hollywood has done a magnificent job showcasing the very scenarios that freedom loving traditionally valued Americans have been warning others about since the emperor assumed the throne. I am talking of course about The Hunger Games and the Avengers.
In The Hunger Games, the world has become a government controlled nanny state where every aspect of your existence is regulated. Citizens are force to live in communist type fenced in zones and are not allowed outside the boundaries as designed and established by “Big brother.” Everyone gets the same “fair” portion of food and they all enjoy the opportunity to starve together. The young heroes that are selected by the government in a lottery style drawing are literally trying to survive the “death panel” competition created to entertain a bunch of wealthy and protected government supporters. All I could see when I watch these entitled, elite, disconnected people play with other lives for fun was the vacuous and superficial collection of every single demographic group that supports the emperor and it was all I could do not to stand straight up in the theatre and yell out, “Does this look at all familiar to anybody!” It would be funny if it wasn’t so scary. I left the theater thinking this can’t be good for the emperor and his, “I am superior to you so I will do make all your decisions for you” government image. Just when I figured the emperor would watch the movie and then send Eric Holder in to sue the movie industry for terrorist activities, I went back to the movies and watched one that was ten times worse! Or better, depending on your outlook!
The Avengers is a story about freedom defending Superheroes that have united to defeat and stop the totalitarian, oppressive control freak Loki from subjugating the whole human race. The similarities between the emperor and Loki is horrifyingly spooky and I was once again inclined to stand up inside a semi-crowded theater have me a good old fashion meltdown. Just like Barry, the despot in training Loki is in love with himself and is very fond of giving speeches. They both coincidentally use Germany as a reference for their Marxists viewpoints. Funny huh? It gets downright unbelievable from there.
Loki forcibly gathers up a few hundred theater goers into a public square and demands they kneel before him. One older man refuses and Loki blasts him into vapor with his scepter thingy (I think I saw Eric Holder carrying one around). The rest have the privilege of listening to Loki give a speech that I can only hope becomes the most repeated and quoted movie speech in Hollywood this year and all through out the 2012 presidential political campaign. It is the emperor and his mentor Saul Alinsky channeling though Loki.
Loki is standing over the frightened and confused crowd who are kneeling before him, in similar fashion to Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid during a presidential speech. Loki then proceeds;
“I come to you with glad tidings of a world made free-from freedom. Freedom is life’s great lie. The bright lure of freedom diminishes your life’s joy in a mad scramble for power, for identity. Is this not simpler? Is this not your natural state? It is the unspoken truth of humanity: that you crave subjugation. You were made to be ruled. In the end….you will always kneel.”
The emperor and his true feelings all right there in a Hollywood script that illustrate his liberty destroying agenda. Thank you Hollywood !
As if that is not enough, the movie also illustrates how Loki, like the emperor was simply handed his power and did nothing to earn it. And as such, they both share a lack of respect for their power and become indignant and petty when challenged on it. Their tyrannical quest for ultimate power exposes their insecurities and in the end causes their demise. OOOPPPSS! I mean just Loki for the time being!
Loki seeks to cause internal division and conflict among the superheroes, who come from significantly diverse origins. He knows he can succeed only when there is no unity among them. But his plan backfires. It is hard not to see the similarities with the emperor as he seeks to divide the country by race, religion gender and economic status. He too knows he can only succeed as long we are not united.Will his plan backfire to?
The Avengers, like all good super hero movies, illustrates what can be accomplised when good people are pushed too far and decide to push back. It could not have come at a better time. Everyone who still has faith that this country can overcome our current situation should take their whole family and watch it together. Grab a couple of liberals by their ponytails and take them too but be careful, they may spontaneously ignite and call you a name.
By making The Hunger Games and The Avengers, Hollywood has successfully and possibly inadvertently lifted the curtain to reveal a truth that the left would prefer to keep hidden. And that truth can be found on
Pennsylvania Avenue. If you go see the Avengers, look at Captain America and tell me thats not Tim Tebow in a costume! .
Pennsylvania Avenue. If you go see the Avengers, look at Captain America and tell me thats not Tim Tebow in a costume!
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