Sunday, May 20, 2012


So many institutions of higher learning in this country have devolved into centers of political activism and leftist indoctrination. Anyone with their eyeballs screwed in straight see it as an alarming and problematic trend. The quality of education has suffered tremendously and the content of college curriculum has transformed into a seemingly infinite number of the politically motivated “soft sciences”. Thousands of college graduates are receiving their diplomas with little hope of finding quality and rewarding jobs primarily because their degrees are worthless. This may sound harsh and negative but it is real. A degree in the “Studies of Social Injustice” qualifies one for a career in either the food service industry or hotel room maintenance. If those don’t pan out, it’s off to the occupy movement with you. Liberal progressives are seemingly incapable of feeling shame or being accountable for their words or deeds. Yesterday I experienced a mega dose of progressive liberal misconduct so insidious that it left me shocked, saddened and sincerely concerned for the future of this country.

I attended my daughter’s graduation ceremony at a university in San Francisco. Over seven thousand students took their place of honor on the stadium infield to receive their due for years of hard work and sacrifice. It was their time to be seen, to be applauded and to be the center of attention to the twenty thousand odd parents and family members in attendance. Flowered Leis adorned the graduates, festive balloons and flower arrangements dotted the bleachers to create a beautiful backdrop for the students. It was their day and like my daughter, they all deserved it. Only they never received it. You see, last Saturday, May 19th, 2012, seven thousand young men and woman, sitting in the sun on plastic chairs, wearing non breathable caps and gowns were completely ignored by the administration of the very college they were graduating from. They were treated as an afterthought, as a distraction and as pawns. Their graduation day turned into a parade of shameless and disgraceful liberal progressive indoctrination speeches. It was without a doubt the most disgusting act of misconduct and egregious self loving narcissism I have ever in my life witnessed. The administration at San Francisco State University owes an apology to the students, the audience and the human race for their sickening behavior.

It started with the president of the university standing at the podium declaring SF State the most progressive and diverse school in the country. He then jumped right into a lengthy diatribe about social justice and shared values. (He would go on to use the phrase, “social justice” over ten times throughout the event. The president touted their sanctuary city status, their love of illegal immigrants and their gratitude to the nation’s first black president for giving them universal healthcare. He counted off a long list of the schools new progressive studies curriculum and how positively bitchin he and the liberal staff at SF State seemed to be. I never saw him look at the students once. He had an agenda for this day and it didn’t appear that graduation ceremonies were going to be a part of it. Then came the awards…..Oh my God how liberal’s love to give themselves awards!

The first two awards were the “Presidents Award”. The first recipient was a Pilipino illegal immigrant graduate who got a job at an east coast newspaper and did an award winning coverage of the Virginia Tech massacre by going on Face book. This young man stood up and gave a twenty minute immigration speech for all those anti immigrant hater peoples. The school president followed by reminding us that illegal immigrants are always welcome in SF as well as SF State. The graduates stared straight ahead.

The second  recipient was another alum who was receiving her award  in honor of her Master’s program work which entailed documenting the fact that Sudanese tribe woman don’t get as good a preventative breast exam as woman in the United States. This Hispanic immigrant was able to discover that we have better health care then they do. Give her a medal! The president followed that we should all feel bad. The students continued to stare.

An African American alum and current professor got an award for Africana Studies. A Russian immigrant received an award for creating an investment group. Several other administrators received awards for countless other irrelevant social justice type activities. Nobody seemed to notice the 7,000 students sitting in front of them. Every award winner was announced by their race.

Then came San Francisco Major Ed Lee. The president introduced the Major by race first and then as being proudly progressive even before it became cool! The mayor took the podium and unleashed the most boring, liberal love me speech in the history of boring liberal love me speeches. He never referred to the students; he never encouraged the students; he fervently attempted to indoctrinate the students. I expected him to produce one of those “Men in Black” De-Neuralizers and zap everyone into Marxist zombies. It became embarrassing.

Two hours of liberal narcissism took its toll however; Students began leaving their chairs and walking out right in front of the Mayor and twenty thousand spectators to go to the bathroom or make phone calls. They were bored and not surprisingly, pissed off. Spectators, who foolishly came from all over the country to see a graduation ceremony started leaving the stadium by the hundreds. Mayor Lee was still droning on about ethnic pride or some odd bull shit but nobody was listening anymore. The spectators who stuck it out in hopes that they may see their son or daughter graduate began socializing with each others in the stadium bleachers.  The whole scene was terrible. I had witnessed selfish, arrogant liberal behavior before but this was inexcusable and embarrassing. I felt terrible for these kids. They were being robbed of their special day by the sickening conduct of the liberal elite egotists.

By the time the administrators were done giving each other awards and declaring themselves the most diverse, by the time the speeches by Loki wannabes had finished, nobody cared. When they actually did start the commencement, half the crowd had left. They ran the students through five different lines, never acknowledged any of them by name and threw them out of the stadium immediately. I sat for three and half hours on a wooden plank, in a suit and tie and when all was said and done, I never got to see my daughter receive her “diploma”. I was too far away and they rushed them through like cattle.

Not once during the three and half hour ordeal did anyone ever so much as utter the words, “United States”. Nobody ever encouraged the graduating class to find their way into the social fabric of this country. Nobody ever suggested hard work and sacrifice. As a matter of fact nobody ever directly addressed the students at all. What I heard about was race, race, race, tolerance, tolerance, tolerance, diversity, diversity, diversity. The funny thing was, they managed to “diversify” any and all white males or females right off the stage. Not one Caucasian of either sex was acknowledged for any reason while several thousand of them sat ignored, bored and furious just feet in front of the stage. Diversity is a heckuva thing to progressives.

I dared to consider that this very thing could be happening on college campuses throughout the country and it scared me. I tried convincing myself that this was simply the state of things in San Francisco but I could not be sure. I was proud of my daughter and what she accomplished. She is a bright, articulate, driven person and I have no doubt she will succeed. Leftist progressive narcissists will not change that and they could not ruin our day. We had a good laugh about it afterward (she knows her dad!) and enjoyed pictures and a wonderful dinner. Two down…one to go.

I don’t know what is going to come of this country in the next fifty years. When the people who call themselves the academic elite behave as they did yesterday, there is cause for concern. When the Communist Party began holding meetings during the fifties and sixties to plot a course for the overthrow of democracy in the United States, one of their primary goals, among several others, was to take over the academic institutions. They knew control of the institutions of education was vital for transforming this country over a sixty to hundred year period. They get an A for effort.

******** Out of respect for my daughter I sought and received her permission to write this blog. I would not have otherwise. I actually sent her a text about it during the event while Mayor Lee was slobbering communist drool all over the microphone. As usual, she was way ahead of me and had already figured I was doing back flips in the bleachers! Congratulations honey! *******************

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