I watched a nature special some time ago about exotic animals around the world. Its one of the very few things I can watch on the television anymore since programming for idiots became the default market. One particular segment of this special documented and expertly illustrated the hunting technique used by a large lizard, either a Monitor or a Kimoto Dragon. This lizard, all of three feet long, 12 inches high, dripping with snot and ugly beyond my descriptive capacity, hunted 2000 pound Bison type animals, and more often then not succeeded. You may be saying, “but Mike……there’s no friggin way. A lizard would not stand a chance to take down such a huge, powerful animal like that. Can’t be done. A lizard would be no match for such a behemoth. That’s just crazy talk and you need counseling.”
Well setting aside the obvious for a moment, you are in a manner of speaking correct, the lizard of course is no match for a one ton horned menace like a Bison, but the lizard doesn’t need strength and it doesn’t need size. The lizard only needs patience. When this lizard finds his prey, he casually waddles up to the huge hoofed monster and bites him in the ankle. The Bison, who pays no attention to this insignificant sack of buggers and bones is mildly annoyed at best and flicks the lizard away as if he is shivering a fly of his mane. What the Bison doesn’t know is the lizard injected a powerful neurotoxin into the Bison when he bit him. The toxin takes two weeks to fully take effect at which time the once powerful animal kneels to the ground and eventually falls over on its side, paralyzed and helpless. The lizard follows the Bison around for the entire two weeks, looking for signs of weakness and waiting for the inevitable time when he can casually approach the Bison again and eat him. Are you feeling dizzy?
The United States of America is being followed around by a lizard. The extremely small percentage of the progressive liberal population that seeks to destroy this great republic and the majority of freedom loving, hard working, God fearing, honest people have bitten us in the ankle and are now just waiting for the toxins to take effect. And make no mistake about it…their toxin is powerful. Europe was bitten by this lizard many years ago and it is now kneeling and about to fall over.
Jennifer Braly is a guy with a penis who attends the University of Arkansas and desperately wants to go “potty” with girls. He wants to use the woman’s bathrooms. He is 38 years old. Jennifer changed his name but not his sex because he has described himself as having, “Gender Identity Disorder”. College girls, who don’t usually expect someone to pull out a penis in the woman’s bathroom, have complained because Jennifer threatened to sue the university and guess who came to his rescue? US ATTORNEY GENERAL ERIC HOLDER. Yes sir. A letter from the Department of Justice has now caused the University to reverse its policy and allow Braly permanent use of woman’s bathrooms on campus. Why would the largest federal law enforcement agency side with one deranged student? Braly is trying to raise money on line to have his outie turned inward and in my opinion he is indisputably mentally ill. Braly belongs in a mental institution but I guess an American university is a suitable substitute. Are you felling woozy?
Yesterday the emperor awarded radical open border advocate Dolores Huerta with the Medal of Freedom, the highest honor a civilian can receive. The problem here is that Huerta is an honorary chair of the Democratic Socialist of America and is personal friends with dictator Hugo Chavez. The Obama owned media servants made sure you did not know about it.
The DSA is the largest socialist organization in the United States and the principal affiliate of the Socialist International. The following is a snippet of their mission statement;
“We are socialists because we share a vision of humane international social order and based both on democratic planning and marketing mechanisms to achieve equitable distribution of resources, meaningful work, a healthy environment, sustainable growth, gender and racial equality, and non-oppressive relationships.” See communism. Are you feeling weak and feeble yet?
Speaking of communism, the emperor got his face slapped but good yesterday when Artur Davis, former co-chairman of his 2008 presidential campaign announced he was leaving the Democratic Party for good. It was Davis who seconded the official nomination of Obama at the 2008 Democratic National Convention. Davis has condemned the Path the Democratic Party is taking and believes it has been “taken over” by extreme progressive liberals. Davis is quoted, “Wearing a democratic label no longer matches what I know about my country and its possibilities. I have taken issue with an administration that has lapsed into a bloc by bloc appeal to group grievances when the country is already too fractured: frankly, the symbolism of Barrack Obama winning has not given us the substance of a unified country”. Is the toxin diluting a bit? Maybe but certainly not near enough.
“Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. And moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.” Barry Goldwater