Wednesday, May 30, 2012


I watched a nature special some time ago about exotic animals around the world. Its one of the very few things I can watch on the television anymore since programming for idiots became the default market. One particular segment of this special documented and expertly illustrated the hunting technique used by a large lizard, either a Monitor or a Kimoto Dragon. This lizard, all of three feet long, 12 inches high, dripping with snot and ugly beyond my descriptive capacity, hunted 2000 pound Bison type animals, and more often then not succeeded. You may be saying, “but Mike……there’s no friggin way. A lizard would not stand a chance to take down such a huge, powerful animal like that. Can’t be done. A lizard would be no match for such a behemoth. That’s just crazy talk and you need counseling.”

Well setting aside the obvious for a moment, you are in a manner of speaking correct, the lizard of course is no match for a one ton horned menace like a Bison, but the lizard doesn’t need strength and it doesn’t need size. The lizard only needs patience. When this lizard finds his prey, he casually waddles up to the huge hoofed monster and bites him in the ankle. The Bison, who pays no attention to this insignificant sack of buggers and bones is mildly annoyed at best and flicks the lizard away as if he is shivering a fly of his mane. What the Bison doesn’t know is the lizard injected a powerful neurotoxin into the Bison when he bit him. The toxin takes two weeks to fully take effect at which time the once powerful animal kneels to the ground and eventually falls over on its side, paralyzed and helpless. The lizard follows the Bison around for the entire two weeks, looking for signs of weakness and waiting for the inevitable time when he can casually approach the Bison again and eat him. Are you feeling dizzy?

The United States of America is being followed around by a lizard. The extremely small percentage of the progressive liberal population that seeks to destroy this great republic and the majority of freedom loving, hard working, God fearing, honest people have bitten us in the ankle and are now just waiting for the toxins to take effect. And make no mistake about it…their toxin is powerful. Europe was bitten by this lizard many years ago and it is now kneeling and about to fall over.


Jennifer Braly is a guy with a penis who attends the University of Arkansas and desperately wants to go “potty” with girls. He wants to use the woman’s bathrooms. He is 38 years old. Jennifer changed his name but not his sex because he has described himself as having, “Gender Identity Disorder”. College girls, who don’t usually expect someone to pull out a penis in the woman’s bathroom, have complained because Jennifer threatened to sue the university and guess who came to his rescue? US ATTORNEY GENERAL ERIC HOLDER. Yes sir. A letter from the Department of Justice has now caused the University to reverse its policy and allow Braly permanent use of woman’s bathrooms on campus. Why would the largest federal law enforcement agency side with one deranged student? Braly is trying to raise money on line to have his outie turned inward and in my opinion he is indisputably mentally ill. Braly belongs in a mental institution but I guess an American university is a suitable substitute. Are you felling woozy?

Yesterday the emperor awarded radical open border advocate Dolores Huerta with the Medal of Freedom, the highest honor a civilian can receive. The problem here is that Huerta is an honorary chair of the Democratic Socialist of America and is personal friends with dictator Hugo Chavez. The Obama owned media servants made sure you did not know about it.

The DSA is the largest socialist organization in the United States and the principal affiliate of the Socialist International. The following is a snippet of their mission statement;

            “We are socialists because we share a vision of humane international social order and based both on democratic planning and marketing mechanisms to achieve equitable distribution of resources, meaningful work, a healthy environment, sustainable growth, gender and racial equality, and non-oppressive relationships.” See communism. Are you feeling weak and feeble yet?

Speaking of communism, the emperor got his face slapped but good yesterday when Artur Davis, former co-chairman of his 2008 presidential campaign announced he was leaving the Democratic Party for good. It was Davis who seconded the official nomination of Obama at the 2008 Democratic National Convention. Davis has condemned the Path the Democratic Party is taking and believes it has been “taken over” by extreme progressive liberals. Davis is quoted, “Wearing a democratic label no longer matches what I know about my country and its possibilities. I have taken issue with an administration that has lapsed into a bloc by bloc appeal to group grievances when the country is already too fractured: frankly, the symbolism of Barrack Obama winning has not given us the substance of a unified country”. Is the toxin diluting a bit? Maybe but certainly not near enough.

“Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. And moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.” Barry Goldwater

 The lizard is there, waiting……………

Sunday, May 20, 2012


So many institutions of higher learning in this country have devolved into centers of political activism and leftist indoctrination. Anyone with their eyeballs screwed in straight see it as an alarming and problematic trend. The quality of education has suffered tremendously and the content of college curriculum has transformed into a seemingly infinite number of the politically motivated “soft sciences”. Thousands of college graduates are receiving their diplomas with little hope of finding quality and rewarding jobs primarily because their degrees are worthless. This may sound harsh and negative but it is real. A degree in the “Studies of Social Injustice” qualifies one for a career in either the food service industry or hotel room maintenance. If those don’t pan out, it’s off to the occupy movement with you. Liberal progressives are seemingly incapable of feeling shame or being accountable for their words or deeds. Yesterday I experienced a mega dose of progressive liberal misconduct so insidious that it left me shocked, saddened and sincerely concerned for the future of this country.

I attended my daughter’s graduation ceremony at a university in San Francisco. Over seven thousand students took their place of honor on the stadium infield to receive their due for years of hard work and sacrifice. It was their time to be seen, to be applauded and to be the center of attention to the twenty thousand odd parents and family members in attendance. Flowered Leis adorned the graduates, festive balloons and flower arrangements dotted the bleachers to create a beautiful backdrop for the students. It was their day and like my daughter, they all deserved it. Only they never received it. You see, last Saturday, May 19th, 2012, seven thousand young men and woman, sitting in the sun on plastic chairs, wearing non breathable caps and gowns were completely ignored by the administration of the very college they were graduating from. They were treated as an afterthought, as a distraction and as pawns. Their graduation day turned into a parade of shameless and disgraceful liberal progressive indoctrination speeches. It was without a doubt the most disgusting act of misconduct and egregious self loving narcissism I have ever in my life witnessed. The administration at San Francisco State University owes an apology to the students, the audience and the human race for their sickening behavior.

It started with the president of the university standing at the podium declaring SF State the most progressive and diverse school in the country. He then jumped right into a lengthy diatribe about social justice and shared values. (He would go on to use the phrase, “social justice” over ten times throughout the event. The president touted their sanctuary city status, their love of illegal immigrants and their gratitude to the nation’s first black president for giving them universal healthcare. He counted off a long list of the schools new progressive studies curriculum and how positively bitchin he and the liberal staff at SF State seemed to be. I never saw him look at the students once. He had an agenda for this day and it didn’t appear that graduation ceremonies were going to be a part of it. Then came the awards…..Oh my God how liberal’s love to give themselves awards!

The first two awards were the “Presidents Award”. The first recipient was a Pilipino illegal immigrant graduate who got a job at an east coast newspaper and did an award winning coverage of the Virginia Tech massacre by going on Face book. This young man stood up and gave a twenty minute immigration speech for all those anti immigrant hater peoples. The school president followed by reminding us that illegal immigrants are always welcome in SF as well as SF State. The graduates stared straight ahead.

The second  recipient was another alum who was receiving her award  in honor of her Master’s program work which entailed documenting the fact that Sudanese tribe woman don’t get as good a preventative breast exam as woman in the United States. This Hispanic immigrant was able to discover that we have better health care then they do. Give her a medal! The president followed that we should all feel bad. The students continued to stare.

An African American alum and current professor got an award for Africana Studies. A Russian immigrant received an award for creating an investment group. Several other administrators received awards for countless other irrelevant social justice type activities. Nobody seemed to notice the 7,000 students sitting in front of them. Every award winner was announced by their race.

Then came San Francisco Major Ed Lee. The president introduced the Major by race first and then as being proudly progressive even before it became cool! The mayor took the podium and unleashed the most boring, liberal love me speech in the history of boring liberal love me speeches. He never referred to the students; he never encouraged the students; he fervently attempted to indoctrinate the students. I expected him to produce one of those “Men in Black” De-Neuralizers and zap everyone into Marxist zombies. It became embarrassing.

Two hours of liberal narcissism took its toll however; Students began leaving their chairs and walking out right in front of the Mayor and twenty thousand spectators to go to the bathroom or make phone calls. They were bored and not surprisingly, pissed off. Spectators, who foolishly came from all over the country to see a graduation ceremony started leaving the stadium by the hundreds. Mayor Lee was still droning on about ethnic pride or some odd bull shit but nobody was listening anymore. The spectators who stuck it out in hopes that they may see their son or daughter graduate began socializing with each others in the stadium bleachers.  The whole scene was terrible. I had witnessed selfish, arrogant liberal behavior before but this was inexcusable and embarrassing. I felt terrible for these kids. They were being robbed of their special day by the sickening conduct of the liberal elite egotists.

By the time the administrators were done giving each other awards and declaring themselves the most diverse, by the time the speeches by Loki wannabes had finished, nobody cared. When they actually did start the commencement, half the crowd had left. They ran the students through five different lines, never acknowledged any of them by name and threw them out of the stadium immediately. I sat for three and half hours on a wooden plank, in a suit and tie and when all was said and done, I never got to see my daughter receive her “diploma”. I was too far away and they rushed them through like cattle.

Not once during the three and half hour ordeal did anyone ever so much as utter the words, “United States”. Nobody ever encouraged the graduating class to find their way into the social fabric of this country. Nobody ever suggested hard work and sacrifice. As a matter of fact nobody ever directly addressed the students at all. What I heard about was race, race, race, tolerance, tolerance, tolerance, diversity, diversity, diversity. The funny thing was, they managed to “diversify” any and all white males or females right off the stage. Not one Caucasian of either sex was acknowledged for any reason while several thousand of them sat ignored, bored and furious just feet in front of the stage. Diversity is a heckuva thing to progressives.

I dared to consider that this very thing could be happening on college campuses throughout the country and it scared me. I tried convincing myself that this was simply the state of things in San Francisco but I could not be sure. I was proud of my daughter and what she accomplished. She is a bright, articulate, driven person and I have no doubt she will succeed. Leftist progressive narcissists will not change that and they could not ruin our day. We had a good laugh about it afterward (she knows her dad!) and enjoyed pictures and a wonderful dinner. Two down…one to go.

I don’t know what is going to come of this country in the next fifty years. When the people who call themselves the academic elite behave as they did yesterday, there is cause for concern. When the Communist Party began holding meetings during the fifties and sixties to plot a course for the overthrow of democracy in the United States, one of their primary goals, among several others, was to take over the academic institutions. They knew control of the institutions of education was vital for transforming this country over a sixty to hundred year period. They get an A for effort.

******** Out of respect for my daughter I sought and received her permission to write this blog. I would not have otherwise. I actually sent her a text about it during the event while Mayor Lee was slobbering communist drool all over the microphone. As usual, she was way ahead of me and had already figured I was doing back flips in the bleachers! Congratulations honey! *******************

Monday, May 14, 2012


The emperor attended a fundraiser at the home of Hollywood actor George Clooney a few days ago and left with a tidy 15 million dollars in campaign funds. The Hollywood elite are loyal subjects of the emperor and were honored to have the opportunity to pay $40,000 for a plate of food and a chance to hear the emperor speak. The emperor is a phony Messiah and Hollywood loves phonies because Hollywood by definition is phony. Everything about the place and everything it produces is made up. This explains why most of the movies that come out of that pit full of stunted high school hold backs are liberal indoctrinating promo pieces of occupy leavings.

So you can imagine how shocked I have been recently after watching two new movie releases that seem to  provide frighteningly similar parallels to our emperor’s current Orwellian agenda to create a dystopian world and how really bad things can get when tyranny and oppressive government control are the order of the day. Hollywood has done a magnificent job showcasing the very scenarios that freedom loving traditionally valued Americans have been warning others about since the emperor assumed the throne. I am talking of course about The Hunger Games and the Avengers.

 In The Hunger Games, the world has become a government controlled nanny state where every aspect of your existence is regulated. Citizens are force to live in communist type fenced in zones and are not allowed outside the boundaries as designed and established by “Big brother.” Everyone gets the same “fair” portion of food and they all enjoy the opportunity to starve together. The young heroes that are selected by the government in a lottery style drawing are literally trying to survive the “death panel” competition created to entertain a bunch of wealthy and protected government supporters. All I could see when I watch these entitled, elite, disconnected people play with other lives for fun was the vacuous and superficial collection of every single demographic group that supports the emperor and it was all I could do not to stand straight up in the theatre and yell out, “Does this look at all familiar to anybody!” It would be funny if it wasn’t so scary. I left the theater thinking this can’t be good for the emperor and his, “I am superior to you so I will do make all your decisions for you” government image. Just when I figured the emperor would watch the movie and then send Eric Holder in to sue the movie industry for terrorist activities, I went back to the movies and watched one that was ten times worse! Or better, depending on your outlook!

The Avengers is a story about freedom defending Superheroes that have united to defeat and stop the totalitarian, oppressive control freak Loki from subjugating the whole human race. The similarities between the emperor and Loki is horrifyingly spooky and I was once again inclined to stand up inside a semi-crowded theater have me a good old fashion meltdown. Just like Barry, the despot in training Loki is in love with himself and is very fond of giving speeches. They both coincidentally use Germany as a reference for their Marxists viewpoints. Funny huh? It gets downright unbelievable from there.

Loki forcibly gathers up a few hundred theater goers into a public square and demands they kneel before him. One older man refuses and Loki blasts him into vapor with his scepter thingy (I think I saw Eric Holder carrying one around). The rest have the privilege of listening to Loki give a speech that I can only hope becomes the most repeated and quoted movie speech in Hollywood this year and all through out the 2012 presidential political campaign. It is the emperor and his mentor Saul Alinsky channeling though Loki.

Loki is standing over the frightened and confused crowd who are kneeling before him, in similar fashion to Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid during a presidential speech. Loki then proceeds;

 “I come to you with glad tidings of a world made free-from freedom. Freedom is life’s great lie. The bright lure of freedom diminishes your life’s joy in a mad scramble for power, for identity. Is this not simpler? Is this not your natural state? It is the unspoken truth of humanity: that you crave subjugation. You were made to be ruled. In the end….you will always kneel.”

The emperor and his true feelings all right there in a Hollywood script that illustrate his liberty destroying agenda. Thank you Hollywood!

As if that is not enough, the movie also illustrates how Loki, like the emperor was simply handed his power and did nothing to earn it. And as such, they both share a lack of respect for their power and become indignant and petty when challenged on it. Their tyrannical quest for ultimate power exposes their insecurities and in the end causes their demise. OOOPPPSS! I mean just Loki for the time being!

Loki seeks to cause internal division and conflict among the superheroes, who come from significantly diverse origins. He knows he can succeed only when there is no unity among them. But his plan backfires. It is hard not to see the similarities with the emperor as he seeks to divide the country by race, religion gender and economic status. He too knows he can only succeed as long we are not united.Will his plan backfire to?

The Avengers, like all good super hero movies, illustrates what can be accomplised when good people are pushed too far and decide to push back. It could not have come at a better time. Everyone who still has faith that this country can overcome our current situation should take their whole family and watch it together. Grab a couple of liberals by their ponytails and take them too but be careful, they may spontaneously ignite and call you a name.

By making The Hunger Games and The Avengers, Hollywood has successfully and possibly inadvertently lifted the curtain to reveal a truth that the left would prefer to keep hidden. And that truth can be found on 
Pennsylvania Avenue.
If you go see the Avengers, look at Captain America and tell me thats not Tim Tebow in a costume!

Monday, May 7, 2012


I jumped on my bike for a stroll up into the foothills early Sunday morning. The sun was up and doing its thing yet the air was still quite cool with a little bite and a young breeze was ramping itself up for an impressive showing later. I wanted to test my legs against some challenging climbs and enjoy some scenery along the way. That of course meant Gold Country!

California is a beautiful state with a seemingly unlimited amount of places to go that are truly magnificent. How this gem of Mother Nature came to be run by a bunch of corrupt, Marxist knuckle heads is anybodies guess but that’s a topic for another day.

Sunday’s ride was an uplifting and genuinely pleasant experience for me. I passed over the south Fork of the American River on the Salmon Falls Bridge and saw a couple dozen mountain bikers parked on the gravel lot preparing their machines for the days ride. A handful of kayakers were putting their boats in the water and some hikers were preparing to head onto one of the recreational hiking trails. The air had a feel of vitality and liveliness and although I was just seconds away from starting my first hard climb I felt balanced and quiet. Everyone out there just seemed happy and content.

I slowly chugged up Salmon Falls Road toward the top of the climb, which is marked by a Rhinoceros statue at the private entrance to a housing development I could never afford to live in. On the way I passed several wonderful horse properties, vineyards and mansions. Homeowners were out riding horses and cutting fire breaks. I could hear the distant sound of a chainsaw. I always hear chainsaws when I ride into the foothills. Make sure you bring a chainsaw if you ever move up there.

When I reached the Rhino, a group of senior citizen cyclists greeted me with a rather frightening amount of delight and joy. I soon discovered that the three mile climb to the Rhino is viewed as an accomplishment of significance for some and so I feigned additional fatigue and joined in their festivity for a minute. My day is coming soon enough.

I bid my new friends goodbye and descended down to Highway 49. I turned right and headed for Coloma. During a stretch of gradual descent I noticed that a large yellow bus had crept up behind me. There is no real bike lane on the 49 and caution is the key on this particular stretch. I was moving along at around 30 MPH yet the bus would not pass me. The road ahead was clear and I was riding the two inch white line on the roadside to give the bus all the room it needed. I decided to accelerate and try to get to a pull out somewhere down the road because the bus was making me nervous. I reached 40 MPH and was still riding the white line, a feat I didn’t care to pull off for much longer. The bus did not pass. At the bottom of the grade the road leveled and I slowed. The road widened significantly and the bus finally began passing me. As it pulled up next to me the driver opened the passenger loading door, slowed and apologetically informed me that his fifth grade class wanted to watch the, “guy on the bike ride real fast”. I laughed in relief and said I was glad to provide some entertainment. Every child in the bus pressed their heads up to the window and waived to me as they passed. How cool was that.

I left Highway 49 briefly to climb Marshall Road, which heads to Georgetown. I stopped part way up and took in the phenomenal view below. Everything was green and alive; the water in the gorge below was excited and alluring. The air smelled fresh and my recently acquired April to June exercise induced asthma relaxed and authorized me a lungful of air.

After descending back to Coloma, I noticed something very strange happening. Hundreds of People were walking all over the place looking at the ground. In their hands, each person carried a metal detector, or a golf club, or a stick. I soon realized what they were doing. They were looking for meteorite fragments. A week earlier a meteor entered the atmosphere, flew over the Coloma area and detonated into a zillion pieces. NASA rushed to Sacramento and flew a blimp over the area in hopes of finding one of the larger chunks. When news spread that a meteorite fragment could be worth a lot of money, another gold rush broke out! I wonder if any body hit it big.

The only bummer to an otherwise heavenly bike ride was the guy in the diesel truck. I guess he had it in for cyclists and as I struggled up the Lotus Road climb, he pulled up close to me, blasted diesel smoke in my face by gunning the throttle and then sped away. He was too late however to ruin my morning and I can only surmise he got out of it what he needed.

I pulled up to my house after three and half hours and collapsed on the recliner. The days prior to Sunday were emotionally challenging with life’s affairs and dramas. Riding my bike put me back in the ball game. I don’t quite know how to describe the synergy and oneness that develops between a person and their bicycle. On Sunday morning my bike helped remind me of the simple pleasures and spontaneous fun that can come from being young. I also realize more so then ever that life is better when there’s a Rhino at the top of the hill…………