Sunday, April 15, 2012


Every emperor worth his tyrannical salt must have a trusty hit man at his side to handle many of the “less pleasant” activities involved in running a successful dictatorship. U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder holds that spot in the kingdom of Barry and if I may say so, he has done a splendid job implementing the emperor’s agenda. Barry knows how to pick a team and he keeps his buddy Eric very busy because there’s a lot to do. So much tyranny, so little time.

You see many people fail to give Eric the credit he deserves and I for one would like to stand from my lofty balcony perch and let everyone in the kingdom know of this man’s work. It’s only just.

Most of you may think that Eric does little more then sell guns to Mexican drug cartels who return the favor by killing Americans with them. No sir; he’s much more then that. Some of you may know him as the man who files lawsuits at the behest of his emperor against any state that wishes to protect their citizens from the lawless hordes of narco traffickers and body smugglers that have infested the southwest. Oh sure, then there are some who may know little Eric as the man who sues states that wish to operate legitimate voter operations at the ballot box. No sir. He’s far more dimensional.

 Eric also runs protection for the New Black Panther Party wherever they happen to raise their ugly heads. When the NBPP engaged in felonious civil rights violations by intimidating voters outside a polling location, it was Holder, under the direction of the emperor who chose not to prosecute them while issuing a directive to his staffers that these activities by a certain segment of the population would be “overlooked” in the interest of race relations. Nice work Eric

When the New Black Panther Party recently issued a “Wanted Dead or Alive” bounty on a private citizen who shot and killed a black man, Eric Holder, the emperor’s chief law enforcement officer looked the other way. Good lookin out Eric.

Eric is on board with his bosses’ goal of “fundamentally transforming America” to more accurately reflect both men’s secular-socialist image. And I think it serves as an injustice for us to see Eric as nothing more then an incompetent racist. He is also an extremist pro-abortion activist who cherishes the opportunity to bring the full force of the federal government down on innocent pro-life advocates. He has overseen the emperor’s forced contraception mandate to all religious organizations run through the Department of Health and Human Services and directly in violation of the 1st Amendment of the Constitution. The same Dept. of HHS, through the will of the emperor via Obamacare and enforced by Eric, attached a “final rule” requiring every American, pro-life or otherwise to pay one dollar a month earmarked specifically for an abortion service pool. This right after the emperor got up in front of all of you and lied yet again by claiming to issue an executive order banning federal dollars for abortion. Pathological liar is the term you’re looking for here.

The emperor has been using Eric to run a concerted political intimidation campaign via the federal courts. Barry has instructed Eric to go out and sue the begeezus out of the pro-life counselors and volunteers for what he deems are a violation of the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrance (FACE) Act.

Well good news. Eric Holder recently got had his d_ck kicked into the dirt but you will most certainly not hear about it in the lame stream media.

A federal appeals court just dropped a suit brought by the Justice Department (little Eric) in the case of Holder v. Pine. Holder was suing pro-life sidewalk counselor Mary “Susan” Pine. Ms. Pine was standing on a public sidewalk offering to counsel girls about their choices. Holder couldn’t have free speech break out in his emperor’s kingdom and Holder’s lawsuit against Pine was an effort to intimidate not just poor Mary but pro-lifers around the country. The federal court agreed and ordered the U.S. Department of Justice to pay $120,000 for this frivolous lawsuit.

Holder tried to levy thousands of dollars in fines against Ms. Pine and obtain a permanent injunction banning her from counseling woman on the public sidewalk outside the Presidential Woman’s Center (PWC) abortion mill and any other “reproductive services clinic.”

After 18 months of vicious attacks by Eric, the DOJ’s case was tossed by a federal court and Eric was chastised in a scathing ruling by U.S. Distinct Judge Ryskamp for filing a case with absolutely no evidence. Ryskamp wrote that Holder’s “complete failure to present any evidence of wrongdoing” coupled with the DOJ’s curiously close relationship with PWC caused the court to “suspect a conspiracy.” Ryskamp further wrote, “The court can only wonder as to why the government chose to prosecute this particular case in the first place”. Barry would you like to take that question?

The emperor did not take this court decision with anything less then his usual arrogant pettiness and ordered Eric to appeal. A week later Barry decided to cut his losses and pulled the appeal. Had this happened during a conservative administration, the leftist propaganda machine would have had a frenzied, slobbering, thigh quivering orgasm and NBC’s Brian Williams would have had a week long “Firestorm” news report about the event. How many of you knew about it?

The senior counsel for Mary Pine was quoted, “It’s not every day that a federal judge accuses the Justice Department of a full blown conspiracy”.

We pay taxes so the emperor can have Eric turn around and use the very same money to sue you and the states you live in. It’s like paying for your own execution.

Whatever happens this November, history will forever reflect both the emperor’s and the Attorney General’s jaw dropping abuses of power and the gross intimidation of private citizens. How will we reflect on it?

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