Friday, March 9, 2012


The progressive’s war on Christianity and conservatism continues to build momentum. What used to be a litany of tongue in cheek, off color inferences spat forth by the liberal media and Hollywood is no longer necessary in large measure due to the empathetic and supportive nature of the emperor and his subjects. They are coming straight at you now. 

While NBC burned Rush Limbaugh in symbolic Efficacy with their “firestorm” coverage about his name calling of a woman’s right activist at Georgetown, ABC proudly showcased their class act with a new Sunday night show called ‘GCB” , short for “Good Christian Bitches”. Don’t hold your breath if you expect any apologies to be forthcoming and look for consistent episode themes that will portray Christians behaving in a less then Christian manner.   

Name calling and disgusting personal attacks are the hallmark of liberal conflict management and agenda advancement. Progressive liberalism does not adhere well to the issue of absolute moral order and they will attack anything and anybody that seeks to operate or live within such. Nothing can be declared as clearly good or evil and they resist being tied down with the whole judgment thing; unless of course you’re not one of them; then its game on. Someone with faith or serious personal commitment is a thorn in the side of those that depend on constituencies with loose moral underpinnings for their political livelihood.

Rush was wrong and apologized. Fluke and the liberal media refused to accept his apology because it would diminish their ability to act aggrieved at the whole episode. How then do liberals fair when held to the same measure of professional civility that they demand from conservatives? Let us see……

Amanda Marcotte is an author and blogger who has written a couple of books on progressive politics and has made clear she dislikes males and Christians. Marcotte posed this one person Q&A;

Q: What if Mary had taken Plan B after the Lord filled her with his hot, white, sticky Holy Spirit?
A: You’d have to justify your misogyny with another ancient mythology.

How classy…..

And comedian Kathy Griffin?

“A lot of people come up here and thank Jesus for this award. I want you to know that no one had less to do with this award than Jesus. Suck it, Jesus; this award is my god now!”

I’m sensing some hostility there. And possibly a incoming bolt of lightning.

If you’re a Christian with an established set of morals, it’s more likely you may not be in favor of abortion, gay marriage, teaching young school kids about anal sex or eliminating the word Christ in conversation during Christmas. And then again you may, but either way you consider your personal feelings to be your personal choice, but if it conflicts in any way with progressive agendas, then you can bet you will be subject to horrible name calling and religious persecution. And don’t wait for an apology. Whether it’s Christianity or conservative female role models, progressives have set a standard in name calling vulgarity that conservatives could never and would never hope to achieve.

Liberal MSNBC host Ed Schultz called conservative radio show host Laura Ingraham a “right-wing slut” and a “talk slut”. I’m still waiting for the “firestorm” news report from Brian Williams.

Liberal radio talk show host Bill Maher, who recently donated $1 million to a pro Obama super pac called Sarah Palin  the ‘C’ word(rhymes with hunt) and a dumb “T” word(twit with a different vowel). He also called Michelle Bachmann and Palin “Bimbos”. I missed the media outrage on that one to.

And who can forget James Carville’s remark to the media when Paula Jones accused Bill Clinton of sexual harassment. “Drag a hundred-dollar bill through a trailer park; you never know what you will find.” Clinton later paid out $850,000 to the trailer trash. Media condemnation?

In 2009 David Letterman referred to Sarah Palin as a “slut”. Charlie Sheen called her a “whore”. Can I get an outrage anybody?

Jimmy Fallon introduced Michelle Bachmann onto his TV show while playing the song titled, “Lyin Ass B___”. Rolling Stone Magazine described conservative Ann Coulter as a “Skanky B___ Whore” and called the recent passing of conservative Andrew Breitbart as, “Death of a Douche.”

One thing all these liberal media folks have in common is the lack of a sincere apology or sense of professional misconduct for their words. Being a progressive means never having to say you’re sorry. Whether the attack is on Christians who just want to observe their faith in all their faulty humanness or strong conservative woman who have the audacity to exhibit moral compass, it’s all the same. The complete lack of personal or professional accountability by liberals who demand it from everyone else represents the greatest act of sickening hypocrisy I have ever witnessed and I think I know why.

I believe I know why conservatives allow these egregious acts of disgusting character assassination by the left to go on without rebuke. Why would conservatives fail to hold liberal misconduct up to public scrutiny or ridicule?  Because progressive liberals have no credibility in the eyes of conservatives and they don’t take anything liberals say seriously. Conservatives are not going to run amok feigning anger and acting offended. Conservatives understand it is a waste of time and childish behavior of that type is better left to 16 year olds and liberals. Conservatives see it as more of a mental disorder then anything else; hence it gets the level of serious attention normally dedicated to the drunken uncle at Thanksgiving. They are viewed as one views a circus clown. Kind of funny sometimes, but scary and creepy most others.

On the other hand conservatives are obviously given great respect by progressive liberals. They take heed at what conservatives say and listen intently to the message. This clearly explains the hysterical reaction by liberals when a conservative says something shocking and inappropriate. They are deeply disappointed and upset that a conservative would behave so much like an angry liberal. Liberals expect a higher standard of conduct from conservatives. They know better then to hold themselves up to any  real standard of decency so they count on conservatives for that. It’s a silent respect we conservatives have always known but have maybe taken for granted.

So if I may speak for Rush Limbaugh and conservatives all across the fruited plains. Thank you progressives wherever you are and thank you media. We failed up to live up to our high standards and you made sure we were held accountable. And don’t worry; we know better then to return the effort.

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