Thursday, March 22, 2012


It appears that judges are not exempt from the progressive over reach of California leftists. Democratic Majority Leader Senator Ellen Corbett feels that requiring a judge applicant to reveal their ethnicity, race and gender is simply not enough in order to produce the right judicial balance in this silly state of statutory stupidity. She now wants to know all about their sex life because in her opinion, that’s vital info when rendering decisions based on statutory principles. Thanks to Corbett, the Administration Office of the Courts is now required to collect and release aggregate data relative to a justice’s gender identification and sexual orientation. This requirement also extends to currently seated justices.

In light of this new absurd, unconstitutional, immoral and completely unnecessary requirement, an anonymous judge friend has allowed me to share with you his answers to the newly required personal information questions:
  1. Please state your Gender Identification: I am male by chromosome count but I do get emotional sometimes when watching the Lifetime Movie Network and I like the feel of nylons against my skin.
  2. Please state your Sexual Orientation: Ok, that’s a bit of a toughie. On Monday I prefer woman. Don’t ask me why, it’s just a Monday thing I guess. Tuesday through Friday is a man/woman toss up depending on my mood, the weather and how things went on Monday. Saturday is a free for all, trips to the petting zoo, bondage games,….I’m not sure how to classify that one and Sunday is a day of experimentation; nothing is off the table. Hope this helps!

Juris Prudence is in good hands in the sunshine state; if you’re a Shetland pony.

New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg has passed a new law banning food donations to charitable organizations that feed the hungry because he fears the food might not meet newly adopted government standards regarding salt and fat. I guess his pal the emperor realized that he couldn’t promote child hunger programs if there weren’t actually any hungry children so he has instructed his loyal subjects to go out and make some. Charitable organizations in New York City should just disregard this ludicrous Orwellian take over law and join the new class of criminals currently developing in this country as a result of liberal government intrusion. Maybe Attorney General Eric Holder can send federal SWAT teams in to suppress any and all acts of non government approved charity.

I ordered a beer at the San Francisco Airport in January and the waitress had the nerve to ask me for a picture ID. I bought a patio set with a credit card the other day and the salesman asked to see my picture ID. I rented a car in Hawaii and had a show an ID and then I needed one to drive it. I checked in for a flight at the airport and had to produce a picture ID. I picked up a package at the post office and had to show an ID. If I want to buy Sudafed for a cold I need a picture ID. I need a picture ID to buy alcohol and cigarettes, coach a youth sports team, cash a check, rent a video, buy spray paint, pick up concert tickets or maybe even  see an R rated movie. If I want Obama food stamps, Obama housing, Obama schooling, Obama phones or Obama bucks of any kind I will need a picture ID.

The only people I have ever seen in my entire professional career who don’t have ID’s are criminals, illegal aliens and dead people. So why is the emperor trying so desperately to prevent states from requiring picture IDs in order to vote for their representatives in government? Exactly……….Because protecting the integrity of the ballot box is only essential in a democracy.

The emperor’s government funded, General Motors built Chevy Volt has proven to be a miracle of green engineering. GM’s chief executive officer Dan Akerson has just now admitted that they failed to put into place a protocol for first responders when a Volt is involved in an accident. Why a protocol you may ask? Because the Volt’s lithium battery is highly charged and will explode and kill you and any passengers or first responders who disengage the battery wires incorrectly, or even correctly. There is no manual or protocol which clearly informs the owner or firefighter/police officer at the scene how to avoid a ride on a mushroom cloud to heaven. Add that pearl of terror to the existing problems with spontaneous fires, the 25 mile range and the $40,000 price tag and you have the classic government funded green hell hole prototype. GM has temporarily halted production and if you count Obama bucks given to GM for this project into the per unit calculations, each Volt sold costs over $600,000 of your tax dollars to build. Utopia!

Current and soon to be former Sheriff of San Francisco County Ross Mirkarimi has put the bay area left wing posse on mute. Their hand selected progressive Sheriff recently pled guilty to false imprisonment charges after his arrest for domestic violence and dissuading a witness. Mirkarimi did everything in his power to get himself out of the mess by attempting to intimidate witnesses and coerce the victim, his wife. His actions make him a disgrace. He is a proponent of providing inmates with marijuana and his employees are repulsed by him. He smacked his wife around, prevented her from fleeing and then behaved like every criminal I ever arrested when caught; Lies, deceit and threats to those who were witness. My question is this; where is the outrage from our cadre of American female liberal derelicts like Jane Fonda, Gloria Steinem, Sandra Fluke, Whoopi Goldberg, Nancy Pelosi or Hillary Clinton? Aren’t his actions just another example of hate in the war against woman?? Oh that’s right…he’s left……

The latest report from the Congressional Budget Office indicates that the ten year cost for Obamacare has almost doubled already from 900 billion to 1.76 Trillion dollars. Every conservative who originally called BS on Barry was soundly shouted down by the left. They were right. The greatest socialist quote of all time still belongs in the trophy room of Nancy Pelosi when she uttered the now comical words when referring to Obamacare, “You have to pass the bill in order to see what’s in it.” Well we see now. No further questions your honor.

The country of Greece is bankrupt and basically insolvent. Excessive and corrupt government spending, tax cheats and a huge contingent of government entitlement programs of every shape and size has put them right where they deserve to be. So what does Greece do in response to this catastrophe? They create another protected class and add one more group to the welfare roles and guess who it is? PEDOPHILES! In Greece, convicted child molesters and those with pedophilia are now entitled to government funding for up to 40% of prevailing Greek wages! Apparently these poor Greek child rapists have a disability and the sensitive, caring and compassionate Greek government will not turn their backs on these troubled souls. But those other Greek citizens who are in wheelchairs and prosthetics have discovered that they actually receive a lower percentage of government funding for their condition then child molesters. The Greek Ministry of free Sh_t is currently besieged with an alarming number of government dependents who are afflicted with a yearning desire to have sex with children. I’m done.

Sunday, March 18, 2012


Sitting on a bike seat about the width of a cucumber for five and half hours and 112 miles can be brutal. The imposing headwind that fought us 5 miles from the finish continued its assault all the way to the transition area where race staff guided us in with air traffic control like hand signals to ensure a slow and safe dismount. The end of the bike leg had arrived and I was delighted to be standing upright as I quickly replaced my helmet and cleats with a visor and running shoes. I ran out of the changing room and was directed to the exit chute leading to the final leg of the Florida Ironman Triathlon, a 26.2 mile marathon.

For most people, running a marathon requires serious training, discipline and mental toughness. For Ironman triathletes, attempting to run a marathon after cycling 112miles and swimming 2.4 miles requires a complete loss of your mental faculties. You simply cannot allow yourself to contemplate or appreciate fully what you are doing because it’s completely absurd. Realistically, all you can do is spend months training your mind and body to be as mentally and physically prepared as your age, lifestyle, body type and genetics will allow. After that, every Ironman will tell you the same thing. It’s simply a battle of will.

I ran through the exit chute and started the marathon course. During the first mile my legs felt like two bags of  post hole cement and my heart rate shot up as my body began the adjustment period from biking to running. If you are new to triathlons this can be a terrifying feeling and it is very easy to snap mentally and give up. The body is adjusting to the activation of new muscle groups and body positioning and nobody is immune to it; you just learn to accept it and work through it. Eventually, if you start out fairly conservatively and show some patience, the heart rate will settle and the muscles will begin to feel better. Certain types of workouts during training replicates this condition which allows more experienced triathletes to avoid the anxieties that newer athletes will experience.

The two loop run course was fairly flat and meandered through some residential neighborhoods before entering the outer lands of an air force base. The first thirteen miles was not pleasant and I could feel my body deteriorating rapidly. Two knee surgeries 17 years ago left me with no cartilage in my left knee and during my long training runs it became more and more evident that my distance running days were numbered.

I made the turnaround at the 13.1 mile mark in 2:07 and started back out for the second lap. My halfway time was right about where I had planned but I knew based on my current state of physical fatigue that trouble was ahead and the remainder of this run was going to get ugly in a hurry. But then again I knew this moment was coming before I started the swim almost seven hours earlier. I knew this was coming ten months earlier when I began my initial training regimen for this race. I knew this time would arrive and I thought about it every day. It’s why I swam over 200 miles, cycled over 6,000 miles and ran 1,000 miles. It’s why I worked out twice a day, spent hours doing resistance training and abdominal work. It’s why I lost 25 lbs, observed a strict diet plan and got plenty of sleep each night. It’s was why I was there; to meet the demons. It was the cruel lure of Ironman.

The latter portion of the marathon leg of an Ironman triathlon is where the soul is exposed and the battle of the mind is acute. At mile seventeen I met the demons and passed through a doorway into a new frontier of suffering and self discovery. My left leg lost all ability to rebound off the ground after each stride. I could no longer hold down solid food or even gels and turned to chicken soup. In order to stay focused on the present I made it my goal to simply reach the next half mile marker. When I reached it, the goal was to reach the next one and so on.

At mile 21 my body was trying very hard to convince me I could no longer run. I decided to run to the nutrition stops and walk through them while drinking soup. Those 30 seconds or so allowed me to collect just enough physical strength to run again and hopefully get to the next stop. I did that for three more miles.

At mile 24 I was catatonic. Another runner collapsed in front of me and didn’t move. I was temporarily distracted and tripped over the body, nearly crashing to the pavement myself. I did everything in my power not to fall because I was seriously afraid I would not be able to get up. The next two miles might as well been a hundred.

 I passed the 25.2 mile sign in a complete stupor. My thighs and armpits were raw and bloody. The salt released from my body stained my racing singlet and made a ghostly silhouette around my body. I became concerned about the possibility of leg collapse and wondered if my body would veto all further directions from the brain and shut down operations.  

The last mile was filled with supporters and they were not about to let me or anyone else quit. I had to run continuously for the last mile and somehow reach deep down and find the strength to finish strong. The pain in my ankles, calves, knees and thighs was off the chart and I could no longer take in nutrients of any kind, but that didn’t matter anymore. I bored a hole into the roadway ten yards in front of me and simply ran. Somewhere a few miles back I had separated from my physical self and no longer really acknowledged anything.

The massive finish line came into view and the long finishing chute was lined with hundreds of screaming supporters. I picked up my pace in defiance of all known physiological laws and from three thousand miles away, my wife watched on live streaming video as I crossed the line. There are no words that can describe the emotions of that moment. I managed to stay upright and avoid the body catchers as a female race official approached and took me into her custody. She draped a blanket over my shoulders and began asking me a series of simple questions designed to ascertain whether I was coherent or in need of emergency medical attention. I must have produced the right answers. What a day.

I lived a lifetime in eleven and half hours that early November day and I am grateful to have had the opportunity and ability to experience the journey that got me there. Like most other ultra distance participants, I am drawn by the mystique that surrounds the concept of personal limitations. It is what drives me personally and provides for balance in an otherwise unbalanced world. My fiercest competitor and most daunting adversary has always been myself and I find the challenges to exceed myself to be exciting and motivating. It’s a frontier of discovery that will never go away or be truly conquered. It’s not simply a matter of time, speed or placing and it’s not dependent on age or physical prowess. I feel lucky that I have this need, this desire and this drive to find a challenge and go after it. While others may bemoan those who strive to accomplish something for personal reasons, I embrace my condition and give thanks every time I step out of the water, get off my bike or finish a run. I also have tremendous admiration to those co-workers and friends who share this condition with me and we share a common lens with which we view the world.

We all have our own frontiers of personal discovery that lies outside those pre-established limitations that we so conveniently place on upon ourselves. I encourage everyone to remove the word “never” from your vocabulary and find your personal frontier. Embrace fear and doubt as a motivator and go for it. Whether that frontier is to quit smoking and swim one length of a swimming pool, or run a mile without stopping, or 100 miles, it’s all the same. It’s nothing more then breaking away from your personally imposed barriers because despite what Captain Kirk says, the final frontier is in the mirror.    

Sunday, March 11, 2012


This is the third of four segments chronicling my experiences at the Florida Ironman Triathlon  last November. If you missed the first two, check out “Five Minutes” and “Thirty More Minutes” from the blog archive…………

Lap two of the Florida Ironman Triathlon swim leg was relatively uneventful. No more fist fights or kick boxing. A few more Pink Meanies hung around and watched us swim but seemed to avoid me. The important thing for me personally was maintaining proper form and relaxing to prevent fatigue while maximizing efficiency in the water. Thirty two minutes later I emerged again from the ocean surf at the swim exit point and ran straight through the chute. The swim was over and became history the second I hit dry land. I pulled the wetsuit top down to my waist while running out of the water and then fell onto my back in the wetsuit removal area while two race volunteers each grabbed a leg and pulled the suit off all together. I was somewhat out of breath due primarily to the trauma induced by suddenly standing up and running after being horizontal for so long. I swam 2.4 miles in just over an hour. I knew the time was pretty good but completely meaningless because in a triathlon, swimming is the shortest and arguably least significant leg of the race. The irony here is that you train like crazy just so you can complete it without getting tired because if you are physically fatigued after the swim in an ironman distance triathlon you are in deep caccadoodie and that’s certainly no way to start a 112 mile bike leg!

Before the race I had set a pacing strategy and was on schedule and feeling pretty good heading into the bike leg, but then the weather decided to get involved in the race. An unusual weather system had moved into the panhandle causing windy conditions and lower temperatures. It was 46 degrees with a 20 MPH headwind as I jumped, soaking wet and half naked onto my bike. I exited the transition area and set out on the one lap 112 mile bike loop around the Florida panhandle. Within ten minutes I lost all feeling in my hands and feet.

You may have heard the phrase, “staying in the moment” at some time or another. In Ironman the words are almost gospel. In long distance events of almost any kind the ability to stay focused on the present can be a critical component for success. Cycling 112 miles in a triathlon requires a focused mind because it lasts for several hours and can be boring. Music devices are strictly forbidden and outside of paying enough attention to avoid crashes and rule violations, there’s not much to do but peddle and think. So you think about things like pedal cadence, aerodynamic body positioning, hydration and food intake because they are all important considerations during a long bike race and you will pay a steep price later if you fail to pay attention to any one of them. You may also drift a little and think about your first dog Trixie when you were five years old or the time you streaked in the city police department fountain on a bet with your college buddies. Anyway…back to the whole focus thing……

So that’s what I did for five and half hours. I paid attention, mostly. I had salted baby red potatoes in my top bar storage container and numerous packages of nutrition gels scotched taped down my bike frame, overlapped like roofing to make access easy. I had two 20 ounce water bottles filled with performance drinks and a small container in a back pocket with salt pills. During the course of my ride I ate approximately five bananas, all eleven red potatoes, five gel packs, one Cliff Bar and six- twenty ounce bottles of fluid. The bananas and fluid were provided at 10 mile intervals throughout the course. The first 56 miles was tough. Headwinds made for a slower pace then I had anticipated. The second 56 miles was basically back the way we came so we enjoyed a tailwind most of the way which allowed for me to make up some lost time. Along the route we encountered patches of spectators’ banging those irritating cow bells that somebody must like. I always enjoy seeing the sons and daughters holding up signs of encouragement to their moms or dads. I know that these kids will not really know what their parents are truly experiencing until later in their lives. It will be really cool when it hits them though.

At about the 95 mile mark my lower back got tight and painful. I had been bent over riding in the time trial position for several hours now and it was taking its toll. My legs were also experiencing fatigue issues and I could feel a noticeable reduction in my pedal rotation power output. The tailwind I had enjoyed for the last two hours had now become a cross wind and would soon change directions again. The Grim Reaper of old age was tapping me on the back but I wasn’t about to turn around and look at him.

This was the time in the bike leg that required some increased mental focus and positive thinking. I think it was Vince Lombardi that said “Fatigue makes cowards of us all” and in the course of an Ironman triathlon fatigue can certainly become a major negative if you allow it to. Through countless hours of training in the fatigue zone, I had practiced focus, positive thinking and objective sensory analysis of my physical state in preparation for this race. This may sound somewhat robotic, but it’s simply a matter of detaching your emotional self from the concept of pain or discomfort as a negative and treating them with no more emotional significance then objective sensory inputs to assist you in your decision making. This is common among ultra distance athletes. These inputs are important however and when considered in the context of the moment can be vital when making tactical decisions during the race.

In this particular instance I made the decision to stop pedaling, abandon my aerodynamic riding posture and stand straight up on my bike, allowing my neck, back, hamstrings and calves to stretch out and get a temporary reprieve. Doing this obviously caused me to slow and arguably lose time but the few seconds I would give up now was nothing compared to the time I would lose later if I chose to ignore the issue all together.

The last 5 miles of the bike leg was an act of cruelty by Mother Nature. We were right on the shoreline and a brutal 25 MPH wind shot right down our throats and reduced our speed from 24 MPH to around 8! I had to dig farther into the effort bag then I would have liked, especially considering what was waiting for us at the end and I knew what everyone around me also knew but didn’t say. The end of the bike leg meant the beginning of the third and final leg of the Ironman Triathlon. Things were about to get excruciatingly real. 

Friday, March 9, 2012


The progressive’s war on Christianity and conservatism continues to build momentum. What used to be a litany of tongue in cheek, off color inferences spat forth by the liberal media and Hollywood is no longer necessary in large measure due to the empathetic and supportive nature of the emperor and his subjects. They are coming straight at you now. 

While NBC burned Rush Limbaugh in symbolic Efficacy with their “firestorm” coverage about his name calling of a woman’s right activist at Georgetown, ABC proudly showcased their class act with a new Sunday night show called ‘GCB” , short for “Good Christian Bitches”. Don’t hold your breath if you expect any apologies to be forthcoming and look for consistent episode themes that will portray Christians behaving in a less then Christian manner.   

Name calling and disgusting personal attacks are the hallmark of liberal conflict management and agenda advancement. Progressive liberalism does not adhere well to the issue of absolute moral order and they will attack anything and anybody that seeks to operate or live within such. Nothing can be declared as clearly good or evil and they resist being tied down with the whole judgment thing; unless of course you’re not one of them; then its game on. Someone with faith or serious personal commitment is a thorn in the side of those that depend on constituencies with loose moral underpinnings for their political livelihood.

Rush was wrong and apologized. Fluke and the liberal media refused to accept his apology because it would diminish their ability to act aggrieved at the whole episode. How then do liberals fair when held to the same measure of professional civility that they demand from conservatives? Let us see……

Amanda Marcotte is an author and blogger who has written a couple of books on progressive politics and has made clear she dislikes males and Christians. Marcotte posed this one person Q&A;

Q: What if Mary had taken Plan B after the Lord filled her with his hot, white, sticky Holy Spirit?
A: You’d have to justify your misogyny with another ancient mythology.

How classy…..

And comedian Kathy Griffin?

“A lot of people come up here and thank Jesus for this award. I want you to know that no one had less to do with this award than Jesus. Suck it, Jesus; this award is my god now!”

I’m sensing some hostility there. And possibly a incoming bolt of lightning.

If you’re a Christian with an established set of morals, it’s more likely you may not be in favor of abortion, gay marriage, teaching young school kids about anal sex or eliminating the word Christ in conversation during Christmas. And then again you may, but either way you consider your personal feelings to be your personal choice, but if it conflicts in any way with progressive agendas, then you can bet you will be subject to horrible name calling and religious persecution. And don’t wait for an apology. Whether it’s Christianity or conservative female role models, progressives have set a standard in name calling vulgarity that conservatives could never and would never hope to achieve.

Liberal MSNBC host Ed Schultz called conservative radio show host Laura Ingraham a “right-wing slut” and a “talk slut”. I’m still waiting for the “firestorm” news report from Brian Williams.

Liberal radio talk show host Bill Maher, who recently donated $1 million to a pro Obama super pac called Sarah Palin  the ‘C’ word(rhymes with hunt) and a dumb “T” word(twit with a different vowel). He also called Michelle Bachmann and Palin “Bimbos”. I missed the media outrage on that one to.

And who can forget James Carville’s remark to the media when Paula Jones accused Bill Clinton of sexual harassment. “Drag a hundred-dollar bill through a trailer park; you never know what you will find.” Clinton later paid out $850,000 to the trailer trash. Media condemnation?

In 2009 David Letterman referred to Sarah Palin as a “slut”. Charlie Sheen called her a “whore”. Can I get an outrage anybody?

Jimmy Fallon introduced Michelle Bachmann onto his TV show while playing the song titled, “Lyin Ass B___”. Rolling Stone Magazine described conservative Ann Coulter as a “Skanky B___ Whore” and called the recent passing of conservative Andrew Breitbart as, “Death of a Douche.”

One thing all these liberal media folks have in common is the lack of a sincere apology or sense of professional misconduct for their words. Being a progressive means never having to say you’re sorry. Whether the attack is on Christians who just want to observe their faith in all their faulty humanness or strong conservative woman who have the audacity to exhibit moral compass, it’s all the same. The complete lack of personal or professional accountability by liberals who demand it from everyone else represents the greatest act of sickening hypocrisy I have ever witnessed and I think I know why.

I believe I know why conservatives allow these egregious acts of disgusting character assassination by the left to go on without rebuke. Why would conservatives fail to hold liberal misconduct up to public scrutiny or ridicule?  Because progressive liberals have no credibility in the eyes of conservatives and they don’t take anything liberals say seriously. Conservatives are not going to run amok feigning anger and acting offended. Conservatives understand it is a waste of time and childish behavior of that type is better left to 16 year olds and liberals. Conservatives see it as more of a mental disorder then anything else; hence it gets the level of serious attention normally dedicated to the drunken uncle at Thanksgiving. They are viewed as one views a circus clown. Kind of funny sometimes, but scary and creepy most others.

On the other hand conservatives are obviously given great respect by progressive liberals. They take heed at what conservatives say and listen intently to the message. This clearly explains the hysterical reaction by liberals when a conservative says something shocking and inappropriate. They are deeply disappointed and upset that a conservative would behave so much like an angry liberal. Liberals expect a higher standard of conduct from conservatives. They know better then to hold themselves up to any  real standard of decency so they count on conservatives for that. It’s a silent respect we conservatives have always known but have maybe taken for granted.

So if I may speak for Rush Limbaugh and conservatives all across the fruited plains. Thank you progressives wherever you are and thank you media. We failed up to live up to our high standards and you made sure we were held accountable. And don’t worry; we know better then to return the effort.

Sunday, March 4, 2012


A female Georgetown law student by the name of Sandra Fluke was verbally assaulted by Rush Limbaugh during one of his radio talk shows last week. Fluke had previously testified before a congressional committee regarding the forced contraception mandate issue and Limbaugh used her as an example of the absurd by being absurd; a tactic long used by Rush as a method by which to paint a clear picture for his listeners. Fluke explained to the committee that the cost for her to purchase birth control for the entirety of her law school experience could be as much as $3,000. Rush pounced on her like a hungry hyena and used some inappropriate language to describe Fluke’s lifestyle while exposing the absurdity of the emperor’s new mandate by claiming Fluke would like taxpayers to foot the bill for her to have gargantuan amounts of sex while she gets her law degree. Rush also called her a name normally reserved for woman who by trade get paid to have sex with their customers.

Limbaugh in my opinion showed no class and used poor judgment by using a young female college student to detail his points on the whole contraception mandate. Never mind that Miss Fluke put herself out as a target by getting involved in the whole debate on such a public forum. Never the less she is somebody’s daughter and has a right to make her opinion known without being called a prostitute by a nationally syndicated radio talk show personality. Anyone who has listened to Rush for any length of time knew exactly what he was doing and why. Now lets get to the issue.

Fluke laid it out clearly in her dissertation before the committee and I want my valued and respected female readers to help me out here. What is the government doing forcing health care organizations to provide free contraception to woman? Do you (females) really want the government in your bedroom? Do you really need a government mandated entitlement present in your personal sex life? Has it ever been or is it now a significant issue in your life? Have you ever been put into financial hardship or had difficulty obtaining birth control when and if you needed it?  I’m not setting up an argument here; I really want to know because from my perspective this is all so crazy it’s hard for me to be serious about it.

The last time I checked, free contraceptive devices were already available by your local department of human assistance and several private local organizations if you could not afford to buy them. And isn’t it a personal issue for each individual woman as to how they treat the subject of birth control relative to their personal beliefs and lifestyle? I can’t fathom any woman, from the tree hugging left to the radical right, wanting the government of the United States involved in this issue what so ever( I will show you how wrong I am later). Is it even an issue at all or is this just another step by the emperor to fling us into the Orwellian abyss?

Rush did his fellow conservatives no favors by tearing into Miss Fluke. Like zombies who are awakened and turned into frenzied cannibals by the scent of blood, the emperor’s media machine sniffed out the smell of gender warfare and put their republican hater game plan into effect. The emperor’s mouth pieces immediately churned out a succession of reports on their lightly viewed cable networks that Rush Limbaugh’s comments were representative of the entire Republican Party’s historical desire to control woman’s reproductive rights and take away their freedoms. Really? If anyone reading this honestly thinks there is any legitimacy to that I would like to hear from you. This issue is yours to the extent that this particular mandate affects woman. I wouldn’t dare assume to have a clue about what you may be feeling but the emperor feels he has just found a way to secure the young female voter in this country by manufacturing another victimization scenario based on a newly created freebee. Is he right?

My personal experience with woman leads me to believe that the emperor has miscalculated his target audience and has directly insulted your intelligence. I think he mistakenly clumped you in with his new army of welfare dependants. But I know that unlike men, who have maybe three or four wires in their head that control food, sex and sleep, woman have multiple harnesses of wiring going in a billion different directions, computing and analyzing a gazillion inputs all at the same time. It can be frightening. How does Barry not know that? Does his arrogance transcend common sense? Or is he a genius in that he feels gender warfare will have the same success that he is having with class warfare and race warfare? Is the younger generation of woman today less sophisticated and intelligent? I don’t see it. Somehow I don’t see the woman in my life and work place going to a park in order to protest and poop. The woman I know managed to cope with the complexities of contraception without the emperor’s help. They also managed to have careers and raise families without his guidance. If there is truly a problem with the female contraception issue, is it because woman are having difficulty accessing it or affording it? Or is it more a matter of personal accountability and responsibility for a man and woman? A little of both? Does today’s woman need or want to be sexually tethered to Big brother? Come on ladies…….give this old cave man a little sumpim sumpin to think about.

Illustrating absurdity by being absurd is Limbaugh’s Modus Operandi and probably not the best time right now for me to do his bit, but I no tact anyway so here we go. I watch PGA Golf. Apparently the networks that broadcast the golf tournaments think every man watching has erectile dysfunction because every other commercial is an advertisement for “woody” medication. Ok. So old guys like to watch golf, and some old guys tend to loose their flumparumpkin as they get older. Can I anticipate then that someday soon the emperor will be issuing another mandate to HMO’s that forces them to provide free hardening agents to all men who need them? In no way do I mean to compare this to the female contraception issue but if the emperor will get involved in a woman’s birth control, what’s next? Will I (knock on wood; excuse the pun) someday be entitled to this medication free as a “right” because I am a victim of the dreaded flumparumkin?

Now as for poor Miss Sandra Fluke. I would like to expose this woman for who she really is. Fluke has described herself as a third year law student at Georgetown University, and indeed, that is what she is. However, contrary to the sad sack of innocent victimhood that portrays her as a innocent little 23-year-old girl caught without contraception on a college campus full of predatory men, Fluke herself is really a 30-year-old women‘s rights activist who not only didn’t get caught without contraception at Georgetown, but specifically knew the university didn’t cover it and chose to attend for precisely that reason. In one of her first interviews she is quoted as talking about how she reviewed Georgetown’s insurance policy prior to committing to attend, and seeing that it didn’t cover contraceptive services, she decided to attend with the express purpose of battling this policy. I wonder if the emperor knew this before he personally called her to share in her pain and suffering.    

Never the less, shame on Rush. Regardless of the politically charged atmosphere surrounding our increasingly divided country, we need to observe limits and put forth at least a modicum of civility in our discourse and disagreements. Insulting the ideas is one thing, calling someone a personally vulgar and completely false name is quite another, even when that person is a lying, ethically vacant liberal left wing wolf in sheep’s clothing and arguably deserves no better. Maybe it was just a Fluke.