It appears that judges are not exempt from the progressive over reach of California leftists. Democratic Majority Leader Senator Ellen Corbett feels that requiring a judge applicant to reveal their ethnicity, race and gender is simply not enough in order to produce the right judicial balance in this silly state of statutory stupidity. She now wants to know all about their sex life because in her opinion, that’s vital info when rendering decisions based on statutory principles. Thanks to Corbett, the Administration Office of the Courts is now required to collect and release aggregate data relative to a justice’s gender identification and sexual orientation. This requirement also extends to currently seated justices.
In light of this new absurd, unconstitutional, immoral and completely unnecessary requirement, an anonymous judge friend has allowed me to share with you his answers to the newly required personal information questions:
- Please state your Gender Identification: I am male by chromosome count but I do get emotional sometimes when watching the Lifetime Movie Network and I like the feel of nylons against my skin.
- Please state your Sexual Orientation: Ok, that’s a bit of a toughie. On Monday I prefer woman. Don’t ask me why, it’s just a Monday thing I guess. Tuesday through Friday is a man/woman toss up depending on my mood, the weather and how things went on Monday. Saturday is a free for all, trips to the petting zoo, bondage games,….I’m not sure how to classify that one and Sunday is a day of experimentation; nothing is off the table. Hope this helps!
Juris Prudence is in good hands in the sunshine state; if you’re a Shetland pony.
New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg has passed a new law banning food donations to charitable organizations that feed the hungry because he fears the food might not meet newly adopted government standards regarding salt and fat. I guess his pal the emperor realized that he couldn’t promote child hunger programs if there weren’t actually any hungry children so he has instructed his loyal subjects to go out and make some. Charitable organizations in New York City should just disregard this ludicrous Orwellian take over law and join the new class of criminals currently developing in this country as a result of liberal government intrusion. Maybe Attorney General Eric Holder can send federal SWAT teams in to suppress any and all acts of non government approved charity.
I ordered a beer at the San Francisco Airport in January and the waitress had the nerve to ask me for a picture ID. I bought a patio set with a credit card the other day and the salesman asked to see my picture ID. I rented a car in Hawaii and had a show an ID and then I needed one to drive it. I checked in for a flight at the airport and had to produce a picture ID. I picked up a package at the post office and had to show an ID. If I want to buy Sudafed for a cold I need a picture ID. I need a picture ID to buy alcohol and cigarettes, coach a youth sports team, cash a check, rent a video, buy spray paint, pick up concert tickets or maybe even see an R rated movie. If I want Obama food stamps, Obama housing, Obama schooling, Obama phones or Obama bucks of any kind I will need a picture ID.
The only people I have ever seen in my entire professional career who don’t have ID’s are criminals, illegal aliens and dead people. So why is the emperor trying so desperately to prevent states from requiring picture IDs in order to vote for their representatives in government? Exactly……….Because protecting the integrity of the ballot box is only essential in a democracy.
The emperor’s government funded, General Motors built Chevy Volt has proven to be a miracle of green engineering. GM’s chief executive officer Dan Akerson has just now admitted that they failed to put into place a protocol for first responders when a Volt is involved in an accident. Why a protocol you may ask? Because the Volt’s lithium battery is highly charged and will explode and kill you and any passengers or first responders who disengage the battery wires incorrectly, or even correctly. There is no manual or protocol which clearly informs the owner or firefighter/police officer at the scene how to avoid a ride on a mushroom cloud to heaven. Add that pearl of terror to the existing problems with spontaneous fires, the 25 mile range and the $40,000 price tag and you have the classic government funded green hell hole prototype. GM has temporarily halted production and if you count Obama bucks given to GM for this project into the per unit calculations, each Volt sold costs over $600,000 of your tax dollars to build. Utopia!
Current and soon to be former Sheriff of San Francisco County Ross Mirkarimi has put the bay area left wing posse on mute. Their hand selected progressive Sheriff recently pled guilty to false imprisonment charges after his arrest for domestic violence and dissuading a witness. Mirkarimi did everything in his power to get himself out of the mess by attempting to intimidate witnesses and coerce the victim, his wife. His actions make him a disgrace. He is a proponent of providing inmates with marijuana and his employees are repulsed by him. He smacked his wife around, prevented her from fleeing and then behaved like every criminal I ever arrested when caught; Lies, deceit and threats to those who were witness. My question is this; where is the outrage from our cadre of American female liberal derelicts like Jane Fonda, Gloria Steinem, Sandra Fluke, Whoopi Goldberg, Nancy Pelosi or Hillary Clinton? Aren’t his actions just another example of hate in the war against woman?? Oh that’s right…he’s left……
The latest report from the Congressional Budget Office indicates that the ten year cost for Obamacare has almost doubled already from 900 billion to 1.76 Trillion dollars. Every conservative who originally called BS on Barry was soundly shouted down by the left. They were right. The greatest socialist quote of all time still belongs in the trophy room of Nancy Pelosi when she uttered the now comical words when referring to Obamacare, “You have to pass the bill in order to see what’s in it.” Well we see now. No further questions your honor.
The country of Greece is bankrupt and basically insolvent. Excessive and corrupt government spending, tax cheats and a huge contingent of government entitlement programs of every shape and size has put them right where they deserve to be. So what does Greece do in response to this catastrophe? They create another protected class and add one more group to the welfare roles and guess who it is? PEDOPHILES! In Greece , convicted child molesters and those with pedophilia are now entitled to government funding for up to 40% of prevailing Greek wages! Apparently these poor Greek child rapists have a disability and the sensitive, caring and compassionate Greek government will not turn their backs on these troubled souls. But those other Greek citizens who are in wheelchairs and prosthetics have discovered that they actually receive a lower percentage of government funding for their condition then child molesters. The Greek Ministry of free Sh_t is currently besieged with an alarming number of government dependents who are afflicted with a yearning desire to have sex with children. I’m done.