“Give a man a fish and you feed him for the day. Teach a man how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.”
Chinese proverbs are fascinating to many because they can say so much in just a few words. Proverbs can be very thought provoking and when my thoughts are provoked they tend to defend themselves. So I wonder how this ancient phrase of wisdom would weave itself into the fabric of some of our current political trends and philosophies. Let’s have a little fun at the same time and throw it into a medieval time theme shall we!
In the Kingdom called USA , the emperor begrudgingly lets people learn how to fish and catch their own. This is not the emperor’s way however; he would prefer you just take the free fish he gives you and let his government do the fishing. For those independent, hard working fisherman who do well for themselves, there exists the constant danger that you may incur the wrath of this emperor because you have too many fish. This also creates anger and jealousy among his loyal subjects who don’t think fishing is worth all the hard work. They will grow full of discontent, complaining that it’s not fair that you have more fish then they do. They only get one free fish a day from the emperor.
And because you did not support the emperor in his attempts to have fishing regulated so as to favor his friends and supporters, he will be forced to send his Chancellor of the Exchequer Eric Holder to seize your fishing equipment and boat because they suspect you of disloyalty to the kingdom.
Now the people of the kingdom who were given their one free daily fish decided they should get two fish a day because you and the other fisherman who went out every day and worked from dawn to dusk had two. They didn’t want to fish for their own food so they decided to pitch tents in your cottage yard and poop all over your plum orchard. The plum orchard you tended after working all day to provide your family with fresh fruit. The emperor’s subjects don’t want you have more then they do so they block access to your boat in the morning and you cannot get to work. The unruly crowd grows loud and smelly and they yell weird chants and smoke sweet smelling plants. They are angry because, according to them you have too many fish and you won’t re-distribute them among everyone……for free.
You cannot understand why so many subjects of the kingdom are angry with you. Before you decided to learn how to fish for yourself, you received the same free fish as the others and everybody received you well. Now you work hard to make a decent life for your family and they throw rocks at you and ruin your plum orchard. You already have to give the emperor half of all the fish you catch each day when you return to the dock and he is giving those fish to the very same subjects who are turning your property into a cesspool. The emperor then stands up in front of his subjects and announces that you are an evil fisherman who does not pay his fair share of fish. He forsakes you and your hard work and proclaims this inequality of fish to be unfair and supports the smelly poopers who refuse to fish. He declares in his empire there will be fairness for all. Why do you treat me so emperor?
Then something happens; the emperor realizes that each time one of his subjects learns how to fish, they don’t have to rely on him for their very existence. The emperor seethes with anger. He cannot understand why commoners choose to work hard all day and live free from the emperor’s entitlements. Those ingrates!
The emperor immediately seeks to implement strict regulations that will hamper the fisherman and make it nearly impossible for them survive without him! He declares by executive emperor order that all fishing lines must be made with energy efficient hemp even though the lines will break as soon as they get wet and be useless. He further declares all fishermen must use boats that run on ferry dust, a product only the emperor’s close friends and supporters have for sale. The emperor’s minions all become very rich.
The emperor declares that he has made life better for all and the kingdom is strong. He has brought fairness to the land and he commands his loyal jesters Pelosi and Reid to prepare a feast in his honor because he has declared himself the greatest emperor of all time.
But during the feast, a messenger runs nervously up to the emperor and whispers something. The fishermen are leaving! They are going to a far off land where they will be rewarded for their efforts and will not be the subject of ridicule and protest. They will be able to keep more of their fish to offer other tradesman for goods and services that help to make everyone better off. The emperor realizes now he has no one left to catch the free fish for his kingdom’s subjects!
With nobody fishing and more subjects wanting free fish, the emperor decides to make fake gold coins and buy fish from afar, knowing other generations will have to take responsibility for his irresponsible actions. His coins are not worth anything and he knows that soon the tradesmen will find out and stop selling to him.
The emperor is broke and his words have no substance. All but his two jesters are experiencing doubt in his abilities. He is hoping the upcoming emperor election will arrive before his lack of respect for personal freedom and knowledge about the human spirit is exposed and he is banished from the kingdom in disgrace. Bring me my jesters!