Monday, January 16, 2012


If anyone is still uncertain about the emperor’s intentions during this upcoming election year to secure the Latino vote by any means necessary, let me help you along some. Barry recently appointed amnesty advocate Cecilia Munoz to be the head of the Domestic Policy Council. Munoz was a strong supporter of the failed DREAM Act and is the former senior vice president for the radical open-border National Council of La Raza. La Raza means “The Race”.

Munoz will be the director of intergovernmental affairs and will oversee outreach to state and local governments. Watch out for terms like “outreach”.

La Raza is the largest Latino civil rights and advocacy organization in the United States. Munoz served there as an immigration expert until 2009 when she joined the emperor’s administration.

Let’s take a look at the La Raza organization for a moment. La Raza makes no bones about their blatantly radical nature. They don’t fly the American flag at their pro amnesty rallies, they fly the Mexican flag. They organize rallies that promote lawless disregard for American laws and they set thousands of illegal immigrants loose on streets, brazenly waving Mexican flags and making demands. These by the way are predominantly illegal immigrants doing the demanding.

Under Munoz, The Race advised the Mexican government on how to lobby for illegal alien amnesty in the United States. Mexico's Institute for Mexicans Residing Abroad rewarded her with its Ohtli Prize for her service to the country. Their country, not ours.
The Race vehemently protested post-9/11 homeland security measures and joined a failed lawsuit to block immigration information-sharing between the feds and local police. The group also has called for TV and cable news networks to keep immigration enforcement proponents off the airwaves, in addition to pushing for Fairness Doctrine policies to shut up their foes.
La Raza has secured “strategic partnerships" with Wachovia and Bank of America, which allows for lower mortgage application requirements and watered down documentation standards. Illegal aliens have secured countless federal and private home loans over the past decade thanks to the lending industry's silent partnerships.

The Council of La Raza received $4 million dollars of taxpayer money this year from an anonymous Senator to promote open borders and amnesty for illegals. The recent incidents in Tucson had the full support and backing of La Raza. As summarized from a reporting piece;

“Yesterday a Tucson Unified School District board meeting was scheduled to   discuss making La Raza Studies, or Race Studies, an elective in public schools rather than banning the program all together. The “ethnic studies” programmed was banned earlier this year because of the material being taught in the program.
Instructors of the Raza studies, also known as Mexican –American studies, teach students that Arizona belongs to Mexico, to over throw the U.S. government, to take back that land and trains students to conduct several acts of civil disobedience, including chaining themselves to chairs in order take over school district board meetings.”

It was also these same open-border activists that recently blocked off a major freeway (I-19) with tires, tar and glass, putting the lives of people driving on the freeway at risk. Their goal was to stop all deportations back to Mexico and to disrupt the flow of commerce to damage the economy. This with the full support and involvement of la Raza and Cecilia Munoz, former La Raza VP and now the emperor’s new advisor on Domestic Policy.

Make no mistake. The emperor wants to open the floodgates and let our borders gush freely with democratic voters. He will channel his policy though Cecilia Munoz to give himself plausible deniability should events take a turn for the worse, which is highly likely, and he will tout La Raza as a proud civil rights group as a defense mechanism for his selection.

I want everyone who desires a chance to live and work here in this great country to have that opportunity. There is however a right way and a wrong way. This is just plain wrong. The emperor should be developing an efficient and effective process by which to legally integrate immigrants into our country as American citizens by meeting a pre-determined set of standards and adopting our culture. Yes….OUR CULTURE. Instead he is using subterfuge to allow another country’s culture to force itself into and attempt to eradicate ours. He has removed 75% of the National Guard presence at the border and stymied border patrol agents with prohibitive operational guidelines. He has sued any state who seeks to protect its sovereign boundaries and citizens therein from the violence of narco terrorism, human trafficking and the massive economic drain of illegal residents. You have to ask yourself the sobering question. Why?

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