Saturday, October 22, 2011


Social progressiveness is an intoxicating cultural formula for the liberal establishment and their love affair with moral relevancy. For a liberal leaning person to effectively assuage their internal conflict and guilt they must continually come up with novel methods of tweaking societal norms to create a new, albeit temporary personal emotional high for themselves. This “progressive” ideology creates in their minds and hearts a vital positive life vibe, thus protecting their soft underbelly of vulnerability from the emotional harshness of the real.

At the risk of sounding sympathetic, social progressiveness is in its barest and least aggressive form, a coping mechanism for those who have a hard time finding an emotional enclave in their psyche where they can put away the ugliness and pain that they feel when real happens. I believe that is why you often here the term “utopia” thrown around when talking heads attempt to figure out how liberal mindsets develop and why they do what they do. A perfect world doesn’t hurt and it doesn’t hurt to wish for one. I for one hope they succeed some day; but I fear their modus operandi is flawed, which unfortunately is the case with the human race itself.

The big hiccup in this progressive drive for utopia is that imperfect humans will be the ones trying to socially engineer a perfect world. Humans are diverse in their culture, beliefs and life priorities and so their definition of a perfect society will also vary. A good example of the imperfect attempting to create “their” concept of utopia is the beautiful city of San Francisco.

Policy makers and city leaders for San Francisco have embarked on an ambitious journey. They are looking for Utopia. Along this journey of progressive discovery they have concluded that where there is free will there can be no true utopia. Uh oh. The citizens of this great city have been relegated to “lab rat” status and the cultural elite whom drive the decision makers understand the need for control in their quest for the perfect society. Frisco has established or is in the process of establishing a list of interesting yet troubling new standards and local laws that are either overly accommodating or severely restricting depending on “their” idea of perfection. Among them;

A city employee benefit that provides for a sex change operation at the city’s expense.(that means tax payer expense for you occupy a park people) The city will also pay for one sex change reversal if you are not happy with your first decision! I have not been able to determine if this benefit has been eliminated in the last couple of years. And along this same line;

The city provides a separate locker and restroom facilities in several major city buildings for those who are “Tweeners” in the sex change game. Yes, a third locker room if you will for those who are in the nether world of amorphous sexual hermaphroditic chaos and are still travelling down the road to an innie or an outie.

Of course you have all heard by now that fast food restaurants in Frisco can no longer provide toys in their kid’s meals. Utopian health officials have declared this an unacceptable act of capitalist trickery, so parents have had their parenting powers permanently suspended when it comes to food and toys.  

Those who work as waiters and waitresses in restaurants in the city are by local law provided free basic health care, because in Utopia everyone has medical coverage. Of course the costs for this bennie are transferred to the restaurant customers and are added as a non negotiable charge to their meal bill. See how “free” works in Utopia? Well as was bound to happen, customers who did not necessarily feel overly encumbered with a civic duty to pay the servers health care costs reduced their tips by the same amount as the add on charge. Go figure! The utopian policy wonks were not to be out done however and decided that a mandatory 25% tip be inked into local law for customers eating in all San Fran eateries. Now the choice has been taken away from the customer all together. Would anyone like to guess what will happen next?

San Francisco has tall buildings and birds. Every now and again, a bird will fly into a window and die. I’m guessing this is unacceptable in a perfect society because city officials are considering passing a new law requiring all buildings to be retrofitted with bird proof windows. Industry standards show these windows to be three times less energy efficient and three times more expensive. So the bird brains who want to bird proof city buildings hired a bird expert. The bird expert explained to the bird brains that most deceased birds in the city limits die of causes other then window encounters. City officials have put this agenda item on hold while they grapple with how to appear as cutting edge progressives while also making the logical decision to forget the whole stupid idea.

San Francisco utopianites sincerely care about the welfare of its lab rats, I mean citizens. So much so that they have considered passing yet another feel good law that requires any cell phone purchased in the city limits to have a sticker attached which clearly displays the level of cancer causing radiation that each phones emits. During their rush to get this ordinance pushed through city hall they failed investigate whether they even knew what they were talking about. When something just “feels” right, facts can get in the way and ruin the party; which is precisely what happened. A radiation expert walked into the city council meeting and informed them that the radiation emitted from a standard cell phone device doesn’t cause cancer anymore then watching a TV or eating seafood. Agenda item on hold pending further feelings.

Conventional utopian wisdom holds that clothing should be optional in a perfect society. Citizens of Frisco should not have to feel ashamed of their unclothed bodies so city hall has ordered the police department to cease all enforcement of indecent exposure laws, with the exception of a citizen’s arrest. Everyone is free to express themselves, to frolic freely in the buff in and around the great city. Utopia! But wait………..

It has recently been brought to the attention of the city social designers that naked people leak! Sitting on a cable car seat or park bench vacated by a nudist can be a hygienic dilemma. Nobody in utopia should have to touch someone else’s moisture trails and fluid samples! Soooooo…….. We need another law! A local elected official named Anthony Weener (I’m serious) has suggested that a new city ordinance be passed requiring all naked people to put down a towel whenever and wherever they sit during their nakedness experiences.  We can call it the Weener rule.

Rumor has it that Frisco dog owners may soon be required to walk their dogs with diapers on. Visible excrement is in direct violation of acceptable utopian society standards. The egress of internal waste matter is something of a grey area in utopia. Experts are working it out now.

I could go on forever, but I will leave you with this last bit of the Frisco utopian philosophy. City hall has declared San Francisco a sanctuary city for all illegal aliens who choose to live there. It’s all smoke and mirrors of course because there’s actually no such thing, but by virtue of their declaration they have freed themselves from their guilt, which is forbidden in utopia. Ironically, they have also declared themselves a non sex offender city. They propose that no location inside Frisco is legally available to house sex offenders. So there! In utopia, you get to pretend that your family and children are safe, while having not the slightest idea where the predators are lurking!

So this great experiment by the bay keeps moving forward. From where I sit, this wanna be perfect society, forged and funneled into socially progressive caveats and conditions doesn’t look so great under the hood. It sure is pretty to look at though.      

Saturday, October 15, 2011


This is hard for me to talk about dear friends. Something horrifying yet somehow cleansing has happened to me. I guess it was just a matter of time before something like this happened. I never believed it would of course and I didn’t see it coming but sometimes the truth hits you right between the eyes and you just cannot ignore it. It is a bittersweet epiphany and I must rely honestly on my conviction of objectivity as I reveal this to you, my valued and respected friends, family and colleagues;

After serious introspective soul searching, I have decided to wholeheartedly embrace and support liberalism, the Occupy movement people and everything they stand for. Please forgive me.

I can’t explain why it took me so long to see the light. I guess I just got caught up in the heartless and radical right wing hater mindset and became blinded to the real truth. But it’s here now and I must go about repairing the damage that has been done to me. I can see now how others have been responsible for my failures and shortcomings and more importantly how others have failed to provide for me and take care of me. It’s simply a matter of figuring out how this happened to me in the first place and then take all necessary steps to make sure others do not wonder aimlessly down the same path. It’s all about righting this wrong, accepting the fact that I have been a victim my whole life and go about moving forward. It is nothing short of a catharsis for me and I can already feel the weight of principled living and personal responsibility lifting away from my very being. I am saved!

As a starting point for my rebirth I must be honest with myself and seek to confront the origins of my development and how I came to be such a radical. I’m sorry Mom and Dad, but I know what you did to me now. How could you!

Of course it all makes perfect sense when you look back at it. How could I have been so blind? How could I have been so thoroughly deceived by these diabolical people whom I loved and trusted? And you……my mother and father, wasted precious little time implementing your scheme! 

I was just a little boy when you gave me a quarter to go buy a 5 cent candy bar at the store. When I returned and told you with a straight face that the price of candy bars had suddenly shot up to 25 cents, you did not just accept the fact that I was entitled to the other 20 cents; you forced a confession out of me and followed up with a punishment that taught me the value of honesty. That’s right mom and dad, its all coming back to me now and you are not getting away with it. It didn’t end there either.

I was 10 years old when I told you I wanted a new baseball mitt. You had the unmitigated gall to suggest I get some lawn mowing jobs in the neighborhood and earn the money for myself! Holy crap! If I had known then the truth, that I actually deserved to have the mitt and shouldn’t have to work for it, then I could have spent more time watching TV and playing in the park with my friends. It’s so very hard to relive this all over again, but it’s not over……

My high school trigonometry teacher caught me cheating on a test and called you. You took me aside when I got home and verbally chewed me a new pooper. You reminded me about the importance of character and honesty, hard work and integrity and the most ridiculous one of all, self respect. Huh? You made me apologize to the teacher and challenged me to work harder. What a fool I was! My schoolmate had the right answers to the test. Although he was the one who stayed up late studying to excel on test day, it turns out I had the right to have whatever answers he had. How greedy and selfish the system was for not re-distributing all the correct answers to everyone in the class so we all got straight A’s! And you, my parents, acted as co-conspirators in this egregious act of class warfare! But the worst is yet to come…..

I was completely duped into believing that I had to spend every summer of my college years working full time to pay for school. While others just took out massive student loans, went to Hawaii and took fun summer trips to various exotic locations, I was working my tail off to have enough money for tuition and some food. Now I realize that college should have been free for me! I was completely flamboozled into believing that I was responsible for making my own way in life and creating a future for myself. Boy oh boy mom and dad, you must have a couple of real good laughs when you realized I bought that BS philosophy hook line and sinker. It’s not so funny now is it! I’ll never get those summers back…sniff. Oh…..but you needed help here and there to complete your little project….

Every sports coach I ever had, many teachers and people whom I admired during my programming experience were all in on it. They told me to always strive for excellence, to be the best. I was convinced by these charlatans that I should push myself hard, make sacrifices and set goals. And what happened when I had some success? Oh sure….I received a few accolades, a plaque here, a trophy there and an occasional feeling of accomplishment. HA! How could I have known back then that it was all a façade? How was I to know that we were all the same and we all should have gotten a trophy! Boy do I feel like Mcfly getting whapped upside my head by Biff.

And to all you employers who made me work for minimum wage or less. Forcing me stand in rat infested rice fields pulling weeds, scraping dry Mexican food off plates and scrubbing grills. Busing tables at the college restaurant during my one hour lunch break. It continued into my career also. My first Employer made me work grave yard shifts and Sundays, brow beat me into staying late on weekdays and intimidated me into following a code of conduct and grooming standards. You bastards! I’ll just never forgive any of you. All it would have taken was for just one of you to take me aside and let me know what was really going on. A note tucked into my pocket, an anonymous phone call, something! Twenty six years of doing the job right, twenty six years of punctuality, excellence, faithful devotion and sacrifice. Not one of you told me the truth! Not one! And now I am told by the emperor that I am wealthy and I am to give my money to others who don’t have as much. You made me evil!

It’s not difficult to see how I came to be this dysfunctional and radical. I never had a chance. I was never exposed to the real truth and when it came to me in the form of network news or from respected community leaders like Jesse Jackson, Barbara Boxer, Nancy Pelosi, Barbara Steisand, Jane Fonda, Michael Moore, Whoopi Goldberg, Al Sharpton and even the emperor, I ignored them. I put my head in the sand because it hurt. It was damn lies. I could not come to grips with the reality that my whole life to this point had been a sham.

Well they can’t hurt me anymore. I’ve had it. I plan on pitching a tent in my parent’s front yard, (if they’ll lend me one) and start my own occupation! If you feel you have been similarly victimized by the same mind altering indoctrination join my movement and occupy your parent’s yard! Use their landscaping as a latrine; threaten to kill their grass if they don’t feed you, let them know the gig is up and you want retribution! It’s ours for the taking! Gawd this feels good!

I must go now. I still have to quit my job, cancel my medical and life insurance, shred my mortgage bill and find out what the neighbors are making me for dinner.


Wednesday, October 12, 2011


The occupy Wall Street movement has been tugging on my emotional shirttail of late but to adequately address every aspect of this situation would require great detail and would unnecessarily burden the attention span of even the most ardent reader. However; These occupy peeps, these unemployed mobs of layabouts strewn around our major city centers have come up with a loose list of thirteen demands. These are ridiculous demands from a bunch of spoiled wack nuts that have never done anything in their entire lives to deserve them. Let’s look at some of these “demands” and see why this movement will end up permenantly constipated.

The occupiers would like to demand a living wage of twenty dollars per hour. Right now many college graduates, young professionals and blue collar workers support themselves on less money then that. How nice for a bunch of whiners with nothing but free time to have the audacity to dictate the salary standard for those who employee workers. Good lookin out for your working brethren! This does not pertain to the protesters of course because the won’t earn anything sitting and shitting in the grass at a park. What they have earned though is an Economic IQ of zero. Next;

Universal single payer health care system. No medical bills for them! This is a terrific idea in the eyes of people who don’t work which transforms seamlessly into the next demand;

A guaranteed wage regardless of employment. Wow! Our precious occupados want everything for free even if they never work a day in their lives. Did their parents raise these kids to believe that their every need should be met by everyone else? How on earth did that philosophy take root? How did we manage to instill such distaste for working on our kids?

Free college education. The protestors have made it clear they shouldn’t have to get jobs so why on earth would they want to go to college? I can only surmise that they want to spend a few years having their heads crammed full of more liberal crap while puffing on a fatty and paying nary a dime. They can then call themselves students and get the latest most up to date protest information from their greedy corporate generated I Phones (whoops!) so there is less confusion about what they are supposed to be fed up with this week.

They have two other demands that call for immediate debt forgiveness for all and to outlaw all credit reporting agencies. Hummmmmm.  Let’s call it a hunch but I’m guessing our little occupiers have managed to rack up a bunch of credit card debt, school loans and other frivolous type purchases and pay back time has arrived. Of course, in support of their argument here, if college had been free and the greedy corporations hadn’t forced credit cards down their throats then this would have never happened. Damn Wall Street.

There are other vague demands calling for a “racial and gender equality amendment”, whatever that means, and another allowing for “open borders migration”. Could it be they want “open borders” so immigrants working as hotel maids and landscapers can add to the taxpayer pot that our valiant occupiers will need to draw from? Maybe these same immigrants can then clean up the urine, feces and fast food wrappers that our world changing revolutionaries cannot be bothered with. I mean with no mommy and daddy around, what’s an occupier to do?

What is it exactly that has filled these kid’s heads with such an enormous sense of entitlement and self worship? They speak in comically grandiose language in a feeble attempt to describe their pointless protest and call themselves “revolutionaries”. They have authorized themselves the status of world saviors and want us all to believe the universe is in full freeze mode pending the outcome of their historical movement. That is sadly delusional and highly narcissistic. Narcissists tend to turn violent when their demands aren’t met, which explains why some of the protestors have been going around beating up middle-class cops who are just trying to keep the peace.

Our constitutional right to freedom of assembly and speech are two of our greatest freedoms and separates us dramatically from so many other nations where these rights simply do not exist. The occupiers are taking full advantage of these rights and with the exception of those few who are defecating and urinating in the streets or who are attacking the police, they are doing so in a manner protected by the very principles established by our constitution and I will fight to the death their right to do so. Unfortunately they are irrelevant because their performance is so disappointing. This is my children’s generation and they need to do much better. If I was the head coach of a protesting team, these folks would be warming the bench with their behinds.

 These body-pierced, sunken chested 19 year olds are so woefully underwhelming in their delivery, so lacking in sophistication and so educationally overdrawn that it is embarrassing to the rest of us working Americans and we can only hope that nobody outside the borders of this country is watching. I can only assume that their lack of presentable organization, focus and logic is either a direct or indirect result of my generation’s parenting skills. I feel partially responsible for this but unlike these defecating dimwit protesters, I take full account for my failure. I can empathize with the British now and how they must have felt watching their hooligan kids run amok a few months ago. Our flash mobs and occupiers are just two orders in the same class of this generation.

As one who is responsible to some extent for this generation of slackers, complainers and dolts, I offer, as atonement for this failure, to donate my time to any of these individuals who obviously did not pay any attention to their history, civics, government, English, business, math or economics classes. I vow to teach them the importance of fiscal responsibility, personal accountability and the benefits of hard work, sacrifice and perseverance. I will strive to instill in them an understanding of self reliance and appreciation for honesty and integrity. In short, I will teach them the exact opposite of what our current major educational institutions and federal government has taught them thus far. Class in now in session. 

I saw this recently and it looked like a good way to wrap this up;


The folks who are getting the free stuff don't like the folks who are paying for the free stuff because the folks who are paying for the free stuff can no longer afford to pay for both the free stuff and their own stuff.
The folks who are paying for the free stuff want the free stuff to stop.
 the folks who are getting the free stuff want even more free stuff on top of the free stuff they are already getting!
Now...  The people who are forcing the people who PAY for the free stuff have told the people who are RECEIVING the free stuff that the people who are PAYING for the free stuff
are being mean, prejudiced, and racist.
So... the people who are GETTING the free stuff have been convinced they need to hate the people who are PAYING for the free stuff by the people who are forcing some people to pay for their free stuff, and giving them the free stuff in the first place.
We have let the free stuff giving go on for so long that there are now more people GETTING free stuff than PAYING for the free stuff.
Now, understand this:  all great democracies have committed financial suicide somewhere between 200 and 250 years after being founded.  The reason?
The voters figured out they could vote themselves money from the treasury by electing people who promised to give them money from the treasury in exchange for electing them.
The United States officially became a Republic in 1776, 231 years ago. The number of people now getting free stuff outnumbers the people paying for the free stuff. We have one chance to change that in 2012. Failure to change that spells the end of the United States as we know it.