Wednesday, August 31, 2011



For every vignette that finds its way to post, there are countless other topics and news items that I sorely wish to address but cannot find the time to write about. Some tidbits of information just scream for my attention and in so much as I would love to quit my job, stop bathing and become a recluse, I must none the less portion my efforts to jive with my available time schedule. I should have married money. The ever mounting pile of mental junk files orbiting my nugget has become burdensome and must be defragged so I can once again remember the names of my children. Allow me to offer you the following brief but poignant snippets of valuable information which I am drawn to share. For those of you who like speed dating, this is your piece baby…..

Congressional Black Caucus member and Democratic Representative Andre Carson spoke recently at an event in Miami. While commenting on the Tea Party he made the following statement, “Some in Congress would love to see us as second class citizens and some of them in Congress right now of this Tea Party movement would love to see you and me hanging from a tree.” ……..This in my opinion is what happens when your political philosophy is so discredited that you can’t even make a coherent argument for it any longer.

A fantastic show of clandestine cooperation between the network news reporters and the front Offices of both the Oakland Raiders and San Francisco 49ers has blown up in their faces. Many of you have heard about the ugly brawls, bathroom beatings and violent stabbings that occurred during the August 22 preseason game between these two bay area football teams. You no doubt listened to countless pundits and public safety ninnies who wrung themselves inside out in an effort to explain this rash of violence at Candlestick Park. Now let me tell you what the team’s spokespersons and liberal media reporters didn’t tell you. It was, “National Mexican Heritage Appreciation Day” at the Raider-Niner game. Ticket and beer prices were slashed and Latino’s were heavily marketed for attendance at this game. Apparently they did not specifically ask that the nortenos and surrenos Mexican gangs call a one day truce to their lifelong pissing match. For those who may not be aware. Surrenos are southern California based and associate their gang strongly with the number 13 which is the letter M, the thirteenth letter in the alphabet and stands for Mexican Mafia. Nortenos are primarily northern gang members and associate with the number 14, which is the letter N for Norteno, Nuestra Familia and Northern Structure. The brawl that occurred in the stands broke out in Section 13. Oh My! Get it? I can understand that this would be somewhat sensitive and nobody would want to impugn the dignity of the proud Mexican Heritage, especially during an event where they are honoring their own, but is it to much to ask for reporters to simply report and let us draw our own conclusions? I know that a few bad apples can cast a pawl over and detract from the magnificence of a great event, but we the viewers know that too and don’t wish to be spoon fed our news in doses of truth mixed in with omission. I sometimes believe that the Old Russian propaganda newspaper, “Pravda” was more open and legitimate then the American press is these days.

That giant sucking sound you hear coming from Southern California is the massive monthly payout to illegal immigrants incurred by the County of Los Angeles. According to L.A. County’s Department of Social Services, 52 million dollars goes out for food stamps and welfare costs to illegals each month! 600 million dollars a year. Nationally the total is around 22 billion. That does not take into account the additional 500 million spent on health care for illegal aliens. If we could only find a way to balance the budget. Everybody think real hard!

The great Political Migration has started and is gaining momentum. New census numbers show citizens fleeing by the millions from liberal states and flocking in comparable numbers to bastions of rightwing sentiment. The biggest losers in terms of residents lost were the prominent redoubts of progressivism: California, New York, Illinois, Michigan and New Jersey. The biggest winners in the relocation sweepstakes are all commonly identified as “red states” in which republicans generally dominate local politics: Florida, Texas, North Carolina, Arizona and Georgia. This shift in national demographics has rearranged the playing field for the upcoming presidential election. New York and Ohio both lost two electoral votes. Texas meanwhile gained a whopping 4 electoral votes. If liberal approaches work so well, why are so many people choosing to pack their bags and leave?

President Obama’s uncle was arrested last Friday for suspicion of drinking and driving after he narrowly missed striking a police patrol vehicle just outside of Boston. Onyango Obama is a half brother to the president’s late father and is being held without bail, subject to an immigration order. When asked if he would like to make a call to arrange bail, Onyango, 67, told law enforcement at the scene, “I think I will call the White House.” I wonder how that worked out.

It was 26 years ago last May that Philadelphia Police literally bombed a house and its occupants out of existence. After a protracted standoff with a black radical pro-revolution group called MOVE, who had holed themselves up in a fortified house on
Osage Avenue
and fired at police, the decision was made to drop a bomb onto the house from a helicopter. The house was destroyed and eleven people were killed, including five children. The ensuing fire gutted 61 houses and flattened the entire neighborhood. I don’t care how dangerous the people in that house were, I hope I never hear about law enforcement bombing its own citizens ever again. A dark moment for a proud profession. In case you didn’t know.

Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker recently attempted to visit Messmer Preparatory Catholic School, a “choice school”, one that allows parents to opt out of the public school system. Union thugs showed up and glued the school’s doors shut and vandalized other parts of the institution in order to prevent the Governor from completing his visit. Why? The unions in Wisconsin fear these schools not because they don’t educate children but because they eat into the unions control over schools and children. Indiana has a similar program, where a voucher program has thousands of children heading to private schools, and administrators are begging parents not to leave. Lawsuits are being threatened by the anti voucher crowd and it’s the teachers union that wants to do it. Because when students leave public school, public school teacher positions will get eliminated. Of course, an influx of students into private schools will mean more jobs for teachers in the private market, but the union doesn’t control the employers in that sector like they do in the public system. Teachers would have to demonstrate competence and effectiveness longer the just achieving tenure. The union thugs want to protect their cash flow and can’t compete with the private market so they try to delegitimize it, claiming that the parochial schools that are getting the lion’s share of the students and are some kind of threat to the American public. They don’t seem concerned at all about the children…………..

Enough for now………………..Defrag complete.


Friday, August 26, 2011

An Assimimilation Warrior

Blunt. Brash. Bold. Politically incorrect. Unapologetically patriotic. Philadelphia cheese-steak king Joey Vento was all that and a side of freedom fries. The 71-year-old owner of Geno's Steaks died of a heart attack this week, but he reignited a national debate over radical multiculturalism that will burn for years to come.

Five years ago, Vento garnered national headlines when a local newspaper profiled his outspoken views on customers who couldn't speak English. He hung a sign in his order window that read: "This is America. When ordering, speak English." Though he never turned anyone away, the grandson of Italian immigrants informed hungry patrons that he reserved the "right to refuse service" to those he couldn't understand.

No menus in 10 different languages. No dumbed-down pictographs for the idiocracy. The choice at Geno's is simple: Sink or swim. Learn English or eat somewhere else. "If you can't tell me what you want, I can't serve you," Vento told the Philadelphia Inquirer. "It's up to you. If you can't read, if you can't say the word 'cheese,' how can I communicate with you -- and why should I have to bend? I got a business to run."

Vento's refusal to coddle triggered a tsunami of complaints from self-appointed civil rights leaders. The ululations of the aggrieved resounded from sea to whining sea.
For exercising his constitutionally protected free speech, both the Philadelphia City Council and Philadelphia Human Relations Commission launched political inquisitions against Vento. Yes, it really happened in the home of Independence Hall. Members of the government bodies demanded that Vento remove his bald eagle-adorned sign and threatened to revoke his business license. After 21 months of investigation, a marathon seven-hour hearing and hysterical testimony likening his innocuous 4-inch-by-9-inch sign to "Jim Crow laws," he was cleared of discrimination charges.

Plainspoken as ever, Vento understood full well why the multi-culti mob wanted to gag him: "I say what everybody's thinking but is afraid to say."

As a fellow Philly-born loudmouth, I cheered Vento on for years during his battles with the anti-assimilationists. He weathered the same old slings, arrows and accusations of being a "racist," "xenophobe," "nativist" and immigrant-basher -- despite the fact that generations of assimilated immigrants and naturalized Americans agree with him. The vast majority of Americans support English as the official language of the United States. Latino parents in California revolted against "bilingual education" mandates that stuck their kids in Spanish-only classes.
Generations of successful immigrant families in America know English is the language of success, not the language of oppression. Yet, politicians in both parties have pandered ceaselessly to the language-Balkanizers.

The Clinton administration gave us Executive Order 13166, effectively requiring all government agencies to provide translations into any language on demand. Rather than rescind the order, the Bush administration went after localities and forced them to provide foreign language materials. In 2004, the Bush administration ordered Harris County, Texas, to provide all voter registration and election information and supplies, including the voting machine ballot, in Vietnamese, as well as English and Spanish.

Under the Obama administration, the Department of Justice threatened to cut off federal funding to the state of Oklahoma over a state constitutional amendment proposal to designate English as its official language. The Obama DOJ also has ordered my home state of Colorado to protect the interests of "language minority populations" by funding free translators for any foreigners -- legal or illegal -- who sue in civil cases here. In the same vein, the Philadelphia Human Rights Commission that tried to silence Vento distributes pamphlets asking "Are you a victim of discrimination?" in seven languages.

"Progressive" politicians pandering for votes treat non-English speakers as hopeless victims of white hegemony, instead of beneficiaries of the American dream. By contrast, small-business man Joey Vento promoted a common culture, a common tongue and common sense. We need more assimilation warriors like him to challenge the infantilizing Babel Lobby.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


The seemingly non stop slide down into the cultural abyss continues in Casa Grande Arizona with the story of Susanne Eman. Who is Susanne Eman you ask? Why she is an obese model. She is a model of obesity and she is driven to succeed in her passionate goal to accomplish something no other obese woman has ever done before. Susanne Eman, (I may throw up a little here), wants to become the fattest woman in the world. In my opinion she is already possibly the dumbest human being walking the face of the earth, I mean assuming she can still walk. Her goal? She hopes to break the current world record of 1,600 pounds and according to the latest news reports she is about halfway there. Eman has indicated to the news reporters who feel drawn to cover this sad episode that, “I’d love to find out if it’s humanly possible to reach a ton”. She’s eating it all up so to speak.

Susanne Eman consumes 20,000 calories a day. She goes to the supermarket once a month with her two sons, 16 and 12 and spends up to eight hours filling six shopping carts. She rides on a motorized scooter. Astonishingly her mission to become Jabba the Hut’s life partner began after she struggled to lose weight naturally. She also noticed that she began attracting more men as she got heavier and it made her feel good! Eman is unemployed. She cannot work because of her weight but claims she stays active by doing simple exercises and has regular health checks. “I go for a waddle and do stretches every day”, Eman explains. She has been warned by doctors that her little experiment with immensity could easily kill her but she insists she wants to break the record and put to route forever the notion that being obese is a bad thing.

Well Susanne let me be the first then to pull the shades up for you. Listen very carefully to what I’m about to tell you. Ready? Are you comfortable? Can you be comfortable? Being morbidly obese is not a good thing! You are slowly committing suicide and you are giving your sons ringside seats to the event. I won’t bore you with the obvious health issues associated with your disgusting adventure. I’m sure they have been mentioned to you by the doctors you get your, “Health checks” from.

So you’re single and unemployed? Imagine that. Well then Shamu, please tell me that tax payers are not footing the bill for you to achieve this wonderful lifelong dream. If you hit the grocery store once a month I can only assume that is the case. Have you considered your kids, who will likely be motherless by the time you get anywhere near your goal weight? You should have them taken from you immediately. Do you realize that the, “attraction” you refer to from other men is not so much an attraction to you personally as it is a gravitational force created by your bio mass! You should have the government teat ripped out of your voracious mouth today. Reporters should walk away in disgust and forget about you completely. You should be thoroughly embarrassed for yourself and apologize to your sons for even considering such a dangerous and worthless Endeavour. You need to be fed emotional help, not food.

Obesity in this country is reaching critical mass. Look around. Poor parental diet discipline and lazy lifestyles are a big part of the problem. TV, video gaming, computers and a general lack of physical activity only exacerbate it. Fast food restaurants do not help matters. I’ve had weight related issues hit close to home as have my friends and colleagues. I don’t see the humor or novelty in all this. Next time you have an hour to kill, go walk up and down the Intensive Care Unit of any hospital.  Maybe somebody who loves Susanne Iman should wheel her there for a little look see into the not so sexy reality that is her future if she continues on her quest for fat fame.

So a lonely sick woman in Arizona has succumbed to the allure of the absurd. The hypnotic pull of the Octomom method of infamy through gross irresponsibility has found another follower. Don’t follow her.  

Friday, August 12, 2011


2011 is not looking like a great year for liberalism and liberal politics. In fact it is shaping up into an abysmal failure, so it is interesting to me that they will not even consider abandoning or rethinking their ideologies. The events unfolding in Britain are a harbinger of what can expect to see here in the states if we don’t drastically alter our ways, yet the liberals keep their foot on the big government accelerator, undaunted by continual policy failure and broken social programs.

Every reasonably intelligent person should know by now that increased spending and unsustainable entitlements cannot bring our country’s financial woes into proper order. It has a failure rate of 100%, give or take nothing. Would any of you continue down a path of action that you knew had a zero percent chance of success? For some unexplainable reason, the liberal ideology does just that.

And what happened when the Tea Partiers attempted to restore sanity and hold the line on spending and debt increases? They were not only vilified by the established left, they were referred to as terrorists by the Vice President of the United States! House Minority leader Nancy Pelosi called them a threat to life on earth as we know it! Where do these people come from!

Our national debt spirals upward, validating conservative policies as a more reasonable approach yet their spending addicted opponents still hold on to the notion that too much government is never enough. The liberal left screamed that unless we raised the debt ceiling our credit rating would be downgraded. Republicans capitulated and signed on to the deal. Our credit rating was immediately downgraded. So the liberals simply changed their warnings after the fact and decided that now the downgrade was because of the Tea Party’s hostage taking game plan, not the debt. Liberals are not responsible for what they may have said yesterday. The President ran to his trusty prompter and initiated another round of blame throwing, claiming this mess is every bodies fault but his. Liberals are not overly engendered with a sense of responsibility or leadership when adversity is lurking.

So what can we learn from Britain as their great socialist experiment collapses into abject anarchy? The very beneficiaries of this government largesse are expressing their gratitude as they beat helpless people and strip others naked to prove they have nothing left to steal. As mentioned in the earlier piece, drunken women have justified their disgusting actions on the premise of income inequality. This surely must shake liberal ideologues into a sobering moment of clarity. They must realize that simply throwing money at a project isn’t the answer. You simply cannot solve social problems that way. Remember the 100% rule?

I do indeed understand the underlying causes that continually motivate liberals to live in perpetual denial. Liberals have good intentions. I’ll grant them that. But good intentions alone without substance or understanding inevitably generate the passions of envy and greed from the very constituents whom your good intentions are directed. How commendable is it to foment resentment among the races and different income groups?
How gracious is it to advocate policies that rarely, if ever live up to their promises?

The President’s press Secretary Jay Carney actually said that extending unemployment benefits creates jobs! That of course is completely wrong, ignoring empirical evidence and common sense all at the same time. One liberal Senator went so far as to claim that increasing unemployment pay will stimulate the economy and get us back on track. That tidbit of ludicrous ignorance came from an elected Senator of our federal government! If you feel like crying, there is no shame, I have already.

Thursday, August 11, 2011


Those of you following the barbaric riots in Britain could not help but notice that the British welfare system has achieved the remarkable result of turning entire communities of British people into tattooed, drunkin thugs. This of course is just more proof of what conservatives have been saying since forever: Looting is a result of liberal welfare policies and Her Majesty’s island is in the end stages of this yet again failed social policy. Britain leads Europe in the proportion of single mothers and, as a consequence, also leads or co-leads the European Union in violent crime, alcohol and drug abuse and sexually transmitted diseases.

The liberal elites here and in Britain will blame anything but the welfare state they adore. They constantly refer to the strict British class system or the lack of jobs or the nation’s history of racism. It seems inciting violent mobs is at the heart of the left’s agenda. Promote class welfare, illegitimate children and an utterly debased, morally vacant citizenry. The British news media interviewed some girls involved in the melee and they were quoted as saying, “All of this happened because of the rich people.”

We are beginning to see that very idea play itself out here in the U.S. The Democrats have generated an entire welfare society of self entitled, hardened thugs who have been told since birth that they have valid grievances for a myriad of gender, race and societal wrongs and the caring, nonjudgmental elitists don’t dare condemn the maniacs their programs created. Most of these people have never worked and belong to families in which no one has ever worked and yet they can afford cell phones for social networking. They cannot for minute see the relationship between hard work, self respect and moral character. They see wealth as a zero sum game. What is left is a template for class warfare. Ask Britain.

The network media propaganda clowns would have you believe that this whole episode is a result of a lack of jobs, which you can plainly see these creatures are anxious to hold. Or someone insulted them, or their free government cheese has been reduced. Maybe their smart phones made them do it. It doesn’t really matter; these mindless and soulless animals are burning down century old family businesses and stealing from injured children lying on sidewalks. They are doing whatever they want and taking whatever they want because they have been raised to believe it is all there for the taking and they deserve it. They have never earned anything. They have never worked and sacrificed themselves for any common and good cause. They are an entire generation of socially irresponsible and worthless people.

What does it take to convince England that they are worth saving? That they are worth fighting for? How about a few well placed rifle rounds? I guarantee the rioting would stop in an instant. How about ripping those pillaging mobs off the welfare rolls that Britain now knows they cannot afford but refuse to abolish on moral or utilitarian grounds? They should break free from the paralysis of their own indifference and take control. This normally liberal leaning country is looking at a conservative revolution, because they, like us, refuse to listen to history or those that know better.

Monday, August 1, 2011


Governor Brown recently signed a controversial new bill into law. This law, as I understand it now requires public schools to provide mandatory curriculum highlighting the societal and historic achievements of gays, lesbians and transgender people. This I assume means a separate and identifiable lesson plan that differentiates from those significant persons in history that were heterosexual. Wonderful. The spokesperson for the Governor made it clear during his press release statement that this new requirement was mandatory for all K -12 public schools and that there was no, “opt out” clause available for parents who may find this new curriculum offensive or damaging. The spokesperson stated flatly, “If you don’t want your children to receive this curriculum then you will have to pull them out of public school all together.” Pardon Me? Did he just tell every parent in California who loves their children to take a hike if they don’t like what a few liberal activists have succeeded in shoving down their throats? This is the very same spokesman who recently told everyone In California who supports the two-state movement currently gaining momentum to, “Move to Arizona if you want to live in a Republican state”. What is going on here?? Why is the spokesperson for the Governor, who I always presumed to be the Governor for all the citizens of California, telling us to get lost and go away if we don’t like the way things are going? When the citizenry recently passed a proposition allowing for a simple majority by the California legislature to pass a budget, did this pave the way for the liberal Democrats to simply say, “If you don’t like it, get the F—k out!” Are they serious? I think so.

I understand that California is primarily a democrat dominated state. Up until lately that was something I lived with and tolerated and as a conservative leaning individual, it has not always been easy. I have done a lot of apologizing to people about the dysfunctional and corrupt government, the bizarre sense of entitlement by so many, the insane and unexplainable behaviors of anything from San Francisco, the socially progressive enclaves along the coast and the obvious lack of collective intelligence from the citizenry. It was tolerable for awhile. There was always the assumption that this would all self correct and more capable people would assume the reigns of leadership. It’s not tolerable anymore. The fringe elements and liberals have won. Nancy Pelosi keeps getting re-elected. That right there is a clear indicator of things. It is simply scary. The lunatics have taken over the asylum. These lunatics have always been a driving force in the asylum that is California, but now it appears they have full control and have transformed the state into a social dictatorship. Morning political conversations at my workplace have gone from loud and energetic exchanges of ideas to a much more subdued nervous chatter. Our worst fears have been realized. Talk radio personalities are having daily conniptions over the not so gradual elimination of our rights and freedoms. Morality in California, historically rare in certain parts of this state has vanished all together. If the truth won’t get you the satisfaction you need, lie profusely until you do. God has been banished from California under a judge’s order and he was replaced by cross dressing, gender neutral pot heads. And please, .let’s talk more about gays and lesbians; we just don’t seem to hear enough about their struggle for entitlement in the media! Dare not utter the Pledge of Allegiance; that would show national pride and a respect for those who fought and died so we could have the right to become this warped! Instead let’s teach the virtues of homosexuality and make that really cool. Don’t wear a tee shirt with the American Flag; you might offend a Mexican national and we don’t want the next owners of this state mad at us. You can’t send your kids to school with food anymore because the government wants to feed them now. They will be raising your kids from this point on because they know better! You just need to support their worthy cause by giving them more of your hard earned money. If you’re not entirely happy with your current gender, Change it! Don’t like the new you? Change it back! You’re entitled!

 If you somehow failed to get everything you want, or somebody else has more then you, sue them! In California you’re obviously entitled to whatever you currently don’t have. Was your coffee really hot? Sue McDonalds! Can’t find a human finger in your Taco Bell burrito? Put one there and then call a TV reporter! If you having trouble finding an entitlement group to connect with, manufacture one!

We are realizing a sobering and sad time in California. It’s not funny anymore. It’s real now. The comet has entered the atmosphere. We lost our state to an incompetent corrupt government and the fringe elements who have successfully forced their belief system on us. It’s not enough for them to simply live the lives they choose; they must force everyone around them to accept their lifestyle proclivities. They officially call the shots now and to add insult to injury, they are asking those who will not accept the new normal to pack their bags and move on. Is there any question about this? When the spokesperson for the governor stands up and tells you to get on board or get lost, it’s frighteningly evident.

Mr. Governor, you just signed a bill into law that allows for my taxes to fund college educations for illegal immigrants. I don’t remember you asking any of us if that were ok. I don’t remember my district representative asking either. Apparently you no longer work for us and are no longer required to even consider how we feel about your decisions. As a result, most of my lifelong friends have left for other states, long ago fed up with the embarrassment that is California. They could not do business here because you taxed them into oblivion and so they took their jobs and their income and went somewhere else and from what I see, this is precisely what you had hoped for. If you can rid this state of independent, hard working, responsible people then it clears the way for you to institute your form of governance with little resistance. So it’s not surprising then that you would direct your spokesperson to politely but directly show us the door as soon as we question your actions.  

Anyone who knows me is aware that I am not a quitter. I will swim up a waterfall simply to make a point and I will fight for what I know to be right until my last breath. I don’t know any other way to be. But I feel tired now and I know when I’m beaten. I see no way to reclaim this state in its current condition and I see no purpose in fighting about it anymore. We are at a point where we need to agree that we disagree and find a way to move on. When a married couple can no longer reconcile their differences, they separate and divorce. Many times there is no bad blood or hard feelings, just an understanding that somewhere along the course of their lives, things changed and it was mutually beneficial for them to move on. The State of California has two separate and diametrically opposed political bodies. One controls the state government and one doesn’t. We don’t have to fight about who is right or wrong anymore. It doesn’t matter. There is a clear winner and loser here. But is it possible to accept this and modify the current situation to accommodate the will of a people who also live in this beautiful state but who want to live their lives free from tyranny and social control? Free from oppressive taxation and government corruption? Is there a place where we can observe the Constitution of the United States, the Bill of Rights…………The Holy Bible? A place where we can work hard, seek our own destinies and observe and honor our national heritage? In a historical sense does this sound ridiculously familiar?

I have no ill will toward those who want to live a different lifestyle then I do. Some of the closest people in my life are the ones I describe here and I love them dearly. They are terrific people. I cherish each individual’s freedom of choice. But you are turning California into your vision only and forcing it upon us. That I cannot accept. Let us live as we choose. If you cannot keep from forcing your philosophies upon us then let us go. We find your philosophies to be warped and bent, immoral and tyrannical. We disagree with you with the same level of conviction that you disagree with us. Let’s get a divorce and move on! No residual ill will, no hard feelings, just a mutual understanding that we need to go our separate ways. We all have the right to seek happiness. Why continue on with a situation that makes it more difficult for both sides?

So why not discuss a two state concept? There’s plenty of land for us all. Think of the personal sense of enrichment each individual would feel if they had the chance to choose which state to live in. Unless you have other agendas yet to be revealed, I see this as a win-win situation. What’s that you say? You need our what? Our money? You need our money in order to institute the kind of Marxist state you have planned? I see now. You need a host organism, something to suck from in order to provide the level of welfare and entitlements to all who live in your great society. Because you know it simply cannot work if there is nobody actually generating a product and stimulating an economy for you to control. History bears this out. You need producers, you need people willing to put forth the effort and generate resources so you can re-distribute them to your voting constituents! So why then are you so quick to tell us to leave? You need us! You have a dichotomy between what you want and what you will get that you are in no way prepared to deal with. Maybe you can create a new government program for that.

And this dichotomy would certainly go along way to explain why California representatives recently travelled to the State of Texas to politely ask them to stop taking all our jobs and stealing all our worker bees. It’s not unlike the domestic violence cycle. The Governors spokesperson gets furious and tells us to get out. Then after cooling down and reflecting a little on what was said, he calls up and apologizes, promising never to behave like that again. After some time and more conflict, he flares again, telling us to pull our kids out of public school if we don’t want then learning about great moments in homosexual history. When the schools don’t get their state money because parents did just that, I’m confident another correction will come.

There is a scene in the movie Hancock that I found interesting and somehow relative here. Hancock, a drunk with superhuman powers agreed to turn himself in and go to jail in order to satisfy the general public and help restore his image. In the jail pod he is confronted by several bad looking thugs who have an issue to settle with Hancock because he put most of them there. After he is totally surrounded, Hancock makes a comment to the effect, “Look……I tell you what,I’ll do me and you all do you and everything will be fine.” The thugs of course didn’t appreciate the olive branch extended by Hancock and they forced the issue, resulting in an unfortunate state of physical discomfort for them.

I would like to extend the same olive branch to the liberal activists and those who wish to control my life. I’ll do me and you do you and everything will be just fine. Otherwise…………………….