Thursday, August 11, 2011


Those of you following the barbaric riots in Britain could not help but notice that the British welfare system has achieved the remarkable result of turning entire communities of British people into tattooed, drunkin thugs. This of course is just more proof of what conservatives have been saying since forever: Looting is a result of liberal welfare policies and Her Majesty’s island is in the end stages of this yet again failed social policy. Britain leads Europe in the proportion of single mothers and, as a consequence, also leads or co-leads the European Union in violent crime, alcohol and drug abuse and sexually transmitted diseases.

The liberal elites here and in Britain will blame anything but the welfare state they adore. They constantly refer to the strict British class system or the lack of jobs or the nation’s history of racism. It seems inciting violent mobs is at the heart of the left’s agenda. Promote class welfare, illegitimate children and an utterly debased, morally vacant citizenry. The British news media interviewed some girls involved in the melee and they were quoted as saying, “All of this happened because of the rich people.”

We are beginning to see that very idea play itself out here in the U.S. The Democrats have generated an entire welfare society of self entitled, hardened thugs who have been told since birth that they have valid grievances for a myriad of gender, race and societal wrongs and the caring, nonjudgmental elitists don’t dare condemn the maniacs their programs created. Most of these people have never worked and belong to families in which no one has ever worked and yet they can afford cell phones for social networking. They cannot for minute see the relationship between hard work, self respect and moral character. They see wealth as a zero sum game. What is left is a template for class warfare. Ask Britain.

The network media propaganda clowns would have you believe that this whole episode is a result of a lack of jobs, which you can plainly see these creatures are anxious to hold. Or someone insulted them, or their free government cheese has been reduced. Maybe their smart phones made them do it. It doesn’t really matter; these mindless and soulless animals are burning down century old family businesses and stealing from injured children lying on sidewalks. They are doing whatever they want and taking whatever they want because they have been raised to believe it is all there for the taking and they deserve it. They have never earned anything. They have never worked and sacrificed themselves for any common and good cause. They are an entire generation of socially irresponsible and worthless people.

What does it take to convince England that they are worth saving? That they are worth fighting for? How about a few well placed rifle rounds? I guarantee the rioting would stop in an instant. How about ripping those pillaging mobs off the welfare rolls that Britain now knows they cannot afford but refuse to abolish on moral or utilitarian grounds? They should break free from the paralysis of their own indifference and take control. This normally liberal leaning country is looking at a conservative revolution, because they, like us, refuse to listen to history or those that know better.

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