Monday, June 17, 2013


Today, in America, our system of government is being systematically destroyed and our elected officials have gone rogue, having detached themselves from their constitutional moorings. Sadly, representative government here has died. We now see more clearly then ever that power in the hands of dishonorable people can result in totalitarian levels of abuse. “Our” federal government has granted themselves the “legal authority” to, among other things collect electronic data on the daily activities of every innocent person in America and around the world. It is disturbing to be sure and completely contrary to this country’s founding principles; principles eaten away by the infestation of Marxist subversives.

The countless scandals unfolding daily are illustrative of the careless sense of arrogance and entitlement exhibited by Obama’s administration. We have all witnessed the snarky hubris of each and every Obama appointee as they smugly and not so subtly refuse to cooperate with congressional investigations into their felonious conduct. They know they have protection from accountability. The president established a new form of government that does involve integrity, honesty or accountability to the people. With true leadership absent, federal agencies feel license to push the boundaries of their authority and treat those with whom the democratic party dislike as enemies of the state. They have been granted tacit approval from the White House to run amok. Literally. And who in Washington will stop them? 

 British historian Lord Acton coined the now famous phrase: “Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” And I am quite certain a bureaucratic regulatory state is not was John Adams had in mind when he spoke of “a government of laws and not of men.”  We must remind ourselves, lest we forget entirely the whole purpose behind the birth of this once great country; our government was instituted by a free people and its job was to preserve and foster individual liberty. Where did our individual liberties go?

Your liberties have been confiscated by government agencies and sold back to you in the form of Permits, surcharges, fees and taxes. The government will “allow” you to remodel your home….for a fee…..and as long as you follow all their new laws…including which light bulb you may use. Want new siding on your house? Sure… the government a fee first and then you must allow the installers to go in to your home and make sure you have a carbon monoxide detector installed. Even if you’re entire house runs on electricity! I mean this is all for your own good right? A government that has assumed the authority to demand your private health records, determine your level of healthcare, confiscate your weapons, collect all your phone records and email messages, deny you tax exempt status because you do not support their ideologies and give your money to whomever they please while forcing more out of us is only looking after our best interests right? Does anyone anywhere really believe that?

I spent the last two and half years scribbling out blogs warning anyone who cared that this was coming, but I will be the first to admit I did not expect it to happen this fast. Never the less it is here. Today. Now.

Our founding fathers made it clear in their insistence that the people must always reserve the right to resist, and even overthrow their government; if and when the founding purpose has been abrogated (I’m sure that last line was full of alert words for the NSA and Homeland Security to focus on). But in regards to resistance, do we as a citizenry have the actual capacity to resist? Has the disparity in strength and material advantage between the government and its people become insuperable? Will we be left entirely at the mercy of the leaders? I would argue that a government so overgrown in power will certainly not remain true to its legitimate purpose. If you doubt this……ask the Turks.

I need to stray here for a minute. It is my opinion that Barrack Hussein Obama would be the greatest act of domestic terrorism ever perpetrated upon the American people was it not for the simple fact that he is a gigantic fraud. And he knows it. Little more then an actor hired from a casting company by the Chicago political mob to play the part, Obama is not the blame here. He is a tool, a dufus, a phony, a charlatan, a great speaker who can hardly wipe he own butt. He is made up, concocted and molded to play a role. Forget the big eared dip shit for a minute. He is not the real problem here.

We are.

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