Hello. Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Lester Chestermo and I recently relocated to the beautiful State of California . World renowned Balcony author and all around man about tolerance Mike Jones has graciously offered me use of his website to offer a heartwarming tribute to you...the people of California and to share a story whose theme centers on two subjects near to my heart. Tolerance and acceptance.
My personal story actually begins as one of intolerance and hatred. You should know that the last so many years of my life have been a living hell for me. It seemed I could not escape the vicious cycle of discrimination and judgment that followed me wherever I went. Over the years I found myself moving from state to state, desparately attempting to escape the hatred and intolerance but it followed me wherever I went. I was forced to live among cruel, narrow minded people who looked down on me and watched my every movement. I was branded a threat and treated differently in every community and in every aspect of my day to day existence. Life was hell……….until I moved to California .
You see…….I am a convicted pedophile. I am a victim of a condition that results in my frequent and uncontrollable physical attraction to young children(particularly little girls) and as a result of a series of unfortunate mishaps many years ago, I was labeled a child molester and sent to prison for 15 years. Those mishaps may have permanently scarred the lives of the children I spent time with but it is important for you to know that it also caused me significant personal stress and whatever happened between me and those four year old girls was purely a result of my love and respect for their beauty. An expression of love it seems only the tolerant and accepting people of the State of California can appreciate and accept.
In 2006….a few judgmental California voters (73%) passed prop 83 which would have prohibited me from living across the street from an elementary school where I could shop for another loving/touching relationship. Fortunately for me and all other predators out there seeking equality of life, a couple of brave sex offenders and their attorneys sued the state because they did not like the law and to this day it has never taken effect. I say kudos to Californians for seeing to it that my due process rights reign supreme over your children’s safety. You make me feel like I am home now. Tolerance happens when we dream together!
Can you believe that every state in the union requires people with my affliction to provide law enforcement with our personal information so they can protect the public from me and alert the community about me? If that isn’t absurd enough, I have even been placed under arrest in other states and spent quality time in their hoosegow when I chose not to abide by these very laws. But thank gawd for California and their policy of inclusion because here in the Golden State it seems I can decide when and if I feel like obeying the law! If I happen to get caught here and arrested by a fine upstanding police officer for sex offender law violations, I can usually count on the fine upstanding District Attorney’s Office to let me go and drop all charges. WOW! How tolerant is that! Its so nice to finally find a place where I’m free to explore my inner temptations and the exciting sensations when I can express myself as I please to those gentle loving little girls who really want a friend who understands them, who gives them candy, hugs and then something a little more. I hesitate to divulge the name of the city where I currently reside but it rhymes with Sacred Tomato……. and this Tomato rocks!
I am completely ingratiated to the fine people of California and owe you a debt of Gratitude. I will not forget the compassion you have shown me. It’s almost hard to believe that here in this utopian paradise I may soon be able to legally walk right into a girl’s restroom and have a look around without the stress of getting caught by police or the risk of being beaten half to death by enraged parents who have issues with my expressions of love toward their children. They are obviously intolerant and don’t embrace the tremendous diversity of California life styles!
The word has spread about this paradise along the west coast and my brethren have responded. With approximately 120,000 of us now living here, California can now proudly and inclusively proclaim that this state has more sex offenders then any other ten states combined! States from all over the fruited plains have joined in the effort and paid for bus fare to send their sex offenders here also! Isn’t that great! And I have you, the great citizens of the greatest state in the union to thank……….
From the bottom of my heart………..Thanks
Lester Chestermo
PS. My girlfriend runs a price point type day care center out of her Section 8 apartment and currently has openings….I help out when she takes her naps.