Legendary sound bite artist and noted economist Nancy Pelosi fired off one of her Wallapelosi’s again during a recent Fox News Sunday interview. Nanner coughed up a hair ball of fiscal denialism this last weekend by declaring that our nation’s dire fiscal situation is a revenue problem and not a spending problem, as those nasty conservatives keep insisting. The most important factor, according to Nanner is this country’s “priorities” you see, and this country’s priority, according to the high priestess of hilarity is revenue. Make sense? We just need more revenue. Nanner knows from experience that more money coming in eliminates any of the problems associated with spending it. Got it? Remember, an alcoholic doesn’t have a problem drinking, he has a drinking problem. According to this new “Pelosi Paradigm” our nation doesn’t have a problem with the “deficit in the budget”; it just has a “budget deficit problem.”
To be fair to Pelosi, she is not the only Dem trying to unseat Joe Biden for marble headed prominence. House Democrat Lenny Stoyer proved that he to can wax stupid just like his female colleague when provoked. When asked by a CNBC news anchor if the country has a spending problem, Stoyer responded, “Does the country have a spending problem? The country has a paying –for problem.”
The cream sure rises to the top in politics.
I have a question. Many people are becoming childlike in their dependence on the government. The political left has purposely exacerbated this sad situation by forwarding the notion that if something is deemed to be good, then the benevolent government should provide it for us. Like contraception for example. If contraception for females is now considered a right because it protects them from getting pregnant and the government (you and me) now pay for it, then shouldn’t that same government be required to provide a firearm, free of charge to females in order that they may protect themselves from rape? Females obviously have a positive right to be free of sexual assault just as much or more then their right to unrestricted gubmint funded sack attacks do they not? I’m just sayin…….Pick your poison libs……
Psycho fugitive cop killer and former LAPD Officer Chris Dorner made it very clear in his written manifesto that he was a loyal Obama subject, loved the whole concept of gun control and idolized many of today’s current liberal media personalities such a Piers Morgan and cable networks such as MSNBC and CNN. In a fantastic bit of coincidence….These same networks and other liberal news agencies and personalities have managed to completely ignore this aspect of the story all together. And yes Gabby Gifford; these are the very same despicably dishonest and hypocritical reporters that aggressively attempt to falsely label any nut job that goes on a killing spree as a right wing conspirator with ties to the Tea Party or conservative ideals and they will go about it without a single sliver of verifiable information to support their statements. How do these “reporters” get so insidiously dishonorable? Do they offer course instruction in shameless dishonesty in Journalism school? How do people become this ethically vacant? I can only assume that they are cut from the same cloth as those Face Bookers who were supporting Dorner in his cop killing quest.
On February 5th, the “Reverend” Al Sharpton made an appearance in a “Lean Forward” advertisement for the ultra liberal cable network MSNBC, which also happens to be his employer. During the ad he recited a part of the Pledge of Allegiance and purposefully omitted the word “God.” He did however remember to include gays and lesbians in his call for one nation, under UUHH, indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all. Sharpton claims to have given his first Christian sermon at the age of nine but apparently can’t bring himself to mention God in the company of African-Americans, Latinos, lesbians and gays…..as he so eloquently listed them in his orate. Sharpton has always been a mouthy moron and a lifelong racist agitator. He can now add blasphemy to his resume.
Obama and his Bloviating bag full of vacuous crap sure whipped up a crowd of libs into a feverish undulating blob of progressive euphoria during the SOTUS. Remember, the most important aspect of this man’s presidency is posing as a great savior while doing absolutely nothing to lead the country. His greatest moments are in front of a teleprompter and a crowd of adoring subjects. Outside of that he is a sad, contemptuous, ego maniacal loner with a God complex. I will say it so you can act shocked and still entertain plausible deniability……….I firmly believe history will one day compare this person to a ruler who to once hypnotized large audiences with his profound oration, centralized all power into his hands and eliminated opposition through divisiveness and class warfare. Unlike our ruler however, this Chancellor; this published author; this talented artist actually restored economic stability and eliminated high unemployment in the country he led. He was also a psychotic, paranoid mass murderer with visions of world dominance but hey, lets be fair; Barry still has another 4 years and some pretty cool drones. History will rightfully hold the leader of the Third Reich in contempt forever. Fortunately for Hussein, the constitution provides for a maximum of two four year terms of office for the presidency. It is oddly ironic that for a man who loathes our founding values which are cemented into this great document, it may be one of it’s amendments that saves him from an ugly legacy.
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