It has been tough watching in silence as the media and Oblabber mouth shove fabrications down our throats about the heinous nature of “assault weapons.” This phrase, no doubt made up some time ago by progressives to affectively demonize guns, is just another example of their tried and true nomenclature readjustment program. Strictly speaking, there is no such thing as an assault weapon and there is no greater faux force in the world of political posturing then the “straw audience” created by the secular progressives as a result of their long time habit of linguistic re-labeling. Progressivism, despite its dismal record of total failure, seems to thrive among the elitist left crowd who take full advantage of their selective use of language to denigrate, distort and subvert the actual ideas of its designates.
Progressive masterminds have formulated wordage into a weapon of deceit and a powerful tool for distraction and destruction of long valued ideas and notions. It may be their only weapon, but it has proven to be a worthy one of significant value. They know full well that any gun can be used to assault, just as any gun can be used for self defense. The word “assault” carries with it a negative and violent connotation and the secular progressives take full advantage. But try to rectify this misunderstanding by going person and to person and you will discover it is a lot like collecting leaves with tweezers in a wind storm. Progressive sell the words and not the intent. They bank on this straw audience to create doubt in the minds of minimally equipped folk, knowing the work required to correct their deception will be onerous.
Progressives subvert and destroy intelligible good with their bass ackwards labels and phrases, and they have been doing it for some time. How did an illegal alien suddenly become “an undocumented worker?” Because progressives concluded that by changing the label they could change the perception, irrespective of any evidence that an alien has done any work at all. Throw in conspiratorial support from the Politburo and viola; illegal alien becomes hate speech and those who live in this country in violation of the law are simply without documents.
This week progressives are celebrating 40 years of Roe V. Wade and the wholesale slaughter of one’s own child for the sake of convenience and in lieu of personal responsibility. But the word “abortion” is out of play now…’s “Woman's health.” Once again the progressives have conjured up a phrase that can be used as a weapon against intolerance of their ideals while sowing the seeds of division between themselves and pro-lifers. The organization that oversees these killings is called “Planned Parenthood”. Doesn’t that just feel good? It makes total sense to plan your parenthood after the fact does it not? Good thing skydivers don't plan their jumps that way. The "woman's health" issue(abortion) is now defined by the progressives as a woman's rights issue, and those who feel differently are hostile toward woman.
When a deranged maniac goes out and shoots people so he can be the center of the media world for awhile…the progressives denounce the incident as “gun violence.” Progressives know personal responsibility and cultural accountability require a moral foundation and a bit of character and they will have none of it. The phrase "gun violence" successfully removes those decent human elements from the equation and effectively blames the lifeless, inanimate metal object for all the horror and tragedy caused by the person using it, and at the same time whips up the liberal gun haters into a frothy lather as they continue their efforts to disarm the entire nation.
California’s progressive and aggressive “food stamp” program, part of the federal SNAP program (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) has taken liberal talk walk to another level by proudly announcing and advertising (with your money) that the program formerly known as food stamps is now called “ California Fresh.” For progressives, this effectively eliminates any lingering negative stigma associated with the term food stamps. Come one…Come all….it’s California Fresh and its here for all who are afflicted with “low income.” You can listen to the barkers on the radio today drumming up more dependency for their lord and savior Obama by playing out a skit using a little girl’s voice and her daddy making the family dinner using California Fresh. It’s a progressives dream.
Ever heard of Section 8 housing? Well not any more. This was the federal code that provided government assistance to low income “families” to promote “economically mixed” housing. Progressives opined that “Section 8” was too cold and heartless a term, one that did not adequately represent their “vision” of total government dependency and control by a centralized and benevolent authority. The new name is now the “Federal Housing Choice” program. Now when your new neighbors move in next door, have no jobs and never seem to leave the house, you will know that they simply made a “housing choice” to live in your neighborhood and your paying their rent! You will of course be required to continue making your mortgage payment as well and progressives’ thank you for paying your fair share.
Words in the hands of progressive Democrats are weapons of mass destruction. The Republican Party should be standing nose to nose with these degenerate punks and calling them out each time they pony up another series of linguistic snot ropes that serve no one but their own smallness. But considering the weak and feeble nature of the current Repubs and their own selfish agendas, that may be too much to ask.
The next four years will be a challenging period for principled Americans. The emperor has all but recited the communist manifesto during his recent speech and now makes no further pretenses about his leftist, socialist agenda. We are not however required to tolerate any of it. We are Americans. Let us not be reduced to collectivist drones. Verbally challenge their illusory language and sinister syntax. Stand up and call out each instance of socialist name changing and relabeling by progressive degenerates and hold their hands to the fire. They don’t like that… reminds them of home.