Sunday, November 11, 2012


Last weeks presidential election left an indelible and unsightly scar on the face of the nation formerly known to many of us as the United States of America and it put to route forever the notion that character, courage, integrity, leadership and achievement are vital for any person seeking to ascend to the office of the presidency. A new culture is upon us here in America and they have spoken.

Obama will be the emperor for another four years. Hard working and principled Americans and those who remain committed to the virtues that made America great live with sadness in their heart and shame in their conscience. Those of us who still live with conviction all share the same sense of responsibility for the collapse of our national identity and the growth of the demon seed of socialism and entitlement. We all watched helplessly as a dagger was placed into the heart of our heritage. As of last week we ceased being, maybe forever, the “United States of America”. Unity has been forever slaughtered by the emperor as he masterfully navigated the waters of deceit and division to foment a new marxist nation. Most of us saw it coming for some time and simply wished that at least we would not live long enough to see it happen. If Obama holds a contest to rename his conquered country, there is no shortage of ideas and several are already testing the waters. “New America” and the “Socialist States of America” (USSA) to name two.

For those of us who appreciate historical perspectives with regards to humankind, we know that great countries and empires eventually fall from within. It appears to be the Achilles heel of our species and maybe one of the reasons history may someday reflect as a primary element in our ultimate demise. We are no longer a collectively intelligent citizenry. Many have tasted the sweet taste of entitlement and government control and choose that over the stress of having to work hard or break a sweat. Many have no real passion for excellence for it has been demonized by the socialist virus turned loose in the educational system and by the increasingly left moving Democratic Party. A national altruism, like the one that brought us together during WWll is no longer possible. Our tribal separatism, our racial and cultural division and our decreasing connection to, or appreciation of, the founding principles by which this county was established will make it close to impossible.

During the next four years, the emperor will try very hard to finish off whatever cohesiveness or strength that he finds still in existence by his subjects. Most of Europe is in love with Obama because he may accomplish something not even the incompetent Jimmy Carter could do; he will bring the greatest country on earth down to the level of all others. He will ensure that this country no longer holds the preeminent position of leadership in the new world order. He will see to it that our nation stays sick with the fever of entitlement and dependency because now he knows it works well here. He will give speeches filled with non sense because he now owns the minds of so many feeble minded idiots.

Last week I felt the loss consistent with that which comes with the death of a loved one. I was raised to be honest and ethical, to work hard, to be just and to love my country. I always honored and worshipped those brave men and woman who sacrificed their own young lives oversees to preserve our freedoms here. There could be no greater act of love for home. For all those military veterans and all those families of military members who made the ultimate sacrifice for our country………..I’m sorry.

I’m sorry we allowed a person Like Barrack Hussein Obama to be president of the country you died for. There could be no greater insult to your legacy. We let all of you down and we are ashamed. I’m sorry we forfeited most of the freedoms and principles that meant so much to you as you lied scared and bleeding to death on the beaches of Normandy. I’m personally sorry because I was one who saw it coming and I did nothing. I don’t deserve to stand in front of your grave.

This Monday is Veteran’s Day…If you can muster up the nerve to look a veteran in the eye then share your gratitude with them………..then share an apology. Maybe we can be forgiven.

We owe them better…….

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