Monday, October 8, 2012


Last week’s presidential debate was an invigorating and uplifting moment for Romney supporters, Republicans and conservatives. Conversely, to left leaning pundits, liberal network news reporters, the Communist Party, The Muslim Brotherhood and Whoopi Goldberg, it was a horrific nightmare that not only touched off panic within the ranks, but required a level of straight faced  spin doctoring never before attempted by unmedicated Obama media servants. It was a hysterical and entertaining bit of circus and I would like to personally thank Chris Mathews at MSNBC for certifiably confirming everything I have ever said about him. The emperor had his ass handed to him as a hat. Sleep came easy for me that night.

If you missed the debate last week, fear not for there will be three others in the ensuing weeks and based on my observations, the results may be identical to the first. There is still meat on the emperor's carcass and  I realized something while watching the Obama-que last week. The emperor cannot win a debate because his most pressing problem is simply not correctable. He lies.

The whole of the emperor’s rule revolves around sound bites and specious blurbs. The truth to him is whatever he chooses it to be. His mendacity and his arrogance, coupled with  a hero worshiping media has given him the green light to say whatever he feels is good for the particular situation without any possibility of attack or review. His whole life has been this way.

Romney stood adjacent to the emperor during the debate and confronted him on his tall tales and Obama was helpless to defend himself. His tele-liar was not there to help him. He knew sound bites would come off somewhat childish in a conversation of real issues being watched by grown ups and unlike the funeral of North Korea’s Kim Jung IL, the emperor was unable to place adoring supporters in crucial positions to react with positive hysteria every time he smirked and said something really cool. The emperor knew that the same slogans and platitudes that played so well in the company of Whoopi, Letterman, college crowds and the Kool Aid Kids, would fall flat in front of non-worshiping, critical thinking, hard working tax payers. Still, Obama showed up to the debate ready to play Chutes and Ladders when Romney brought a chess set.

So the emperor bowed his head in petulant rebuke and tried to make it all go away in front of 70 million viewers. He was disrobed and exposed. He had nothing of substance or quality to provide. How could he? He had successfully used his gift of gab to cover up his failed presidency up to that point. Maybe he thought it would work on the debate stage also.  He took some solace in the realization that many of his supporters weren’t watching the debate anyway because Honey Boo Boo was on another channel and his adoring media servants would certainly edit the holy begeeezus out of the debate and show their viewers only what they wanted them to see.

The truth can be suppressed for a while, but it will come out sooner or later. The emperor is not the first ruler to have that fact handed to him at the business end of defeat. Hans Christian Anderson tells the tale of two tailors who weave a phony suit of clothes for their emperor that is supposedly invisible to anyone who is either stupid or incompetent. When the emperor rides by, no one in the crowd dares to say anything until a child, unaware of the social pretense in effect, points out that the emperor had no cothes on. With all pretense lost, the emperor was no more then a naked man on a horse.

The emperor will lose the next two debates for the same reason he lost the first. He hasn’t got a single issue that he can support with anything more then comical and child like Big Bird jokes. Facts are devastating to Obama because he can’t distort them while standing right next to Romney. Obama knows all too well after last week’s debacle that Romney will firmly and politely call bullshit on him. Nobody calls BS on the emperor. Obama will not be able to stand up next week and continue to blame George Bush, or Europe, or banks, or congress, or small business, or you, or me for his failures. That ship has sailed long ago and now the naked emperor’s boat is taking on water.

Whether you vote for Romney or not next month is your choice. At least now you cannot cast your vote under the spell of feel good racial ignorance and pixy dust dreams. At least now the truth that has been kept on the editing room floors of the Obama networks has surfaced. At least now we will find out where we are as a country. This will be our IQ test.   

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