Wednesday, August 22, 2012


I recently had a conversation with a very wise man who shared with me his knowledge and insight. I listened carefully to this man. He possessed a wealth of information and I knew all to well that opportunities such as this were unusual and precious. After he finished, he solicited my thoughts. As I spoke, the intensity of his interest in my words increased my desire to share more. I spoke to him at length about life and love, politics and the passions. I offered him my theories on the essence of human kind, the future of our species and my terrific disdain for mayonnaise.

When I finished, he spoke again only this time he told me I must return to my life and share myself with others so that they may receive the benefit of my valued insights. He said I had been one of the chosen, a member of a select group of people throughout our society who tell the tale of truth for those who cannot see and paint the picture of virtue for those who cannot hear. He called us, “Bloggers”.  

I was reluctant to part company with this wise man but my destiny had been set. I walked out of the bar into the brutal mid morning sun and departed. A renewed sense of ultimate purpose and passion rifled through my veins and I did not want to let the bartender down so I returned home and worked throughout the day and into the evening. I pulled and tugged at the linings of my soul to bring out and document all that was within me. In the wee hours of the night I finished, exhausted and alone but whole. It was all there; pages filled with the wisdoms of our time as seen through my eyes; Thoughts, opinions and declarative statements reflecting every imaginable subject.

So today I begin a series From the Balcony called “Truths According to Mike.” These self developed truths will surface every now in then when the need arises and the time is right for a particular topic. You may or may not agree with my observations; you may have observations of your own. If so, go see Willy the bartender and you to may be so ordained.

 Well the time is right and so I humbly offer you the first installment of:
                             Truths According to Mike---Politics    

  1. Neither the Republican nor Democratic parties really want to solve the illegal immigration problem. Democrats want to generate an increased voting block and Republicans want cheap labor. A legitimate border, a much better citizenship process, some compassion and some guts will do it.
  2. With regards to elections. The most indecisive, uninformed, unaware, least knowledgeable voters end up determining the winner because they watch network news and go to the polls and vote for whoever will feed them.
  3. Politicians are much more concerned about keeping their well paying prestigious jobs than they are about you, me or this country. Both sides. They will support bad legislation, even if its not the right thing for America if it enhances the likelihood of their re-election.
  4. Liberal politicians always promise to be moderates and then shed their sheep’s clothing when elected. Republicans always promise to be conservative and then run right to the middle after the election.
  5. Americans whine about dishonest politicians, which are now just a redundancy, but then turn right around and vote for whoever tells them what they want to hear.
  6. Politicians are not overly concerned about bankrupting the country like you and I. They have so much money and influence that if things get really bad they can just leave.
  7. Being “right” is meaningless in politics. As a general rule, sound bites beat out solid arguments, emotions trumps logic, negative ads are more effective then positive ads, lies do better then the truth and wrong and easy beat out right and hard.
  8. Most Americans have at best a very limited understanding of economics, history and the way our system of government works. That’s why many politicians can get away with talking to us like we are idiots.
  9. Almost half the citizens of this country are receiving government support of some type while only half the citizens of this country are paying taxes. If we do not curtail massive entitlement programs, cut our spending and increase taxes…we will sentence countless future generations of loved ones to economic hardships and suffering. For that matter we already have. It is unforgivable.  
  10.  I believe the quote from Joseph Goebbels explains succinctly the core belief of the Democratic Party strategy, “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe.”
  11. The Republicans constantly demonize government as too large with out of control spending.  Then they get into office and grow the size of government and spend more money.
  12. With regards to anything political, you will never hear anything close to the truth from major media outlets. They have long ago ceased to serve as reporters of events and have unfortunately devolved into propaganda services for the left. The truth is out there, you just have to dig a little deeper then before.
  13. We no longer enjoy anything close to a representative government. It is long gone and won’t be back until something really ugly happens first.


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