Thursday, June 28, 2012


The Supreme Court upheld Obamacare today, including the individual mandate portion. Actually they struck down the individual mandate as unconstitutional but upheld it as a tax which according to them is constitutional and a matter for congress to address. Fair enough I guess. It is certainly a blow to those of us who wish to remain free and clear of forced behavior by our government in areas previously undisturbed by oppressive control and choice limitation.

Healthcare in this country needed some fixing, but thinkers knew this was not the answer and feelers never bothered to educate themselves to know any better. So essentially the requirement that every American buy health insurance has been taken out of our hands completely and the money will be automatically taken from you as a tax if you do not comply and buy it voluntarily. For you “feelers” out there this means, like every other government program designed to help “all people”, only those Americans who pay taxes to begin with will be the ones saddled with the additional costs in order to pay for those who don’t or wont. Sound familiar?

One could argue here that nothing has really changed then. I would disagree. I would offer that something very significant has occurred this week; a week that may someday be reflected upon in the annals of our history as a critical turning point when the experiment that is called the United State of America headed toward it’s inevitable conclusion. The cliché, “nothing lasts forever” is appropriate here.

What I am talking about is the essence of the human condition. The natural entropy that occurs over time and events in a countries history that leads it to its final identity. When conditions exist that make it intolerable to live free from overt oppression and control, thats when people hit their tipping point and revolt. That’s how the USA was born. England’s King George III’s over reaching rule and excessive taxation without representation caused our ancestors to declare our independence. Remembering the words of Patrick Henry, “Give me liberty or give me death” Causes older Americans to invoke the passion and strong sentiment knowing that freedom is a hard fought condition and without sacrifice and struggle, it will eventually perish under the weight of complacency.

The leader of this country has nearly succeeded in doing away with the constitutionally established checks and balances of a three branch government. He no longer acknowledges the House or Senate and has appointed himself several “Czars” to effectively replace his cabinet. He runs his dictatorship through executive order and executive privilege. He has created extreme racial division by concocting and engendering false grievances. He uses gender issues as a dependency control mechanism. He has assaulted religion. He has vilified the successful and held up the failures as role models for us all. He has put our nation on a high speed train to financial disaster in keeping with his love affair with crony capitalism and idiotic fiscal policy. He has created millions of government dependent drones, ensuring that they never develop any individual identity or respect for themselves or the world around them. He has taken the fringe elements of abnormality and created victims out of them all, forcing obligatory policy changes to accommodate them at the expense of the other 99.9 %.  He lies profusely to the American public and fails to take any responsibility for his failures, yet takes all the credit for others successes. He is the absolute antithesis of a leader and yet he is the president of this country because America lost its resolute attention to our most precious commodity and Obama saw the opportunity to take it. He is everything I have raised my kids not to be.

The United States of America has had a great run. For the last 236 years, we have overcome adversity and laid down our lives to maintain the precious freedoms our founders also fought and died for. We expanded the boundaries of the possible and created innovation and progress no other country could match. Freedom worked. In short order, the experiment called the USA produced the most influential, powerful country on earth in a time frame that was no more then, “a cup of coffee” relative to the history of mankind.

Then something happened; or didn’t happen. Americans became satisfied. We became complacent. We lost our internal vigilance. We no longer had to fight for our own freedoms any longer. Instead we started getting involved in everybody else’s problems. We were secure in our homes and our homeland. We had plenty of food. We were happy. And because of this we unwittingly invited the forces of socialism to begin its slow and steady creep into our society. The lizard bit us in the ankle. Those who favored collectivism, socialism and communism alike took advantage of our hard fought freedoms here and slowly began introducing their philosophies into our establishments. Educational institutions and the media were primary targets because the young are vulnerable to indoctrination and manipulating the flow of information to the public was vital in order to sway people’s perspectives. They attempted to gain political control several times on the national scene by offering those disenfranchised or economically challenged citizens the concept of “equal distribution”, the precursor to the fairness doctrine you hear from liberals today. Norman Mattoon Thomas, socialist and 6 time presidential candidate from the early to mid 1900’s was quoted in his 1944 speech:
“The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But, under the name of “liberalism” they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened. I no longer need to run as a presidential candidate for the Socialist party. The democratic Party has adopted our platform.”

If this country is to become a socialist nation and the majority of the citizens are ready and willing to adopt such a system of governance then so be it. There are many people in our country that would prefer living in a highly controlled environment and find comfort in the ease of mind that comes with having others decide their daily life structure. I see them everyday and I empathize with their condition that favors this lifestyle. Unfortunately this puts them at odds with those citizens who are goal oriented, competitive achievers who don’t want less efficient, less effective, less productive people or programs interfering with their lives. 

Our country was great not because we were inherently better people, but because the government we established was built on a different structure than those of other countries. Now it appears our structure is collapsing around us and the forces of mediocrity, dependency and corruption are prevailing. From a historical perspective this devolution of a great country is not uncommon. Most great civilizations in history have come apart sooner or later under the hefty burdens of their successes.  More so, it appears that sustained excellence and prosperity seems counter to the rule of the human condition and America’s meteoric rise to prominence most likely set the stage for an equally meteoric descent. Is it reversible? Yes it is, but…………..

One could make the argument that keeping our independence might turn out to be harder then declaring our independence. The following is an important excerpt from of our Declaration of Independence.”

            “That whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends(Life, Liberty and pursuit of happiness), it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.”

I am looking forward to this November. In November we will find out once and for all if there are enough of us left to turn the tables on this oppressive, corrupt presidential administration. We will find out if our system of government is destined to survive any longer. We will find out if the feelers and the followers are the future of this once great nation or will the thinkers and doers finally rise up and take back the day. We will know for certain whether there is any fight left in this dog, or if it’s over, plain and simple.

I want my children, my children’s children and my children’s children’s children to have the same opportunities I had to make their own life choices and be accountable to them, which is the very essence of freedom. Right now it looks like we are faced with a new struggle for freedom that demands from us a supreme decision this fall. Romney is certainly no panacea, but at least he is an American. Are there enough of us left that care?

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