Wednesday, April 4, 2012


The emperor opened his big, arrogant, supercilious mouth this week and clearly displayed to the entire world why the United States needs a new president and also how a tyrannical narcissist can bring shame to the office of the presidency. His now infamous words are something to behold for sure and most assuredly cements his legacy of leadership by antagonism.

While delivering a speech in the Rose Garden, the emperor addressed the Supreme Court’s judicial review of Obamacare. He referred to them as “an unelected group of people”. He then went off the deep end;

“I’m confident that the Supreme Court will not take what would be an unprecedented, extraordinary step of overturning a law that was passed by a strong majority of a democratically elected congress”.

Unprecedented step of overturning a law that was passed by congress? The U.S. Supreme Court has been doing just that for over 200 years! It’s their job! The Supreme Court is there for the sole purpose of ruling on the constitutionality of laws and striking down those that violate it. It is a vital check in the power scheme of our federal government and provides protection to the citizens of this nation from the very type of tyranny that the emperor tries to impose. How can a law professor at Harvard who taught constitutional law make such an absurd and ignorant statement? As the President of the United States I would damn well hope he knows what the role of the Supreme Court is! His arrogance transcends belief and in my personal opinion he is either unwilling or incapable of fulfilling his responsibilities to the American people any longer. He does not even respect the constitution.

The emperor’s contempt for checks and balances and the separation of powers in this country is palpable and dangerous. So much so that he is willing to stand up in front of all of you, conservative, liberal or whatever and lie his ass off right to your face! You should be personally insulted and disappointed by his disgusting behavior. He has the audacity and unmitigated hubris to issue a warning of sorts to the highest court in the land if they do not bend to his will. This from the President of the United States!!

Fortunately for us the framers of the U.S. Constitution saw Obama coming and established a system of governance that would prevent one person or one faction from gaining too much power and the emperor has a hard time with that. His so called “fundamental transformation” is nothing but a vestigial organ until he can first transform our system of government into an Oligarchy. He wants full and total control of every mechanism of government so he can implement his vision. Ho Boy. The Senate, the House of Representatives and the Supreme Court are nothing more then frustrating obstacles that are getting underfoot and blocking his path to Marxist Utopia.

Obama has done a great disservice to the highest office in the land and should be ashamed if he was not so entirely in love with himself. He has divided us by race, gender and class. He insults the great institutions of our country and has weakened our reputation all over the world. He is trying to succeed where Woodrow Wilson and the progressives failed because he knows the time is ripe. He has filled his executive office with “Czars” who do not report to congress and were not confirmed by the Senate. He has shown total disdain for the legislative branch and is not well liked by most in his own party, save for a few wacked out clowns like Pelosi, Reid and Wasserman Schultz.

I took a college course long ago called, “Psychopathology in Politics”. This course involved an intense study of histories most tyrannical, evil and violent leaders and dissected their paths to power and the circumstances that allowed them to impose their will on a nation. In this country today I see a weak economy, high unemployment, a fractured national identity, a large government dependency, financial chaos, desperate fiscal policy, internal division and hate. If I had my old college notes it would make my skin crawl. We opened the door for someone like the emperor. We are primed for the likes of him. It’s happened before………..

We should be more grateful now then ever for our Constitution and our system of government. It may not be perfect, but it is necessary. Our constitution does not allow someone like the emperor to act out of policy for long. The same checks and balances that often produce frustrating gridlock and constant bickering also prevents the successful rise of tyrannical leadership. Even if enough fools can be gathered to re-elect the emperor, he will at stories end, fail. I have faith in the lessons of history because no matter how weak and susceptible a country becomes, the one who takes advantage eventually fails miserably.   

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