Since the emperor took over the White House, the number of Americans on food stamps has risen by a jaw dropping 14 million. Good for him, more government dependents = more voters. Latest figures show that one out of every seven Americans is on food stamps. That comes out to about 46 million people. The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) is the federal program that dispenses tax payer money to these 46 million recipients, most often through banks who contract with the government to issue EBT cards to be used in a manner similar to credit cards. JP Morgan and Bank of America to name two.
The emperor needs a lot of votes this November in order to remain perched upon his lofty throne so he went to the dependency trough again this week by announcing $75,000 grants to groups who come up with new and novel methods to get more people on the food stamp program. You heard me correctly; your emperor is actively soliciting groups to get more people dependent on government entitlements and then rewards them by handing out your tax dollars as a thank you! I never seriously thought I would be writing this very paragraph in my lifetime.
If it is possible to add stupidity to this injury, the emperor’s Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack gave it a shot by making the following statement:
“I should point out, when you talk about the SNAP program or the food stamp program; you have to recognize that it’s also an economic stimulus. Every dollar of SNAP benefits generates $1.84 in the economy in terms of economic activity. If people are able to buy a little more in the grocery store, someone has to stock it, package it, shelve it, process it and ship it. All of those are jobs. It’s the most direct stimulus you can get in the economy during these tough times.”
If you remember not to far back, the emperor’s Spokesperson Jay Carney told the citizens of this country that unemployment checks were the most direct stimulus the government can provide. Well gentleman….which one is it?
Using Vilsack’s logic, the government should just give every citizen in this country about $3,000 worth of food stamps, which by his math would create about $1.6 trillion in economic activity! Obamanomics 101. Get used to it. How does one unemployed person create 1.84 jobs? I don’t know either, but according to the emperor’s spokesperson and Secretary of Agriculture, this economy will only reach its full recovery when we get everybody on unemployment and food stamps. I’m kicking myself for not figuring this out on my own! If this advanced economic theory confuses you, let me help…..It’s the same mathematical calculation that supports the science of fuel consumption (In the Twilight Zone). That being if you have a half a tank of gas and drive 200 miles to your Aunt Gertrude’s house, you will have a full tank after you get there! Isn’t that great!
To be serious, the emperor knows that by seizing control of your livelihood, he has a good chance of keeping it forever. What he is really after is your self respect and dignity. Once you resign to being a recipient and stop trying, it’s over. Look at government supported facilities and housing projects. They’re garbage dumpsters. When you become dependent on the government for everything, you lose all respect for anything, including yourself.
The ever expanding sphere of increased entitlement living is moving across the social landscape of this country like a fungus. Welfare recipients can already obtain free cell phones and service and you’re paying for that in your monthly bill. Check the universal fee next time your bill arrives. Metro PCS hands them out with pre authorized minutes to all those who fill out the indigence form (drug traffickers thank you). Several other carriers like Safelink Wireless and Assurance Wireless offer similar programs for welfare recipients.
Comcast bought NBC earlier this year and the FCC threw in a mandate requiring them to provide internet access to low income households for a drastically reduced price, usually $9.95 a month. I pay $65.00 for the same service. In some parts of the country it’s altogether free.
Medical and Medicare will take care of medical problems. An emergency room physician recently gave a radio interview on a national afternoon talk show. He picked one day at his job site as an example. 29 patients came into the emergency room. Of the 29, 27 were on medical. Of the 27 medical patients, only 2 needed to see a doctor at all. The two who did could have made an appointment with their doctor but did not want the inconvenience of making one, so they came to the ER where it is free for them either way. Only a few spoke English.
Want someone else to fill your gas tank? Get on welfare. A bill has been introduced in congress that would give eligible households money for gas. It’s called the “Low-income Gasoline Assistance program Act”.
So if the federal government can provide you a free place to live, a free phone, free internet, money for food and gas and free medical coverage,why go to work for 40 to 50 hours a week for a low to moderate paying job when you can live the same lifestyle by just letting the emperor provide your needs? As long as you’re “eligible” there is almost nothing that cannot be purchased for you or subsidized by the federal government.
I am not insinuating that we do not help people that need it. We will always need programs to help take care of the poor but this has gotten completely out of control. It has become not only an industry unto itself but a major tool for the Democratic Party and the emperor as they work to transform a once free country into an Orwellian nightmare.
The emperor is currently attacking the Catholic Church and freedom of religion (unless you’re Muslim). He has made it clear that he does not endorse the free market or capitalism. He wants to redistribute wealth and advocates Marxist/Leninist principles. He has put his support behind the looters and poopers of the occupation movement. He has stoked the flames of class warfare at every opportunity. He has invested your money and lost it all to failing energy corporations that were backed by his friends. He is considering giving our missile technology to Russians in defiance of congress. He divides us when he should be unifying us. He is a great orator who has no personal attachment to the truth what so ever. He is a disease with support from the diseased. I think Stephen King is behind all this.
The emperor is calling for complete and total surrender of your individualism and self worth. He wants your soul to. He can’t succeed without it. He can’t have mine. You?
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