Many years ago back in college, a Political Science Professor assigned us to read George Orwell’s classic fiction novel “1984”. The quick read for those who have not enjoyed this classic tome tells of a society ruled by totalitarian dictatorship that decries individuality and promotes forced oppressive government rule. The citizens of this society are subjected to the socially progressive, highly controlled policies of the government for the greater good of the masses. In this society called Oceana, the government controls your mind, monitors your every move, rewrites history and fabricates news to suit their needs and grants special privileges to the elite party members. Everyone is forced to revere and worship the mythical leader of this socialist society, Big Brother. There is a plot involving a guy who rebels so go read the book. It was a depressing, dark world to live in from my perspective back then but it was just a book and the story was fictional. I had no political or life experience to that point and I assigned no real significance to the book. So it follows that I could never have imagined that thirty years later I would see Orwell’s fictional world become a reality.
Shortly after Barrack Hussein Obama became the President of the United States , the White House launched a first of its kind effort to get people to snitch on those who expressed opposition to the Emperor through a new official e-mail,, and a web page on the official White House site. The site didn’t last two weeks, thanks to an outcry of anger and disgust over the idea that the president would be so petty and so paranoid as to need an official informant bureau in the White House. The site came down around the same time that the Emperor quit fighting with Fox News, having lost on all fronts to control public opinion.
Apparently he did not learn a lesson from that episode of tattle tale tyranny. The Emperor’s re-election campaign has now set up a website ostensibly to defend him against false attacks and correct any misinformation about the president from the opposition and hold them accountable. Does anybody actually believe these people anymore? It appears obvious its real purpose is to smear republicans and trounce dissenters.
The website is called “” and one look reveals exactly where the real intent lies. Has anyone ever seen the federal government solicit followers to do opposition research for it? If you have followed the recent federal raid of the Gibson Guitar factory by the armed Federal Fish and Game personnel, then you now know without ambiguity that the Emperor’s practice has been to select, isolate and demonize a target and these "problem" companies or groups are always either non-union or republican supporters. In fact, Obama enlisted the help of his attack buddy Attorney General Eric Holder to create a “Blog Squad”, an in house group that participates on websites to influence public opinion using your tax dollars. How positively Orwellian.
Obama knows that his last chance to salvage some success at this point is to indoctrinate as many of you as possible to believe non-sense and self contradictory ideas such as his job creation illusion. It shall be so simply because the Emperor asserts it, and people like me who are not afraid to point out the obvious shall be silenced by the regime. The aim, I’m sure is to inspire liberals—who hate the Emperor’s enemies far more than they love the Emperor, to get charged up and get involved.
This type of behavior would have been denounced if George W. Bush had done anything of the sort and this egregious act of political paranoia would have been broadcast repeatedly through the major television networks. Bush would have drawn the same Orwellian comparison and I would be writing the same thing about him as I am the Emperor. This puts Obama in a class right along with Richard Nixon and his sad state of political paranoia.
Leaders lead. There will always be conflict and obstacles and there will always be detractors and critics on both sides of the political fence. Mr. President, get rid of the hubris, show some humility and courage and please stop behaving like an overwhelmed underappreciated local government management employee. We have plenty of those thanks. Stop blaming others when bad news arrives, eat some crow, take a shot or two to the chin and show us you can take it. Get some dirt under your fingernails and make me proud to be an American again. I don’t have to agree with your agenda, but please don’t put the great citizens of this country in a position to be ashamed of you because you show no personal responsibility or character. Big Brother, stop with the spy sites and the blame throwing. Get up tomorrow, look in the mirror, and in the words of the late Michael Jackson…………….Make that change……………
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