The next president of these scattered states of America will
not be sworn into office for another 16 months give or take, but after careful
and honest reflection on our nation’s current condition, one the next president
will inherit, it is hard for me not to pity the poor schmuck who must endeavor
to undo the damage Obama has done, both domestically and internationally. It
will be a daunting task to be sure; a staggering mess that will take someone
with courage, someone who can humble themselves to the challenge and someone
who is willing to forego their legacy in
order to re-pour the foundation for ensuing leaders can build upon. The
next President will have to be a lot of things……..
The next President must restore the constitution as a valid,
respected document and bring the executive branch back into the three branch
government model established by that constitution. Obama currently runs rogue
one man governance, ignoring the enforcement of laws he does not like, issuing
exemptions to Democratic Party loyalists for the ones they don’t care for and
using executive orders to illegally bypass congress for others, all of
which are outside the president’s lawful authority. The next President must obey both
the spirit and letter of the law.
The next President cannot be a racist. Race relations have
devolved under Obama to a level not seen in the last 45 years. Obama has stoked
the fire of racial disharmony by vilifying white people and law enforcement. He
has embraced the black thug culture and befriended the nation’s most vile black
man, Al Sharpton. Obama has used the
black culture’s institution of lies as motivators to tacitly approve, by his
silence, wonton acts of well advertised murderous violence against
Caucasians and institutions tasked with protection of the public. He has shown
zero support for the families of white police officers who were slain as a
result of the disgusting hate speech of the black lives matter movement. He
unabashedly proclaims that only pure devotion to his message and fealty to his
administration will improve black person’s chances in such a white racist culture. The
next president must avoid racial obsessions and hold all citizens accountable
to the same standards, regardless of race or ethnicity.
The next president must regain the status as a world leader.
Obama’s devotion to Islamic cultures has created one of the most severe
leadership vacuums for the free world in my lifetime. He backed the Muslim
Brotherhood in Egypt
and almost ruined the country. He threw an innocent video maker in jail to use
as cover for his failure to protect American citizen’s lives in Benghazi . Obama drew a
red line in the sand and determined that Syrian dictator Assad “must go” as he
was gassing, torturing and killing thousands, then backed down after Assad called
his bluff. We are watching the results of Obama’s cowardice now as Syrians by
the hundreds of thousands are fleeing their country and overrunning the
European continent. Obama declared Yemen
a model of success as the U.S.
helped set up a temporary government two weeks before the country was invaded
by Islamic radicals, forcing the US to turn and run. He referred to ISIS as a non issue and a junior varsity team not be
taken seriously. Obama has alienated our allies and coddled himself up to
despots, terrorists and dictators. We no longer have any real friends in the Middle East , having lost their trust by virtue of Obama’s
behavior toward them. He has set the stage for a Middle East nuclear arms race
and placed our nation’s children in the crosshairs of Iran as he has paved the way for
global instability and possible holocaust as a result of his illegitimate
treaty that 80% of this nation’s people do not want. Obama has destabilized the
Baltic States and allowed Vladimir Putin to
take his lunch money and pull his pants down on the international stage. Putin
is now seen as the world leader and many of our allies now look toward Russia for support because none is forthcoming
from America .
next President must be a true world leader who possess the courage to make the
tough decisions, whose word is good and whose intentions transmit clearly to
those who would do harm to us or our allies.
The next President must understand basic economics. Obama
railed against Bush during the ’08 election for running up the nation’s debt
and accused him of trying to bankrupt the country. Obama then immediately went
to work; successfully spending us into more debt than all previous presidents
combined and will have effectively dumped this fiscal nightmare squarely on the
laps of the next several generations at least. There are now 90 million
able-bodied Americans out of the work force. Obama completely refused to even
mention entitlement reform and in fact solicited 47 million people to enjoy the
benefits of food stamps. Obama went so far as to go on the radio in the county of Mexico and encourage Mexican citizens to
come across the border and take advantage of our welfare program. Obama has
also set the date for sunset clauses for health cares subsidies to HMO’s to
coincide with his departure from the white house. Obamacare has become almost
irrelevant due to non compliance, soaring costs and special exceptions that he
and his Democratic Party members granted to their money backers. Obama funneled
hundreds of millions of our money into failing green companies and turned his
back on giant job creation projects while running around like a headless
chicken screaming about global warning. It’s inevitable then that when the feds
stop printing funny money and interest rates get back to the 4 to 5 percent
range, another budgetary collapse will ensue. The next President must restore
fiscal sanity to Washington
DC . He must dispense with
influence peddling, restore order to a lawless, out of control, corrupt
congress, look forcefully at the broken tax code and it’s Gestapo collection
arm, get rid of, or drastically reduce the power of the alphabet regulatory
agencies who have ruined the lives of so many decent people and most
importantly……regain the lost respect for the office of the Presidency.
As you watch the circus masquerading as a presidential
election race on both sides of the spectrum, ask yourself this question; do you
see a candidate who can take on such a daunting challenge? Is it even
reasonable to believe one exists?