During the last several months I have taken a decidedly
different approach in my attempt to understand the behavior of Barrack Hussein
Obama. Anger, which held the preeminent position in my responses to Obama's
conduct as President of the United States has relinquished its stronghold, giving
way to a more academic, cranial approach; specifically in the arena of
psychopathology as it relates to one of the least understood conditions in the
spectrum of human behavior and one I strongly believe permeates throughout the
whole of Obama. Evil.
let me explain. In
college I conducted intensive research and produced papers analyzing and
chronicling the lives of two of histories greatest tyrants, Joseph Stalin and
Adolf Hitler. My research started with their respective childhoods, up to and
through their ascension to power and ultimately to their deaths. And while it
is not my intention to directly compare Obama to either character it would
serve only to diminish and dilute my forthcoming points if I did not allow myself
to acknowledge a common behavioral trait
which they all shared.
The evil of which I speak is not necessarily the
"evil" one associates with Satan. To directly associate the two would
render this discussion so abstract as to become irrelevant. You may find mild
religious undertones here but I refer primarily to behavioral evil, known in
some psychiatric circles as "malignant narcissism". Malignant
narcissism is generally associated with those who have an insatiable desire to
control people, to make them controllable, to foster their dependency, to
discourage their capacity to think for themselves, to diminish their
originality and to keep them inline. They wish to avoid the inconveniences of
life by transforming others into obedient automatons, robbing them of their
humanity. These are traits I see in Obama. These were traits of the others as
well. It is evil.
The Malignant narcissist possesses another predominant trait
that is a palpable characteristic of Obama. It is called scapegoating and it has been my experience while
watching our Commander in Chief that he very frequently considers himself above
reproach, so that when he is in fact reproached, he lashes out at anyone who
does reproach him and will sacrifice others to preserve his self-image of
perfection. Obama accomplishes this by engaging in projection. Since he sees
himself as faultless when presented with any number of accusations relative to
misconduct or malfeasance, he will invariably see these situations as someone
else's fault. In layman's terms, he cannot perceive of himself as bad so he
perceives others as bad. I believe this may explain Obama's abysmal foreign
relations in that he is often dealing with world leaders (Putin) who have
similar personality disorders but have much more experience using their
condition as a political tool and weapon of control. And it this projection
that eventually and consistently manifests itself in Obama's most critical
flaw. The lie.
It is not always clear to me why it is Obama feels such a
overwhelming need to be untruthful in so many facets of his job. It might be
that he is utilizing it as the ultimate projection in that he simply cannot
tolerate the pain of self reproach and since I firmly believe he has a strong
sense of right and wrong, he needs to lie in order to deceive himself as much
or more so then his need to deceive others. It is my opinion that people lie
when they are covering up something they know to be elicit. In other words,
there is usually no need to hide something unless you know there is something
that needs to be hidden.
Which leads to my first conclusion regarding the human being
Barrack Obama. Most emotional healthy adults submit themselves one way or
another to something higher then themselves. It may be God in any of its
religious forms, it could be truth or love or even simply the demands of their
own conscience. This component of the human soul appears to be completely
missing in Barrack Obama. Obama's ego centric personality which looks at times
to resemble a Messiah complex makes him, strictly speaking, actually
less comparable to the sick minded sociopathic maniacs that were Hitler and
Stalin and more along the lines of a Jim Jones or David Koresh.
You could also make an argument that Obama's behavioral evil
is nothing more complex then a combat technique against evils that he perceives
as learned in various times throughout his formative years. From his Muslim
teachings in Indonesia, to his anti- white, anti- American preacher here in the
states where he attended church all the way to his relationship with domestic
terrorist Bill Ayers. His intense efforts to hide so much of his past could
someday shed light further on this premise should he ever allow the cloak of secrecy to be removed.
I sometimes feel that Barrack Obama is a tortured person and
he often leaves me with the impression that he has lost ownership of his own
soul. Yet unlike other practitioners of evil such as Nancy Pelosi, who has a
one way Fastrak ticket to the bowels of Hell, I believe Obama can save himself
from himself. We are a forgiving people, and we ourselves are faced with
decisions between good and evil on a near daily basis. We know the temptations
and most of us believe we will be held accountable for our decisions in some
way. Obama first needs to take one step down from on high because he
doesn't belong there. He needs to embrace something bigger then himself and
from what we have seen, the choices are endless.