Monday, August 19, 2013


We have a problem with racism in this country, but not the kind you may think. My twenty eight year career in law enforcement comes to an end very soon and there is but one social issue I have never been able to reconcile or accept. I’ve just seen too much for too long and I simply cannot walk away without offering up my opinion. Buckle up people…..I am about to get all real up in here! 

Today’s real racism, as it currently exists is nothing more than a calculated and bogus marketing campaign that strategically attaches itself to an innocent target for the purposes of exploitation, plain and simple. It is highly profitable to the accusers, and is a slimy, sub human tool most often used for the purpose of employment, admissions, benefits, political power or promoting an agenda. It generates sympathy for the alleged “victim”, regardless of the whether there is any real merit in the accusation. The  "victim" is granted valuable exposure and personal platform, almost always by a compliant media and for the sole purpose of occupying and controlling the entire issue. And although we are one of the least racist nations on earth, publicity here is offered only to the race sniveling con men and woman whose poisonous and despicable con game controls the networks headlines(NAACP). These true racists understand there is no publicity, promotion or gain to be had if they simply live their lives as people who have every opportunity available to achieve unlimited success. They are truly the bottom feeders of our species. 

This disturbing exploitation is malicious and toxic, particularly when the topic of pervasive racism is invoked by those who know the lie they tell(Sharpton/Jackson). These filthy people stand up in front of cameras and have the free flowing audacity to lecture us on how hard their lives are because of their concocted belief that all white people are intolerant and mean. The left would have you believe that we live in the most racist, oppressive country on earth, as opined by the self anointed oppressed and their elite spokespersons(Oprah/Danny Glover). These damaged victims of flagrant oppression, with all their hardships stemming from discrimination, are some of the wealthiest and most privileged among us: athletes, movie stars, entertainers, celebrities and yes, the powerful politicians in the world. Nobody knows oppression like those who have amassed vastly more wealth and power than their make believe oppressors. 

One of the biggest racists out there, our current president, has consciously erased decades of progress because he sensed the opportunity to make the issue of race payoff for him, while knowing it to be a complete lie. It is incumbent among racists like Obama, Eric Holder and Al Sharpton to eradicate past progress, since the specter of racial strife transforms into endless opportunities for exploitation and profit going forward. They must turn back the clock so that they can use it over and over again, as if nothing has ever changed. This self-absorption is evidenced by their continual lies; lies not only to all of us but to themselves, and that by proclaiming their own victim hood(Trayvon?) and someone else’s imagined bigotry(Zimmerman), they are beckoning a greater good, with no appreciation for the obvious irony of the whole exercise.  

The majority of us Americans, who are not racists, have forever it seems been forced to sit by and listen to what we all know are lies told about us and we deeply resent it. And of course, we are not allowed to speak in our defense here in this country on the matter of race because to examine facts and object to lies when told by racialist opportunists is itself evidence of racism. False race accusers are never called out publicly and the racist media conspires to protect the false narratives from rebuke or even mild review. In our country it seems, the politically correct narrative is rigged to blindly honor the liar, rather than the truth, when the lie is about race.(NBC/CBS/MSNBC) 

Obama and his lickspittles are a perfect example. They call every reaction to his petty politics a form of racism. The black Attorney General consciously serves only “his people” and disregards criminality by blacks in the name of historical payback. As sick and repulsive as it sounds, it is highly attractive to liberals(Pelosi/Matt Damon/Chris Mattews). Liberals will forever work to tear down the barriers of morality and ethics in order to destroy civil society and a false race war works just fine for them. 

The ongoing efforts to kill off the remnants of the old, Constitutional United States are a big part of the current exploitation of race for profit or advantage. Liberals vehemently object to voter ID laws because of their supposedly negative impact on blacks and Hillary Clinton, a well practiced liar in her own right is more then happy to play along. But if we take a leap of faith and assume for a minute that Democrats are sincere, then I can only conclude that Democrats believe blacks are so stupid and lazy that they cannot obtain readily available and free forms of identification, which they otherwise need for everything else. And the fact that this premise is never challenged by the left is a strong indicator that they do not disagree. 

The worst possible component to this gigantic scam is the disservice to blacks who remain silent, never objecting to their continual and never ending insult for the sake of the benefits they think Democrats bestow upon them. They are betrayed not once but twice. It is gut wrenching to watch blacks purposefully and voluntarily re-submit themselves to the world of slavery. Instead of picking cotton, they are now picking up their food stamp card and Obama phones, defiantly oblivious to the chains around their ankles. Those blacks in America today who had ancestors in slavery owe them an apology. Martin Luther King would be balling his eyes out. His own culture turned on him for some groceries and a free apartment.  Ironically, and sadly……as soon as the Democratic Party has enough illegal immigrants in pocket, blacks will likely find themselves in the same place that others have when their usefulness to liberals has exhausted itself.  

The left will continue to strategically label their opponents as racists as long as there are halfwits and selfish politicians willing to promote the concept while simultaneously apologizing for it. They have taken full advantage of the frailty inherent in the white guilt crowd, those who find comfort in throwing their own culture under the bus for no other reason then to find a friend or feel good and enlightened. They are more often then not followers in this world with a limited sense of identity and self. They are sad people to listen to. 

During the course of my career I had personal contact with people from nearly every race, religion and national heritage. I have been called upon to translate Spanish, arrest handicapped people and communicate with the deaf. I am pretty sure I inadvertently violated countless cultural traditions, whether it was failing to remove my shoes in one house, or looking someone in the eye when it is forbidden by their culture in another, and everything in between. I never once in my career allowed race or culture to affect my professional decision making, no matter how hard it was at times. My professional decisions were just that. Professional. I have been called every racial slur in existence, including the infamous N word, a single word that has been packaged, marketed and sold exclusively for the profitable advancement of the victim agenda by blacks and a primary tool for the destruction of others lives. I have even been called a privileged white man with a gun. A privilege indeed.  

Race baiters and race lairs will be around as long as we allow it to be profitable for them and I don’t ever see the people most negatively affected by this massive scam getting their collective shit together and putting a stop to it. They appear destined to remain forever enslaved on a plantation by the same political party that put them there in the first place.



***** Dear friends,


And so the process of transforming myself from a privileged white guy with a gun to just a creepy old white man with baggy shorts begins. I hope metal detectors go on sale soon!  


This piece represents my last political or social issue blog. My interests are more along the line of story telling and observations so look for all future postings to follow these theme lines. What is happening today in this country is more then I have the emotional energy to write about and it does bum me out sometimes. There are about 45,000,000 other conservative blogs out there so you won’t miss anything!


Check back in the near future if you are interested in more uplifting, positive people oriented stories.



