Sunday, April 28, 2013


Last week the news of brothers Tsarnaev living on the government teat sent many here in this country reeling with confusion, hurt feelings and anger. The Boston Herald summed it up nicely on their cover in big bold print: “What Nerve.”

What nerve you say? How dare they you say? How can they take our money and then turn right around and hate us for giving it to them? The unexplainable hubris of these two Muslims is easily explainable to those who look far enough into the world of Islam and the ideology that they call a religion. But before I open this Pandora’s Box, I would first invite any liberals reading this to remove your collective heads out of the feel good sandbox, take off the special lenses that produce the make believe world you so ardently defend and if just for a moment, grant yourself freedom of thought, unbridled by indoctrination and fear. Go ahead, we’ll wait………..

Ok. Citizens of the make believe world wholeheartedly believe that welfare is a kind of charity, a feel good offering to the poor, the beleaguered and the down on their lucksters who in turn are gracious for their gifts. It is that belief which allows them to go about their lives with a sense of selfless contribution and freedom from the burden of guilt.

For the rest of us, we know that welfare bestows entitlement, not charity and the result is always resentment, not gratitude. We also know that Democrats nurture this resentment as a means of cultivating constituents by offering them a pittance here and there until the next election cycle, however; the welfare class do not, generally speaking go out and bomb people to smithereens because of it.

We are talking about something completely different here and we must look at this phenomenon from another viewpoint to come to some reasonable understanding of why the Tsarnaev brothers did what they did. Are you Ready Libs? Enter Allah.

Allah has promised Muslims the world, not a welfare check. The welfare money collected here in America and in countries all over the world by increasing hordes of Muslims is nothing more to them then an act of contrition by the infidels and a payment of shame upon us to Allah’s children. A look into Islamic jurisprudence and history reveals that wealth is to be redistributed by non-Muslims to Muslims in the form of forced payments called jizyah. This is illustrated quite literally in the Quran, Surah 9:29:

            “Fight against those who believe not in Allah, nor in the last day,
             Nor forbid that which has been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger,
             And those who acknowledge not the religion of truth (Islam) among
             The people of the scripture (Jews and Christians) until they pay the jizyah
             With willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.”

Taking jizyah from non-Muslims is closely aligned with jihad and has been going on throughout history in the aftermaths of Islamic conquest. It is designed to rob and humiliate Christians and Jews. There is no gratitude involved here. Muslims believe it is only right and natural that non-Muslims provide payment to help finance jihad. Every country on earth that has been providing welfare to Muslims has been helping to finance jihad against themselves, including the United States. Muslims have all but taken over France, setting up large Muslim communities, taking huge amounts of welfare money and almost completely ignoring French law, setting up their own Sharia type courts of justice while living off French taxpayers. Muslim Cleric Anjem Choudary collects roughly $40,000 annually in benefits from the British government and explains exactly how he feels about Muslims taking welfare money. He calls it “Jihadi allowance”. “We are Jihad Seekers Allowance; we take the jizya which is ours anyway.” He ridicules English people and claims some of the greatest Muslims rarely worked at all; they were “busy with jihad and things like that.”

So how should we feel about all this? Should we continue rolling along, blindly acting appalled each and every time they “have the nerve” to do this to us after all that we have done for them? Is the potion of political correctness intoxicating enough to allow ourselves to ignore the true nature of things in order to “feel good” until the next bomb blast? Does living in the realm of make believe become strained when your special lens and both your legs are blown off?

The true state of Muslim ideology, re-confirmed time after time with every tragic event, should act as a defibrillator shocking us from our unconscious state of perpetual denial into the stark reality of our situation; and our situation is this: Our out of control and reckless welfare and immigration policies are doing far more harm than good and we are financing our own demise. Even France has recently figured this out and in a desperate effort to save its very existence has slashed welfare payments to incoming and returning immigrants by 83%. I suggest we do the same thing here, lest we become victims to self financed Islamic terrorism once again. And make no mistake; it will happen again.

We will be the recipients of jihad in all its forms until we (the infidels) are subdued. If we are never subdued, jihads will always be a threat. If we continue to finance our own destruction we will behave just as the Quran predicted we would and we risk being subdued for good. And jihads come in many disguises. How would a closet Muslim, looking to wage jihad against Christian culture, western freedoms and personal success go about it? He might demonize personal accomplishment, levy multitudes of taxes to redistribute wealth, pit race against race, male against female, strip other religions of their personal choices, disarm the citizenry, refer to terrorism as workplace violence, ruin the country’s finances, weaken its defenses and foment discontent everywhere in order to foster a target rich environment for those who wish to take their jizyah.

France figured it out. Will we?

Wednesday, April 17, 2013


Who among us can keep from obsessing over this firestorm news event. The atrocities and acts of bloody horror are nauseating and gut wrenching to be sure. One of the most tragic and despicable events in recent history is unfolding right under our noses and the nation is positively riveted to the daily storyline as the nightmarish events unfurl. The uproar of anger and repulsion as a result of the saturation coverage by the media has every American asking questions and demanding answers. And no......I am not talking about the Boston Marathon bombing.

What’s that?  You mean to tell me you don’t what the hell I’m talking about? I’m so sorry, I thought for a minute there that a ghoulish doctor who ran a baby butchering clinic and was on trial for murder would generate some serious media coverage, what with there feverish obsession with sensationalism and gore porn, but I was wrong. I guess reporting on a story easily worthy of national, if not world wide coverage is not quite so easy for the leftist media when the subject matter endangers and compromises their fierce, militant, extreme abortion agenda.

The former soviet style media currently in practice today in America spare no effort in their reporting of the unmitigated horror of firearms being sold without background checks, and are even able to muster up the gumption to obsess over the comical and totally farcsical life events of such significant people like Justin Beiber or Jay Z and Beyonce, yet can’t seem to find the time to relate the story of a murderous abortion clinic doctor named Kermit Gosnell, as close to a demonic presence as anything this country will ever see. Gosnell killed countless black babies in filthy conditions, plugged up the building’s plumbing with aborted fetuses, kept body parts in jars and orange juice boxes and murdered an adult female, a crime for which he is currently on trial in Pennsylvannia. The trial was almost a month old before the network blackout finally ended.

Until a couple days ago, it was given media silence. The exposure of such horrific conduct on the part of an abortion operation might damage the reputation of the abortion complex and further impugn the integrity that they actually believe they have. It was only the non stop shaming of the Obama run media complex by legitimate journalists and ombudsmans that caused the leftists to convulse and congeal at their own disgusting behavior and reluctantly report the story.

Gosnell is facing the death penalty after killing 41 year old patient Karnamaya Mongar and murdering seven babies born alive in botched abortions. A search of Gosnell’s shop of horrors revealed jars filled with baby feet, photos of female genetalia and severed heads of aborted fetuses. The offices where Gosnell performed his proud pro-choice Obama supported killings had vomit, urine, rivers of blood and infant cadavers lying around in the open. Gosnell would severe the spinal cords of a living baby or scorch it to death in the womb of the mother with saline. Gosnell’s trial is going on right now and the liberal media almost succeeded in keeping it a secret from the citizens of this country. Fortunately they failed.

And why is the emperor so silent on this matter? He most certainly saw the pictures of massacred babies, all of them minorities. Is it because none other then Barrack Hussein Obama himself  once said that the caring for a child born alive in a botched abortion undermines the “original intent” of the abortion. Yup…it  was also Obama who voted against the Born Alive Infants Protection Act as an Illinois Senator. He kills em like he sees em. So it is highly unlikely you will  ever see the emperor initiate some teary eyed Sandy Hook-type memorial service for the butchered infants whose frail remains were jammed into a cookie jar in Gosnell’s freezer. Those babies will never have a chance to grow up to look like Obama’s pretend son, Trayvon Martin.

Liberals failed to speak up about this atrocity and the trial because these decrepit souls from hell most likely kept a secret admiration for Kermit Gosnell. Gosnell epitomizes the post abortion rights mentality of the left.  And Gosnell, like progressive liberals, discovered the fine art of nomenclature manipulation to ease his own burdens. He found it much easier to downplay the horror of squirming babies dropping into toilets by calling them “precipitations” and he referred to the brutal act of severing spinal cords as “ensuring fetal demise.”

Abortion advocates know how much damage this story does. The more people understand what is being done, the more this country is revolted. So they censor the news from the masses, the uneducated, the easy-to-command types who cling to their God and their guns. Additionally, the left would have to be more hypocritical then they normally are (if that is even possible) to openly condemn Gosnell’s actions when their lord and savior Obama insists on funneling millions of tax payer dollars into the coffers of Planned Parenthood, who recently came out and supported the act of killing a living, breathing infant outside the mother’s womb, after a failed abortion, if the mother and doctor agreed it would be in “her best interests.”  Move over God, Planned Parenthood and Obama want your job.

In the last two days, on the heels of forced news coverage by the left, the public is finally getting a taste for the hard truth that is the process of abortion. With news of woman and babies dying on blood stained examining tables covered with cat hair, the left did their best to feign shock and dismay at the Gosnell story, even though they went out of their way to conceal the whole sordid event from the very beginning. It should not matter whether you are pro or anti-abortion. You should find the media conduct here totally disgusting.

What happened at 3801 Lancaster Avenue in West Philadelphia is nothing short of federally funded feticide. Gosnell’s hideous sub-human conduct was purposely covered up by the media and supported by Obama. The same low life that uses the parents of the massacred children from Newtown to promote his political agenda is the same low life that supports killing these kids before they can even get to elementary school.