Monday, September 24, 2012


Dear Barry,

I think you should know that you have hurt my feelings. I recently watched homicidal third world mobs raging out of control outside the U.S. Embassy in Cairo while you issued a statement to the Muslim people condemning anyone who would hurt their feelings. Well my feelings are hurt and I want to know what you plan to do about it.

My feelings are hurt because those Muslims whom you love so much dragged the reportedly raped corpse of the American Ambassador to Libya through the streets of Benghazi after they murdered him and three other American citizens in a coordinated pre-planned attack.

My feelings are hurt because Secretary of State Hillary Clinton felt compelled, as usual, to lie to the American public when she assured us that the “Libyans carried Chris’s body to the hospital”. Her inappropriate informal use of the Ambassadors first name, coupled with her brazen mendacity was galling and that, Barry, really hurt my feelings because she is directly responsible for sending Ambassador Chris Stevens, our representative, to a humiliating slaughter. Sleep well Hilary.

You hurt my feelings deeply and unforgivingly when I was subjected to the embarrassingly humiliating spectacle of watching you, the alleged president of the United States and your screwball minions attack our right to free speech. It bothers me Barry because generations of Americans have died defending our First Amendment right to offend anyone we feel like offending, including your beloved murderous Muslims.

You hurt my feelings when you used my money to broadcast apologies on Palestinian television for American’s free speech then tried to pressure Google into removing any content that may further hurt you brother Muslim’s sensitivities.

Oh Barry, Barry, Barry… feelings really got hurt bad when you sent federal thugs to Cerritos California in a midnight raid on an anti-Islamic filmmaker whom you decided to blame for the Muslim riots. I saw the photo of the filmmaker being led away with a pillow case over his head. You made every tyrannical leader in world history proud, but alas……all you did for me was hurt my feelings and the feelings of any citizen out there who still respects liberty. You sicken me.

You hurt my feelings when you started selling your own, “redesigned version” of the American flag in your “Obama Store”. You replaced the fifty stars with you iconic “O” in their place and flowing stripes across the bottom and hawked them to your Marxist supporters for 35 bucks. Your ego and idolatry are staggering. The feelings of the American people who remain passionate about the respect our flag demands are hurt. If you will grovel to the Muslims over their concocted offense at a movie trailer then you can apologize to us for desecrating our symbol of freedom.

My feelings are hurt Barry and I would like a personal apology. How does your schedule look November 6?

Sunday, September 9, 2012


 I first saw him during halftime of a basketball game in my ninth grade year. He ran out onto the court with a large push broom in hand and began sweeping the entire floor. He was focused and determined while using a carefully structured sweeping routine. There was a sense of duty in his movements but it was immediately apparent that he was different somehow.  Nobody in the gym bleachers seemed to notice him to much and the coaches didn’t seem concerned. When we started play again he ran to the corner of the gym and knelt down with a towel around his shoulders, alert and poised to jump up at a moments notice and do whatever may be asked of him. At games end we walked out of the gym toward the locker room. He was standing in the locker room doorway, holding it open for us as if we were celebrities. After we all made it into the locker room I heard my coach say, “thanks Bags!”

Everyone called him Bags. A grown man then in his twenties or thirties, Bags had some sort of mental retardation. Nobody seemed to know how badly Bags was affected by his condition. As a matter of fact nobody knew much about Bags at all. Bags not officially employed and he never got paid for his efforts but he was a pillar of consistency and never missed a sporting event. Some would claim there had to be two or three different Bags and there were times when people would swear he was in three different places at the same time. He swept the basketball courts, cleaned the footballs and ran after foul balls during baseball. He helped move the hurdles at track meets and carried towels at swimming events. Bags was everywhere, all the time. He had unfettered access into any facility in the small town of Chico and nobody would blink an eye. He was Bags.

I never knew for certain why he was called Bags. He rode a bike everywhere and always had a plastic bag hanging from the handlebars. He also wore the same pair of worn out, oversized jeans. Bags….

During my high school years I had the occasional conversation with Bags. He kept close tabs on the statistics of his favorite players and I was lucky enough to be one of them. He was always polite and took a certain pride in successfully anticipating my next need so he could satisfy it in advance. He seemed thrilled to be in my company and would often tell others he and I were friends. Bags never took advantage of a situation and never asked for special consideration. In fact, unlike others, Bags never appeared to be needy for attention or social acceptance and he was not negatively affected by those who would dismiss him. Truth be told, he seemed to display a fairly keen grasp of social nuances in group dynamics. Every coach new him and loved him. He had uniform shirts from every team in town and proudly wore them.  

Shortly before leaving for college, I ran into one of my old coaches in a store and we chatted briefly. As we talked, Bags walked into the store with an older woman. I gestured over toward Bags and told the coach I was going to miss him after I left. It was then my old coach revealed to me the story behind the mystery that was Bags:

As a young boy, Bags, whose real name I cannot remember, needed medical attention at a local hospital. During his hospital stay, a mistake on the part of medical staff resulted in a sodium depletion issue that became critical and caused permanent brain damage. After litigation, a stipend was established to provide this young boy with his basic needs for the remainder of his life. His condition was considered irreversible.

Bags grew up in a world of turmoil, surrounded by pity from some and scorn from others. When he was old enough to be considered a man physically, his mother sat him down and told him that it was time for him to become a productive member of society and that he would need to find a way to contribute. His mother had already established to the community that Bags was not to be considered a charity case or a poster child for some feel good fundraiser. Bags had to find his own place in the fabric of his society.

Bags slowly started helping out at high school sporting events when he could. He would eventually achieve full acceptance by the residents of the close knit community where he lived and a career was born. He became the epitome of dependability. He worked his ass off his whole life, never earned a penny and was happy. He had a bike and a bag.

I left for college and never saw Bags again. It is likely he passed some time ago. He earned my respect and I’m sure he earned the respect of countless other young men and woman who would have the good fortune to know Bags.

Today, as I look at the repulsive, self centered, entitled people who run around squawking and squeaking about their mythical made up rights and their grievances and I want to puke. These pathetic, soft, ego driven, self loving molecular groupings disgrace our country and our culture. Adversity to these people is a foreign concept and they would most likely collapse under the weight of their own self pity if they ever had to deal with any. They couldn’t hold Bag’s lunch.

 I look back and thank God that there was a “Bags” in my life. A young boy, who had his brain drained of life supporting sodium and became crippled, grew up to be a man any parent and the community could be proud of. Looking back, Bags helped me to develop a perspective and balance when life didn’t go exactly the way I wanted, or just as importantly, when it did.

Here’s to Bags…….     

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


Many moons back, a sibling of mine who was going through a rough patch shared a thought with me during a car trip to somewhere. He offered with regard to his personal experiences and observations that people who were mildly retarded seemed to be consistently more happy and carefree then “sane” people. He wondered out loud if life would in fact be more pleasant and less stressful living with such a condition. He commented that “slow” people did not seem to worry much about outcomes or responsibilities; they didn’t appear to think critically or analytically and they were never held accountable for their actions or behavior; receiving special consideration for whatever they did or wherever they went. He quietly finished his thought by claiming to be a little envious of these “lucky” people. The topic never came up again.

Many times over the course of the last thirty years I have reflected on that brief but provocative comment. My level of sophistication regarding the different types of mental or physical conditions out there is unimpressive at best and it is not my intention to offend; but something in what he said nibbled at me over time for reasons unknown. I had no idea why but I made a point of keeping his comments alive along the outer boundaries of my youthful recollections. I think subconsciously I felt that his comments would someday resurface as an important link to something else. I have recently mused one possible link.

There are those who have made the argument that liberalism is a mental disorder. There are behavioral similarities that are difficult to simply brush aside. Indeed I trust that many of you have at some point in your lives’ attempted to engage a liberal in an articulate, fact based, adult conversation about some social, economic or political topic matter, and if I am right, most, if not all of you failed miserably. Don’t feel bad. It can’t be done.  Make it easy on yourself and try splitting an atom instead. It’s well known that Liberals generally lack even the most pedestrian ability to think critically or participate in a point-counter point discussion using facts or logic, similar in many ways to someone with reduced capacities. They go into these discussions unarmed with any real information and have nothing to offer in support of their position but emotion and feelings, thus rendering the whole conversation useless for the purposes of productive social intercourse. Could it be they are actually just suffering from some form of mild retardation?

Liberals steadfastly refuse to be responsible for their words or actions. There is a major disconnect between what came out of their mouth and what they recall saying. Try to convince a liberal to accept responsibility for anything they say. Even right after they say it! I dare you. When cornered, Liberals will immediately declare they were misunderstood, misquoted, taken out of context or deny saying it at all. If none of the aforementioned tactics work, they will insinuate that you are mean or racist, or both.  What they will not do, under any circumstances, is take any responsibility whatsoever. Go ahead…..try it. Find a liberal and test this out. Make a game out of it!  But be courteous….its looks more and more like there is the possibility you may be dealing with a “special” person.

Liberals are professional blame throwers. Just like with their words, liberals will never take responsibility for their actions, no matter how many times you show them the video! It is simply not within them. You see, to a liberal, there is ALWAYS someone or something else to blame for their failures. They have insulated themselves completely from accountability by declaring any number of irrelevant, superfluous outside influences as the real culprit. Their transformation back to childlike defense mechanisms is curious no? Instead of incredulous looks and pity, maybe we should we be giving them a medal and a hug!

 I recently watched an episode of the comedy cartoon Family Guy. In this particular episode Peter Griffin played Trivial Pursuit with his family and was secretly asked questions from the elementary school level so he could win. He subsequently proclaimed himself a genius and took an IQ test to see how just how smart he was. Of course the results showed him to have the intelligence of a high functioning retard. His displeasure with the unexpected news was quickly transformed into glee when he discovered that a retarded person could basically do whatever they wanted without consequence! He proceeded to call people names, stole from stores, touched woman’s body parts and visited the ladies restroom, all the while basking in the glory of complete immunity; nearly identical behavior to that of liberals in today’s culture. Were the producers at Fox somehow trying to tongue in cheek a comparison between slow people and Liberals?

I know what you’re asking yourself as you read this…….did he really go there? Is he seriously drawing some kind of comparison between diminished capacity behavior and liberalism? Relax. I’m much too sensitive a guy to poke at that Hornets nest. Besides………..I would never treat the handicapped that way.

Monday, September 3, 2012


A skilled and respected fellow blogger who composes “The Obama White House Diaries” recently included a link from an article written by Mychal S. Massie entitled "Why I Do Not Like The Obamas.”  After reading the encapsulated article I knew this was something that I must forward to you. You may be as unfamiliar with Mr. Massie as I was, so here is the bio from his website - 

"Mychal S. Massie is the former National Chairman of the conservative black think tank, Project 21-The National Leadership Network of Black Conservatives; and a member of its’ parent think tank, the National Center for Public Policy Research. In his official capacity with this free market public policy think tank he has spoken at the U.S. Capitol, CPAC, participated in numerous press conferences on Capitol Hill, the National Press Club and has testified concerning property rights pursuant to the “Endangered Species Act” before the Chairman of the House Committee on Resources. He has been a keynote speaker at colleges and universities nationwide, at Tea Party Rallies, at rallies supporting our troops and conservative presidents; and rally’s supporting conservative causes across the country. He is an unapologetic supporter of our right to own and carry firearms. "

It is no suprise that Mr. Massie’s work has not received any real attention from the government controlled media. After you read the snippets taken from the article you will certainly know why.

Mr. Massie’s words are candid. He is very clear about his personal contempt for our emperor and his Imelda Marcos type spouse. The following excerpts were selected by my fellow blogger and they are not ambiguous. I could not say any of the following better then Mr. Massie so why bother. Here it is…. A link to the full article is available at the bottom.
  • The truth is I do not like the Obamas
  • I don’t like them because they are committed to the fundamental change of my/our country into what can only be regarded as a Communist state.
  • I don’t like them because they comport themselves as emperor and empress. 
  • ...  The Obama’s have taken lies, dishonesty, deceit, mendacity, subterfuge and obfuscation to new depths. 
  • ...they both display bigotry overtly...
  • No president in history has spent over a million dollars to keep his records and his past sealed. 
  • He has surrounded himself with the most rabidly, radical, socialist academicians today. 
  • He is openly hostile to business and aggressively hostile to Israel.
  • His wife treats being the First Lady, as her personal American Express Black Card (arguably the most prestigious credit card in the world). 
  • I condemn them because, as people are suffering, losing their homes, their jobs, their retirements, he and his family are arrogantly showing off their life of entitlement as he goes about creating and fomenting class warfare.
  • We should condemn them for the disrespect they show our people, for his willful and unconstitutional actions pursuant to obeying the Constitutional parameters he is bound by, and his willful disregard for Congressional authority.
  • And I have open scorn for their playing the race card.
  • There is no scenario known to man, whereby a white president and his wife could ignore laws, flaunt their position, and lord over the people as these two are permitted out of fear for their color.
  • He and his wife view their life at our expense as an entitlement ....


There are a significant amount of people in this country who refuse to extricate their head from the sand and apply even the most modest critical thinking to what the emperor has done or attempted to do to this country. The following quote from Ayn Rand says it well;

We are fast approaching the stage of the ultimate inversion: the stage where the government is free to do anything it pleases, while the citizens may act only by permission; which is the stage of the darkest periods of human history, the stage of rule by brute force.”