Dear Barry,
I think you should know that you have hurt my feelings. I recently watched homicidal third world mobs raging out of control outside the U.S. Embassy in Cairo while you issued a statement to the Muslim people condemning anyone who would hurt their feelings. Well my feelings are hurt and I want to know what you plan to do about it.
My feelings are hurt because those Muslims whom you love so much dragged the reportedly raped corpse of the American Ambassador to Libya through the streets of Benghazi after they murdered him and three other American citizens in a coordinated pre-planned attack.
My feelings are hurt because Secretary of State Hillary Clinton felt compelled, as usual, to lie to the American public when she assured us that the “Libyans carried Chris’s body to the hospital”. Her inappropriate informal use of the Ambassadors first name, coupled with her brazen mendacity was galling and that, Barry, really hurt my feelings because she is directly responsible for sending Ambassador Chris Stevens, our representative, to a humiliating slaughter. Sleep well Hilary.
You hurt my feelings deeply and unforgivingly when I was subjected to the embarrassingly humiliating spectacle of watching you, the alleged president of the United States and your screwball minions attack our right to free speech. It bothers me Barry because generations of Americans have died defending our First Amendment right to offend anyone we feel like offending, including your beloved murderous Muslims.
You hurt my feelings when you used my money to broadcast apologies on Palestinian television for American’s free speech then tried to pressure Google into removing any content that may further hurt you brother Muslim’s sensitivities.
Oh Barry, Barry, Barry… feelings really got hurt bad when you sent federal thugs to Cerritos California in a midnight raid on an anti-Islamic filmmaker whom you decided to blame for the Muslim riots. I saw the photo of the filmmaker being led away with a pillow case over his head. You made every tyrannical leader in world history proud, but alas……all you did for me was hurt my feelings and the feelings of any citizen out there who still respects liberty. You sicken me.
You hurt my feelings when you started selling your own, “redesigned version” of the American flag in your “Obama Store”. You replaced the fifty stars with you iconic “O” in their place and flowing stripes across the bottom and hawked them to your Marxist supporters for 35 bucks. Your ego and idolatry are staggering. The feelings of the American people who remain passionate about the respect our flag demands are hurt. If you will grovel to the Muslims over their concocted offense at a movie trailer then you can apologize to us for desecrating our symbol of freedom.
My feelings are hurt Barry and I would like a personal apology. How does your schedule look November 6?