Monday, July 30, 2012


Fifty two years ago today I was forcibly pushed out of a very comfortable womb and pulled out into the cold antiseptic air of a hospital room somewhere in the bay area. I grew up, got a college degree, chased around a couple of dreams and then settled into a career that will end in the not so distant future. I married, had three great children that are now grown and found hobbies for myself to stay occupied. My values, beliefs and principles are set in stone and not likely to change at this point in my life. What you see from this point on is what you get; take it or leave it.

There are things going on in this country today that I simply cannot and will not accept and at this stage in my life I don’t have to. I don’t have to alter my beliefs for anyone or any group that tries to redefine or change altogether what I know to be true and right. Call me old fashioned, call me a curmudgeon or call me a fuddy duddy. It’s all good. You see it’s all very simple now………..I just don’t care.

I don’t care if the Mayor of New York calls for police around the country to cease protecting their citizens until they all surrender their constitutionally protected guns to the government. I don’t care that he has outlawed food donations to the homeless from charitable organizations because the city can’t access the salt, fat and fiber content, or that he banned buying sodas that are larger then 16 ounces. I don’t care that he also banned smoking in any park or outdoor space. He is a Marxist who will never dictate to me how I do my job, what I eat, who I give food to, where I smoke( if I smoked) or how much soda I drink. I don’t care.

I don’t care if anyone approves of my personal opinion on the institution of marriage. My moral belief is not available for anyone to challenge or change. If someone wishes to discriminate against me because I don’t believe what they believe then that’s too bad, buts that too bad for them. The mayor of Boston and Chicago have come out and declared that the Chick Fil-A restaurant is not welcome in their city because the owner is Christian and believes in traditional marriage. To progressive liberals, you can’t have an opinion unless it is in line with their agenda. Gay activists want to force you to accept their agenda or suffer the character assassination that will follow. Memo to the LGBT coalition……..I don’t care.

I don’t care if anyone thinks I shouldn’t own guns. I have used them as a tool of my trade for 27 years and as a home defense tool for just as long. I have a constitutional right to own them and no government will ever take them away from me. If the emperor wants to disarm the citizens of this country, he will find out in short order how little we care what he wants and Eric Holder better cancel days off for his agents because they will be busy for awhile. Anyone who threatens me or my family will get a quick lesson in marksmanship.

I don’t care if my SUV chugs gas. If I can afford the gas and I want to drive an SUV then I will. I don’t care if you drive a tour bus down the freeway or an eighty pound smart car with a plastic steering wheel. Drive what you want and I’ll drive what I want. Don’t tell me what you think I should drive because…………….uh huh……I don’t care.

I don’t care if you are an enlightened college student and consider yourself educated in the real workings of the world. I will grant you my attention long enough to allow you to establish a level of credibility or completely demolish it. If you don’t know how to communicate a coherent thought about your passionate beliefs and absolute certainties as given to you by your college professors, then you have not earned my involvement in your theatre nor will you be provided the opportunity to benefit from it. I will bend over backwards to engage you in intellectual, fact based, and adult discussions on almost any topic. The moment you begin spitting out clichés, platitudes, and angry anti -establishment quotes from the last book you read, followed by absolutes, closed ended arguments and name calling, you will lose me and I don’t care if it hurts your feelings. Come back when you grow up. I’ll be here. Maybe.

If you are a politician and get caught in a lie………you’re a liar. I don’t care if you use the terms, “misspoke, taken out of context, or used mistaken facts”. You’re a liar.

Similarly, if you change your beliefs to better a line yourself with your constituent’s beliefs… did not “evolve” you vacated your principles and exposed your lack of any moral foundation. I don’t care what you call it. You’re no longer relevant.

I don’t care what race you are. I honestly don’t. Never have. If you experience adversity in your life, if you do something illegal, stupid, wrong or just make a judgment error, take responsibility, correct the problem and move on. If you scream racism as a method of avoiding accountability or gaining political favor, spare me the noise…I don’t care. And I don’t know anyone who does anymore.

I don’t care with whom or with what you choose to have sex. Your personal attractions are yours. My personal attractions are mine. Let’s keep it that way shall we? I value my personal preferences as much as you do, even if I don’t hold parades to tell everyone about them. Your demons are yours to deal with not mine. I don’t care.

The Olympics in London is currently ongoing. The Americans are fighting valiantly to bring glory to themselves and their country. I have to go cheer them on now. I care.

Monday, July 23, 2012


The carnage of last Friday’s theatre massacre in Aurora Colorado injected a horrifying and everlasting trauma on friends, family and the community there like nothing anyone could ever imagine. The bald faced terror and shock that an event like this creates is something most of us will never experience. Unexpected and unexplainable Catastrophes have a way of shattering the ever so thin plate glass layer of civility that provides us all with the illusion of relative safety and comfort as we go about our lives. Those who survive these ordeals are often released of their innocence and left with little more then bare naked questions about the randomness of chance and the meaning of their lives. They are forever changed.

In the days and weeks following this tragedy we will all be spectators to a grand showing of political hand wringing and blame throwing over this incident. The lefties will bring out their time honored gun control mantra. The government controlled media will hunt feverishly for a connection between the murderer and anything conservative or right wing. ABC wrote a new chapter in the art of despicable conduct on the very morning of the shooting when they initially identified a man in Colorado with the same name as the suspect as being a member of the Tea Party. They retracted their piece after it was discovered that it was a different person altogether but they broadcasted it on network news none the less. I honestly have a hard time finding anything more grossly unprofessional and irresponsible then that bit of trash news from ABC only a few hours after the tragedy occurred. I can only hope there is a special place in Hell for liberals like that.

Both the emperor and Mitt Romney stopped throwing dirt clods at each other and addressed the Aurora tragedy. I watched both speak and neither took cheap shots or played politics with the moment. The emperor without a teleprompter makes a lot of his staffers nervous, especially after last week’s debacle in Roanoke Virginia but he handled himself fairly well and didn’t go all Trayvon Martin with the victims. I have no complaints.  

News stations all over the country sent reporters to the scene in a frenzied stampede and declared on camera to their viewers that they were all grieving with the victims and their families during this trying and difficult time. It was like they jumped in line at the convenience store to claim they bought the winning lottery ticket to! I don’t think even well intentioned news networks understand how little we care about their reporters and their phony grieving dialogues. Most of us know they want ratings for their network and the reporter wants a Pulitzer. After that it is completely inappropriate for them to insert themselves in any other way into the event. True grieving does not a camera want.

As usual, the suspect always becomes an instant celebrity during incidents like this thanks to the media. The Aurora shooting suspect has had more personal information about his life made public in the first 24 hours then the president has yet divulged about his in the last four years. Funny how quick the media can garner information when they really want it. I wonder how many other borderline psychopaths are out there right now watching the news coverage and salivating at the possibility of creating their own little piece of infamy. When you’re at wit’s end, you stopped taking your meds and your thoughts are getting more and more radical, being famous for a while seems pretty cool I imagine. Does anybody know a better and faster way to get the president of the United States to fly in to your town and talk about you?

In a year or two, someone will one up the Aurora killer. The news people will zoom in and establish another group grieving session. The suspect will have his sixth grade picture posted all over the web and the world. Every friend he ever had will write a book. Politicians will dust off their playbook and sound bites will be flying everywhere from cable news experts. The tragedy in Aurora will take the place of Columbine or some other mass shooting as a reference for talking heads to launch their discussions. But just like in Columbine, and just like Virginia Tech and just like all the other senseless, hideous act of mass violence on school campuses or malls, there will always be the real people who were affected forever. The deceased, the families, the close friends and others who will never be the same. There will be suicides and substance abuse, spousal violence and depression. The cameras will have been long gone; the politicians will have evaporated into thin air. The ceremonies and vigils a thing of history. What will remain is the heavy burden of memory and a constant reflection in the mirror that won’t go away.

There are victims of Aurora that will be incubating for years and it is likely that somewhere or sometime in the future, a fire fighter, a law enforcement officer, a wife, a husband, a son or daughter, a brother or sister, a mom or dad, a store owner, a priest or a best friend will once again experience in some way the horrific after effects of that night in Aurora Colorado.

Who will grieve with them then…………………..      

Wednesday, July 18, 2012


The emperor opened his mouth in Roanoke Virginia a couple days ago and tossed away yet another significant segment of the voting population with his socialist diatribe. In short, he told all small business owners and entrepreneurs in this country that they did not succeed through their own hard work, sacrifice and determination. He told them their success was solely because of government spending. He tried to wrap it in a patriotic baloney sandwich, but that head fake didn’t fool anybody and the sandwich he actually created with his moronic comments had a filling that came from a completely different part of the animal.

The emperor seems to have a habit of alienating people with each and every indoctrination speech he gives. I don’t quite understand his motives for this because he already has most of his constituent’s votes locked up. He owns the derelict vote, the welfare class vote, the drug addict vote, the professional race victim vote, the feeble minded female vote, the gay, lesbian, transgender, bisexual, bestial vote. He has the “head in the sand”, do what I’m told person vote and the socialist, communist, fascist, Marxist, progressive moral degenerate vote. He’s good to go right! Why not keep his chips in a nice pile and ride them to the polls? He wined and dined them all and now he has them lined up right? You don’t think he is concerned at all do you?

I think he is. I get a sense that his campaign tactic of parting out and breaking down the American Spirit had him convinced until recently that come November, voters would all go to the polls with their heads down in subservient gesture and kneel before him as they cast their vote for the great one. His arrogance and self love convinced him of that I’m sure. Now I feel he is having serious doubts. Every speech he gives lately seems to come off more desperate, more lectured and more critical. He is realizing now that words have a way of coming back at you like a boomerang and the people he sacrificed to gain favor with others are now becoming an impressive legion of anti Obama voters. I get a very real feeling we will see a different outcome this November. The citizens of the United States of America will speak. What citizens am I referring to?

Blacks. The emperor, after evolving, was so eager to be put his stamp of approval on gay marriage and nail down the GLBT vote that he may have alienated black church going Christians who do not necessarily see it his way. Blacks historically vote democrat so it may be concerning if he loses a chunk of votes to blacks who do not wish to evolve like he did. Amen!

Jewish people. The emperor has shaken a historically strong democrat voting block by urinating all over our previously positive relationship with Israel. They are really frosted at his love affair with Muslims, considering many in that culture live to see the day that Jews are wiped from the face of the earth.  The emperor will probably lose some votes there. Lahiem!

Young people. The crying, slobbering, passionate college kids from four years ago who offered their heart and sole to the emperor and his promise of utopia have since graduated college and entered a job market from the bowels of hell. They are now bewildered, broke and disillusioned after being forsaken by their chosen one. The love is gone and turnout among young voters will likely go down. Bummer Dude!

Moms. They didn’t care a lick about the concocted contraception scheme and the implications that they were dependent on the emperor for their personal needs. Big mistake Barry. Moms want food on their table and a future for their children. The emperor may take a major hit to this voting block. Well at least he has Sandra Fluke’s vote!

White working class. He has defecated in their faces repeatedly to appease literally every grievance block and progressive liberal he could find. The emperor dug his own grave on this one. Not good.

Catholics. The emperor actually had a majority of Catholics in 08. Not anymore Virginia. Now he is being sued by the Catholic Church because he disregarded the constitution again. Majority no more. May Peace be with him, because votes most certainly will not be!

Hispanics. The emperor already blew his wad courting this group. Those who struggled through the onerous process of gaining legal entry into this country are furious at his illegal amnesty program so Barry has nowhere to go but down from here. If Romney picks a Hispanic running mate the emperor could see a very real drop in this voting block. Claro que Si!

The middle class. Many well intentioned people voted for the emperor in 08 based on his “Hope and Change” sound bite. They will not be fooled again and they will take their pound of flesh this time around for being made a mark in the socialist con game during the last election. This is really, really bad for Barry.  His BS oration has run its course with the fed up working class and when this group gets pissed…….they can pack a punch! Duck and weave Barry! 

The unemployed. Millions of Americans have been unemployed during the entire Obama administration and still are. Most want to work, some don’t. The ones that don’t will find a disability to claim for further government funding, the ones that do want to work will not vote for Barrack Hussein Obama again. They will vote Foghorn leghorn into office first.

If you lost you job during the last three and half years, if you lost your house, if your pay plummeted, if your debt skyrocketed, if your freedoms have faded and your choices have diminished, remember….you didn’t get there on your own. Somebody else made that happen. And he’s running for reelection